Market News

The life over 50

According to Csaba Iglódi, head of the communication agency NetAktív, many start a new life over 50 with different ideas and expectations than had been common in the past. An...

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Health conquering shelves

Olive oil, sport and energy drinks, cereals and corn flakes are the most dynamically growing food categories, with annual expansion of 50 per cent. Healthy food has become one of...

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Ten per cent plus within a year

Mystery Shopping is the most effective method of surveying customer satisfaction. The practice of test shopping has been in use for a long time in Western Europe, but it is...

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To be portioned ham is getting more popular again

Retail sales of ham in terms of quantity dropped by 5 per cent last year. The 5 per cent increase in terms of value was the result of rising consumer...

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Older people as well

According to Ottilia Dörnyei, director of GfK Hungária, a slow shift is detectable in consumption habits towards healthy food. Young families with small children and women over 50 are the...

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Good old regions…

Retail audits had been and still are essential tools for measuring distribution and evaluating OSS figures. Large sales organisations can obtain an increasing amount of information from their sales networks...

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Reliable quality hams for Easter

It seems that the last Easter season has been a quite successful one for manufacturers of branded hams. The 2007 Easter campaign by the Association of the Meat Industry communicating...

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Rapidly growing assortment of bio products

A bio-revolution is sweeping through Europe, producing double digit growth. Expansion is less dynamic in Hungary but still notable. Though the popularity of bio products is growing everywhere, they are...

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Great demand for regional data from Nielsen

Regional data about retail sales is becoming increasingly important. 80 per cent of Nielsen clients receive standard regional data about five major regions as a basic service. Demand for specialised...

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Eggs from milk chocolate are the most popular

Retail sales of Easter sweets dropped by 9 per cent in terms of quantity last year. Total sales amounted to HUF 22.5 billion in 2007. Sales continue to be concentrated...

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Products telling stories

According to Judit Csányi, managing director of KIDZ-Entertainment Hungary, it is best to select a cartoon character for promoting a product who will not only be accepted by children but...

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Joanna Blythmann: Shopped, the shocking power of Britain’s supermarkets

Joanna Blythmann is one of the best known English authors specialising in food. This book deals with the negative effects of the spreading of modern retail systems. However, she does...

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Accelerating rearrangement in the market of figures

The decrease in popularity of nougat sweets in the market of seasonal figures made from sweets seems to be an irreversible process. Cheap and usually unbranded nougat sweets are losing...

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Cartoon characters are effective till the age of ten

Products for children under 10 have to be accepted by their parents as well. This is not very easy to achieve, because children and adults have very different expectations. According...

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Code of Ethics staying in effect

According to a resolution by the Economic Competition Office (GVH), the provisions of the Code of Commercial Ethics relevant to relations between retailers and suppliers shall remain in effect till...

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More mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard sold

The market of liquid flavourings expanded in the December 2007 – November 2007 period both in terms of quantity and value. Growth in terms of value was 7 per cent...

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Agricultural price rises slowing down

The prices of agricultural products were 35.3 per cent up in November 2007, compared to the same month in 2006. The prices of plant products were up by 60.2 per...

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Handling parallel quantity units

The functionality of SAP CWM promises a perfect solution for handling products in parallel quantity units. This is part of the fully integrated IT solution developed for the food industry...

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Mayonnaise showing most dynamic growth

Leading brands like Globus and Univer use intensive in-store communication and health focused innovation to keep pace with private labels. According to recent data from Nielsen, mustard, mayonnaise and ketchup...

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Good times in sight for the dairy business

The Agricultural Business Research institute (AKI) monitors trends in the world market of food. Data from the price information system (PÁÍR) of AKI and KSH can be useful for making...

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Promotions and efficiency

Promotional sales accounted for up to 40 per cent of overall sales in some of the largest categories last year. 82 per cent of Hungarian consumers are actively looking for...

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Dressings popular

According to data from the Consumer Scan of GfK Hungária Market Research, over half of all Hun­garian households bought mustard and mayon­naise during the first nine months of 2007. Mustard...

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Growth accelerating this year

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. and Erste Bank, growth is expected to accelerate substantially in 2008, compared to the previous year. Both the external and internal balance...

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(HU) Nem elég szigorú a csődtörvény


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Healthy Growth in Functional Food Market

Consumers are becoming more skeptical about the health claims made by food and drink manufacturers. Datamonitor analysis estimates that the combined US, Western European and Asia Pacific functional food and...

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January's unemployment rate of 8.1 percent

In the period of November 2007–January 2008, the number of employed people was 3,873 thousand and the number of unemployed people was 343 thousand. In the given period, 54.6 percent...

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European companies have to decrease their sugar output with 1.14 millio tons

If they fail to make satisfactory cutbacks, companies risk a final cut with no compensation being imposed on them.  Until now, 4.8m tonnes have been renounced within the restructuring scheme,...

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FMCG prise cartel in France

If found guilty of anticompetitive practices, the companies could face fines of up to 10 percent of their annual worldwide revenue — possibly amounting to billions of euros.  Le Figaro ...

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Not tumult at Janury clearance sales

According to Media Research Company in spite of the prise actions and sales outs people don't buy anithing.  75% of the answerers said that don't want and will to shop...

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Retail wings in Poland

January Retail Sales Up From 2007 Polish retail sales in January rose a strong 20.9% year-on-year, but fell 18.7% when compared to December 2007. According to figures from the national...

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