Market News

Poverty and consumption: cheaper products are more popular than promotions

GfK Hungária carried out a survey on the consumption habits of more than 3 million Hungarians, who live below the poverty line. Despite being poor, these people spend significant amounts...

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A slight contraction on the condiment market

Value sales in condiment retail only fell by 1 percent in April 2009-March 2010, in comparison with the same period a year earlier. According to the Nielsen Retail Index, the...

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Hungarian milk domestic sales declining

The Hungarian dairy business mood reduces and the domestic sales also declining – states the most recent summary of the Milk Marketing Board, which was published on the occasion of...

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One-fifth of the companies feel the export boom

According to the latest survey of Coface Hungary; in nearly half of the interviewed hundreds of Hungarian exporting companies, an over 5 percent export revenues reduction occured in 2009. 21...

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A proposal for “hamburger tax”

The Strategic Alliance for the Hungarian Hospitals proposed a health action plan. The association's proposal also stipulates that health care contribution (10 HUF per unit) should be introduced on alcohol,...

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Best practices for self-regulation: the recent results of the beer industry

A report entitled “Beer advertising with responsible self-regulation ” was issued by the Brewers Association Europe (BoE), which summarizes the European brewing industry self-regulatory practices. The Brewers Association Europe (BoE)...

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The Watermelon Association initiates the creating of a government fund

The Hungarian Watermelon Association turns to the government for help. They want to achieve the creation of a government fund, that would pay the producers the price immediately, to avoid...

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The world price of coffee increased

Within five days, the world price of coffee increased by 20 percent. The Arabica coffee rose onto its two-year peak, according to analysts; mainly due to speculation. The price of...

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Hungary is the seventh greenest among seventeen countries

According to the survey of the National Geographic; the Indian, Brazilian and Chinese consumers are the greenest, while the consumption of the American, Canadian French and British citizens are considered...

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GKI expects a one percent growth from the Hungarian economy

According to the new forecast of the GKI Economic Research Co.; the Hungarian economy will grow by one percent this year, the government deficit to GDP ratio will be 4...

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A small decrease occured in agri producer prices

The producer price level of agricultural goods declined by 0.2 percent in January-April, compared to a year earlier – reports the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the datas of...

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Fruit and vegetables prices increase

Fruits will be expensive this year. 60-70 percent of strawberries, sour cherries and cherries were destroyed because of the rainy May – said Mártonffy Béla, Executive Director of FRUITVEB. About...

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The expansion of European industry broke a record on annual basis

Industrial production in the countries of the Euro area increased faster-than-expected in April, but the rate of growth slowed, compared to March. The annual expansion was the largest ever recorded....

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Chicken meat price to increase

The price of chicken meat will increase by about 20-100 HUF per kilo in the forthcoming days. An increase in demand occured in Western Europe, which means increasing orders for...

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Milk Day: 41 percent of the Hungarians consumes milk daily

Milk is one of the most important basic food of mankind. 44 percent of the world's population consumes milk on a daily basis. The International Milk Assiciation and the United...

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Counterfeiting of goods – one of the most profitable industry

According to Forbes; Counterfeiting of goods is among the world's seven most profitable illegal industries. It is estimated that 5-7 percent of total international trade expose by fakes. Drug business,...

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Import food control will be more stringent

According to the plans of the government; import food control will be more stringent. According to domestic processors; this will not reduce the proportion of foreign goods, but at least...

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The supporters of Sunday opening hours have a narrow majority

According to the survey of Median; Public opinion is divided in the question if the state would regulate Sunday opening hours. The number of the proposal’s supporters has increased in...

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A surprising reduction in the U.S. retail market

U.S. retail sales unexpectedly showed a decrease of 1.2 percent in May, while the earlier data was revised from a 0.4 percent increase to 0.6 percent. Expectations were about a...

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Dynamic export expansion to Asia

According to the experts of the Hungarian National Bank; Hungary was the only in the region that was able in the last two years, to increase its export to Asia...

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Consumer confidence is key to the growth in demand

According to the survey of Nielsen market research company; Although the turnover of food retail sales decreased, consumer confidence is coming back. Two thirds of Hungarian consumers switched to buy...

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The Pálinka Chamber would consult with the government

National Council of Pálinka (Pálinkatanács) initiates consultations with the government, to restore the right over the freedom of Fruit spirit making – said Piros László, vice president of the Pálinka...

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The producer price of eggs decreasing

The EU accession caused big losses in the Hungarian egg industry. There is no significant manufacturing behind it, the product largely comes directly from producers to food trade – states...

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The price of waste paper increased by 8-10 fold in Europe within a year

All over Europe, the price of corrugated packing materials are increase – states the communication of MAHUSz (Hungarian Association of Corrugated Association). Serious negative change occured in the European corrugated...

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World economy may slower improve than expected

The European debt crisis suggests that the improvement of the global economy may be slower than expected in the past – said Sinohara Naojuki, deputy managing director of the International...

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SMEs can apply for two hundred million HUF

SMEs can apply for a total of two hundred million HUF in order to improve their competitiveness and expand their capacities until the end of the month and until the...

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Handball is the second most popular sport

Nearly 60% of the Hungarian population follows the sporting events. Handball is the second most popular sport in team sports, also a silver medalist on the list of those sports,...

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The Hungarian economy grew slightly in the first quarter

The gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2010 increased by 0.1, eliminating the calendary effect by 0.2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. According...

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Here is the government's 29-point action plan

The new prime minister yesterday announced his economic action program in the National Assembly. Stricker food imports testing, abolished “small taxes”, the return of the blue book, free alcohol distilerry....

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Domestic consumption remains weak

According to the first estimation of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) export value was 1497 billion HUF (5,649 million euros) while import was 1357 billion HUF (5122 million euros) in...

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