Market News

The azo dyes causes hyperactivity and problems in concentrating?

According to a study; azo dyes cause hyperactivity and concentration problems to children. Despite this, the European Union has not banned them, saying, their consumptiion in small quantities, not pose...

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The azo dyes causes hyperactivity and problems in concentrating?

According to a study; azo dyes cause hyperactivity and concentration problems to children. Despite this, the European Union has not banned them, saying, their consumptiion in small quantities, not pose...

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U.S. consumers are more optimistic than in July

The mood of consumers slightly improved in the United States: the indicator’s value in August rose by 69.6 points from the 67.8 points of July – published the Michigan State...

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U.S. consumers are more optimistic than in July

The mood of consumers slightly improved in the United States: the indicator’s value in August rose by 69.6 points from the 67.8 points of July – published the Michigan State...

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Hungaricums will get state management

The Magyar ÉrtékTár – Hungarikum Ház, may be an institution with a budget of several 10 billions HUF, from next January, if the parliament will adopt the act, during the...

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Hypermarkets by the border will not repeat last year's performance due to the stronger HUF

According to the survey of Nielsen; the market share of hypermarkets decreased in terms of food, cosmetics and household chemicals, in the first half of the year. The share of...

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The price of bread may jump big, due to the price increase of flour

The Millers increased the price of flour from 52-55 HUF to 65-70 HUF per kilogramme. The price increase may follow by a similar degree of price rise, within a few...

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The Russian forest fires increases the price of beer in the UK

According to the datas of the British Beer and Pub Association; In Great Britain, over the past twenty years the price of beer nearly tripled. Now, further significant price rises...

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Ipsos: is the glass half full or half empty?

According to the research of Ipsos; The majority believe that there is no tangible signs of the economic growth in June 2010, the business climate index has not changed, compared...

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The rise in food prices drives up the inflation

Inflation rose in July, faster than expected, but this did not cause any particular surprise. The full year forecasts are the same, as the government’s expectations. According to the most...

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Small breweries strenghtens with special beers

A dramatic decline occured in the number of small breweries in Hungary: more than 300 breweries were operating in the time of the millennium, now only 50 left. Today, only...

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The state marketing companies would be concentrated

The Ministry of National Economy examines the possibility of the merging of the Agricultural Marketing Center, the ITD Hungary and the Hungarian National Tourist Office. The three institutions were created...

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The FruitVeB refutes the allegation of Air Working Group

According to the Air Working Group; most of the Hungarian fruits and vegetables are contaminated with chemical residues and the situation in Central and Eastern Europe is the same. According...

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This year, the Hungarian economy can grow

Instead of previously expected 0.2% decline, this year a 0.6% increase occured in Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP), the average inflation rate can be 4.7%, instead of the formerly predicted...

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Taste in the water

According to the online survey of Nestlé Lifestyle Centre; Hungary’s mineral water consumption patterns increasingly resemble what can be seen in Western countries: the taste of the water is getting...

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More and more people believe in fast recovery

According to Nielsen market research company’s international survey of May; Hungarians are more optimistic, compared to the international average, over the recovery from the crisis. An average 21 percent of...

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The World Bank wants to avoid the global food crisis

The World Bank called on the countries to refrain from policies that can erupt a new global food crisis. The call was made after Russia steted the possibility to extend...

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240 million hours surfing per month

According to the joint gIA reasearch of Gemius és az Ipsos; Between 2006 and 2010, the average time spent on the Internet, increased almost to eight-fold. A significant increase occured...

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Food may become cheaper

If the plans of several agri-groups may become real, an up 10 percent priice decrease can occur. The reduction of VAT protects the domestic products and may result the boom...

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Geothermal energy can make us a vegetable great power

Hungary, based on geothermal energy can be a vegetable great power in a short time – states the leader of the Institute of Horticultural Technology of the Szent István University...

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The middle class of the emerging economies will be the engine of consumption

According to the study of McKinsey; In the next decade, the consumption of the middle class in the emerging economies may triple, which would exceeded the total value of the...

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The good German datas are good for Hungarians

Better-than-expected German economy datas were published on Monday. Since Hungary's most important trading partner is Germany, these datas can improve the prospects of the Hungarian economy as well. According to...

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Dissatisfaction often causes poor performance among the leading workers

According to the study of Salesjob; Experts mainly highlights the positive effects, such as the growth of efficiency, in relation to job satisfaction, but during the examination, the potential damages...

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GKI: Exports have the main role

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. in cooperation with Erste Bank; the ratio of the mainly export driven economic growth rate will be around 1 percent. Hungary's...

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The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry urges mandatory membership

The mandatory chamber membership would be a good solution to strengthen the organization of the economy and to reduce bureaucracy – said Parragh László, President of the Hungarian Chamber of...

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The trade balance shows a 2.8 billion euros assets, in a half year

The trade balance in January-June of 2010, showed a 2.812 billion euros (764 billion HUF) asset. The balance improved by 1.083 billion euros (252 billion HUF) has improved compared to...

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German Industry had a great quarter, despite bad June data

In June, instead of the expected growth, the industrial production declined slightly in Germany. However, in the whole second quarter, industry has increased in a record extent. According to the...

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Four Paws action against Chinese duck meat

The Cheap Chinese duck meat is a threat to Hungarian farmers – states the Four Paws Foundation. The European Union has recently decided to allow imports of Chinese duck into...

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The store sales of household and cosmetics product are stable

The retail sales of household and cosmetics product are stable in terms of value, in the first half of the year. In terms of volume, only a 1 percent decrease...

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The gross average salary doubled in ten years

According to the research of the Central Statistical Office; fewer people are employed in the private sector than at the beginning of the decade, but their average wages, however, exceeds...

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