Market News

Glorious welcome for the Hungarian wines in the U.S.

The Wall Street Journal business newspaper reports about the almost unspeakable, but excellent Hungarian wines. From New York to Los Angeles, several leaders of the American wine industry fell in...

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The Polish GDP was able to increase last year

The Polish economy last year grew by 1.6 percent – stated Michal Boni, economic adviser of the Polish prime minister, on Monday. The Polish central bank vice president, Zbigniew Hockuba...

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US-Russian negotiations on chlorinated chickens

The U.S. government has initiated negotiations with the Russian Government, after Russia banned the imports of poultry cleaned with chlorinated agents from 1st of January. The delegation of American experts...

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Chile can be the key to Latin America

Chile will become a full member in the OECD. This can bring favorable market opportunities for Hungary, in South America. Chile can be an excellent starting point for the Hungarian...

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This year there will also be Community Wine Marketing

Despite the liquidation of the Hungarian Wine Marketing Nonprofit Ltd., this year will also be Community Wine Marketing in Hungary – said Horváth Csaba to the MTI. The expert reminded,...

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Mixed news from the U.S.A.: overwhelming labor data, encouraging wholesale stocks

With the 85 thousand registered dismissal of the last month, U.S. unemployment stays on 10 percent. The unexpected growth of the wholesale stock, can compensate the analysts. The number of...

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Sugar price increases towards

After in 2009 the price of sugar almost doubled, this year resulted a new peak, have not seen since January 1981. The main reasons of the price boom are: the...

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We do not trust in the improvement of our financial situation

According to the latest joint survey of GfK Hungária and the Corvinus University; consumer confidence is stable, the value has not changed since October 2009, currently standing on 146.1 points....

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Unfavorable turn in european retail

According to Eurostat’s datas; an unexpected turn has occured in the euro area retail trade, because sales in November dropped by 1.2 percent, after the 0.2 percent increase of the...

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Increasing inflation in the OECD

The most recent, last November inflation data measured in the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member states, can be interpreted as the slow restart of demand and the sign of...

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Special tax on fast food supply

The Romanian Ministry of Health would introduce a new tax for fast-food products, announced Cseke Attila Minister, who said that tax should be paid after fast-food, sweets and carbonated soft...

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One theft per minute in the English shops

Shocking crime datas have been published in Great Britain. Due to the impact of the crisis, one billion pounds worth of goods disappears from the shops annually, and the number...

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Almost one-third more companies bankrupted last year, than in 2008

According to Opten company data provider’s datas; Last year in Hungary, 15 066 companies bankrupted, 31.5 percent more than a year ago. This is consistent with the prior expectations, but...

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The unemployment rate increased by nearly 3 percent in a year

According to Central Statistical Office; The number of employees between age 15 and 74, in September-November of 2009 was 3.79 million, the number of unemployed was 445 thousand. This is...

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U.S. economy can be drop back in recession

After the Columbia University’s Nobel laureate professor, Joseph Stiglitz and Martin Feldstein of Harvard University warned against excessive optimism, a Nobel laureate Paul Krugman also made obscure projections about the...

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China exports more than Germany

According to the October report of Global Trade Sevices; On the exports world rankings China overtook Germany. In the first 10 months of 2009, Chinese companies exported a total of...

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Spirits market keeps on

The excise tax and VAT increase, did not shake the Spirits market. The datas of Nielsen market research co. show, that the consumer prices of bitters rose by 6 percent,...

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Thematic malls to come

An international consulting firm expert sees the 2010-11 future of the Czech retail market in thematic malls, that will offer the range of product by concentration, for example, only restaurants,...

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Euro zone’s manufacturing performance is above 50 points for the third month

Euro zone’s manufacturing performance increased to 51.6 points in December 2009 from the 51.2 points of November. The new orders index decreased to 53.6 points, compared to the preliminary 53.9...

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Without structural reforms

According to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK); 2009 was a wasted year in the aspect of economy participants – said Parragh László, president of MKIK. The biggest...

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The average price of pasta slightly decreased

The annual retail sales of pasta exceeds 26 billion HUF, between December 2008 and November 2009, just like a year earlier. The shops sales are steadily over 52 thousand tons...

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The Hungarian corporate sector activity is bad

According to the recent Statistics on financial accounts released on Monday; the Hungarian corporate sector activity has never been so deep, as in the third quarter of 2009. The datas...

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The French-Hungarian connection is buoyant, despite the crisis

The Hungarian-French Chamber of Commerce counting more than 200 members, aspires on to mobilize the French-Hungarian business community, in order to exploit business opportunities effectively. In the Hungarian economy, the...

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Free trade in Asia: 2 billion consumers

From the 1st of January 2010, Free Trade Agreement will come into term between China and the six ASEAN member countries (Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei). The...

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Non-uniform treatment at card requests

The banks could refer on their own internal business rules at Széchenyi card requests, so there are no uniform criterias of the confiscation. According to a loan consultant; whole sectors...

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Russians do not need chlorinated poultry

Russia bans the importation of chlorine clened poultrym, from the 1st of January – announced the leader of the Russian High Authority of Health. The decision does not affect the...

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Last year, the arable crop reduced by one fifth, compared to 2008

In 2009, in the case of crops, an average of more than 20 percent decline has occured in volume, compared to 2008 – said Gőgös Zoltán, Secretary of the Ministry...

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Excise tax increases by ten percent

After the 2009 excise tax and VAT increase, from the 1st of January 2010, alcohol and tobacco excise tax increase will occur again. The consumers will detect only minor price...

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Italian wine imports makes the living of wine producers harder

Slightly less than the annual average, about 3-3.5 million hectoliters of wine are in the cellars after harvest, while the domestic consumption of wine, according to estimations; are about an...

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U.S.A.: improving labor market prospects

The lowest unemployment benefits claimed in the United States for the first time since nearly one and a half years ago. Last week -seasonally adjusted – the number of new...

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