Market News

Card spendings increased in Europe

According to the joint report of Visa Europe and Markit market research company; in the first quarter of 2010, Europe's population spent 9 percent more with card, than in the...

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U.S. consumer spendings do not change

The U.S. consumer spendings were stagnated in April, while personal income, thanks to the improvement in the labor market, increased. According to the communication of the Ministry of Commerce; personal...

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Brazil will decrease the beer tax during the soccer World Championship

Local brewers warned that they will not be able to meet the increased demand during the tournament. The government therefore announced that the imported canned beer tax will be decreased...

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Hungary is among the firsts in incorporate fraud

The most common of corporate fraud can be found in Hungary, in the Central and Eastern European region – was said at the press conference of Ernst & Young. According...

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Reputation Rating for the second time: A Hungarian company is in the lead

B&P Braun & Partners Reputation made the reputational ranking of the largest companies in Hungary. The research showed that Richter has the best reputation in Hungary today. On the second...

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Stagnant unemployment

The rise in unemployment stopped in the three-month period of February to April: The unemployment rate was 11.8 percent, the same as in January-March – reported the Central Statistical Office...

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Improvement in the U.S. advertising market, have not seen for four years

According to the datas of Kantar Media; in the first quarter of 2010, U.S. firms spent 31.3 million USD on advertising, 5.1 percent more, than a year earlier. The greatest...

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The OECD expects the growth of Hungarian economy already this year

This year, the Hungarian economy can increase, since the revival of external demand offsets the weakness in domestic demand – states the projection of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and...

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The Eastern European retailing is on the way of urbanization

Shopping centers at all motorway exits – in the Eastern European capitals, retail trade is at the edge of the cities. This trend seems to turn in Budapest, Prague, Bratislava,...

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Retail’s fall may stop in the second half of the year

Although on paper recession has ended, but the traders expect a further market decrease, in the first half of the year. The second six months, may bring stagnation. The participants...

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Sportswear beside canned food

The largest sportswear brands open toward the supermarkets. Previously, the runway collections, or the B-class products were marketed in these places, now the latest sportswear trends will also appear among...

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Deteriorating consumer sentiment in Europe's largest economy

According to the survey of GfK; The euro zone's financial crisis and the weakening euro start to impact on the consumer mood in Europe's largest economy, Germany. Thus, the consumer...

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4.6 percent turnover decline in retail sales

The retail sales volume – adjusted from calendary day effect – decreased by 4.6 percent, in the first quarter of 2010 and in March by 4.0 percent, compared to the...

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Moroccan producer who exported contaminated pepper excluded from export

According to Muláj Abbesz el-Kadiri Moroccan Ambassador, the exporter, who exported pepper contaminated with chemicals to Hungary will be excluded from export. The contaminated product was produced by a small...

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Industrial orders: 20 percent annual growth in the euro area

The euro zone’s new industrial orders increased in an extent, have not seen for 10 years in March, which may be another indication that the second quarter, will occur well...

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Many shops can not give back from the twenty-thousand banknote

According to the joint survey of the MasterCard and Bankká joint in most of the shops in Budapest the change of the largest Hungarian bank not is still an impossible...

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Government program: focus on local food production

According to the rural chapters of the government program; The new government would terminate the multi tax nature of the food retail shelf money and would reduce the sales of...

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GKI index is on its pre-crisis level

In May, the value of GKI’s seasonally adjusted business climate index continued to rise. According to the survey, made by GKI Economic Research Co. (, with the support of the...

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Decline in fruit and vegetables yield, due to rainfall

Due to the rainfall and the floods the fruit and vegetables yield, will be 10-15 percent less, but price increases are not necessarily expected. The experts questioned by the InfoRádió...

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Western Europe eats ducks rather than geese

The consumption of geese products decreased, partly due to the discrediting campaign of the Four Paws, partly because of the crisis in Western Europe. More and more customers are buying...

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The food industry should be treated as a strategic sector

The food industry may ruin, if we fail to boost innovation – states the Hungarian National Food Technology Platform. According to their calculations; 45-50 billion HUF should be invested in...

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There is no ceasefire between the stores and the suppliers

Next week, the suppliers will make a statement against those food retail chains, that are most violate the unfair trading practices law. The two major problems with the food retail...

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Széchenyi Card: 7.6 billion debt, from 750 billion

The Hungarian companies has reached 750 billion HUF credit line through the Széchenyi card system. Currently 1600 companies are on the black list, but the bankruptcy rate is relatively low.The...

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Hungary's competitiveness has improved

Hungary improved from last year’s 45th place to the 42nd in IMD’s 2010 competitiveness rankings – reports the Swiss IMD, the world's leading business school. According to the latest ranking;...

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The Ifo-index shows an improvement the global economic sentiment

The global economic sentiment index of the German IFO Institute for Economic Research improved further. The index of the second quarter rose to 104.1 points, from the former 99.5 points...

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The European Parliament does not support meet glueing

The European Parliament vetoed the European Commission's decision, which made it possible to use the thrombin enzyme as food additive. The thrombin was used to glue the meet parts that...

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Unemployment hits a peak

Unemployment hit a 16-year peak in December 2009-February 2010: KSH measured the unemployment rate to be 11.4 percent, with 3,726,000 people being employed and 479,000 unemployed in the 15-74 age...

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Ice cream experiences from branded products

It seems like the crisis does not affect ice cream sales – Nielsen reported improvement. If we look behind the trend, we can see that private labels are slowly expanding...

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They are the best in promotion

Trade magazin, in cooperation with Nielsen and with support from POPAI Hungary and Trade Marketing Club organised its promotion competition. Manufacturers and promotion agencies competed in 5 categories (food, drink,...

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Coded price-hunting with iPhone

Árukereső.hu, Hungary’s most popular price comparison site introduced a useful application for iPhone. By using the iPhone camera to read products’ barcodes in-store, the application finds the best on-line price...

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