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(HU) Átadták az első OTP Széchenyi Pihenőkártyát

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OKSZ: a summer price reductions and sales are much lower than last year

The fastest traders are trying to attract the consumers with lower prices than usual, even from the first real summer days and it lasts until the end of August. It...

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Which product can be considered as Hungarian?

So far, the the Hungarian product labelling was not regulated, however, according to a new draft, the Government would set up the conditions, that the companies should meet, in order...

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The European Parliament voted the new food label regulations

In the future, it should be indicated clearly how much fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, protein and salt the product contains, helping the customers who can consciously decide what kind...

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The Ministry of Rural Development confutes: there is no list

The press office of the Ministry of Rural Development confutes the informations of Hírszerző.hu, that the ministry compiled a list of those firms in Hungary, that are producing home produced...

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Chinese agricultural investment in Kalocsa

Török Ferenc, Mayor of Kalocsa signed a memorandum with the representative of the Shenzhen-based You Yuan Industrial Co. LTD, over creating a modern agricultural production base in Kalocsa. Török Ferenc...

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The European Parliament supports the action against GM crops

The European Parliament supported the EU legislation draft, that will allow new legislative opportunity for the member states, to ban the cultivation of GM crops. The legal basis for national...

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Anglers put on alert over killer carp disease

Anglers and fishery owners are being warned to be on their guard following outbreaks of the Koi Herpes Virus – a killer carp disease for which there is no known...

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Stekaholders call for action on pollinators

European Parliament event confirms alignment on key pollinator conservation issues Key stakeholders discussed the importance of pollination and the role of pollinator species at a conference at the European Parliament...

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The first half year's financial collapses broke record

There have not been so many financial collapses in Hungary in one month and in one half year as it occurred in June and in the first six months –...

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Sugar prices decreased significantly

Compared to the former price of 400 HUF, sugar can be purchased for even 273 HUF – and not only in the stores selling the state stocks – writes

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Facts about food processing and food safety

In Hungary, in 2010, the gross production value of food processing has reached 2,036 billion HUF – among other things, this was the major focus of the discussion held by...

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We pay one of Europe's highest VAT

One of the highest VAT rates of the European Union can be found in Hungary. But in case of the personal income tax Hungarians pay only the half of the...

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The E. coli bacteria infected sausage did not cause disease

The Austrians detected diarrhea-causing bacteria coli in a Hungarian sausage. The bacteria did not belong to the bacteria-strain that caused the disease in Germany. According to the datas, it can...

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EU retail trade declined in May

In May, the volume of retail sales in the eurozone and in the EU declined by 1.1 percent on a monthly base excessing the expectations. In April, a 0.7 percent...

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Food safety: summer controls are coming

Vegetables, fruits and ice cream are all carefully examined this year for food safety by inspectors, within the compass of this summer's regula food safety inspections – Lajos Bognár, eputy...

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The revenue of the poultry sector increased

With different sub-sectoral results, but overall the poultry industry closed a better year this year than last year. Roughly a 20 billion HUF increase may occur in revenues – this...

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Last year, wages have increased by 3-5 percent

Last year, a 3 to 5 percent wage increase occurred at 10 percent more companies, compared to the previous year and the number of employers giving fringe benefits have also...

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Ipsos: TV viewers prefer product placement rather than advertising

The intensive TV viewers and the 18-29 age group recalled product placement in a greater extent than the average – reports MTI, after the statement of Ipsos. 70 percent of...

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The Sajt-Kalmár Kft. targets the Russian market

The privately owned Hungarian Sajt-Kalmár Kft. wants to promote and sell the Hungarian cheese on the Russian markets. Spisák Tamás, the company's managing director, said that the proposed Russian exports...

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Melon-test is about to start

Melon-season is just about to start, so Sándor Fazekas rural development minister has ordered a total, thorough control of water-melons in order to protect the right of customers. Experts are...

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Sugar Commission: how only one sugar factory exists in Hungary, compared to the former twelve?

16 people are expected to examine, what happened, during the privatization of the Hungarian sugar factories 20 years ago. They also interested in why the Hungarian sugar industry in performance...

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Stagnating business and deteriorating consumer expectations

In June GKI-Erste economic confidence index adjusted for seasonal effects continued to deteriorate. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI with the support of the EU business expectations remained...

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The beer market can get through the nadir

On the basis of the experiences of the first six months, the ten years lasting decline of the domestic beer market seems to slow down, the domestic brewers are hoping...

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Are Egypt, fenugreek seeds responsible for the diarrheal epidemic?

According to the latest report of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; the diarrheal epidemic that infected in Germany and France, are due to seeds imported from Egypt...

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The Four Paws attacks again

The Four Paws Animal protection organization has launched an attack on, among other things, against the Hungarian goose liver and against thedomestic goose breeders. Their action was successful in Cologne,...

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Plaza Stop in the guise of sustainability?

According to the proposed amendment of the commercial law; the firms from January, should obtain the approval of the Professional Board for Sustainable Trade (FKSZT) if they want to open...

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The poultry sector expects modest growth with a 270 billion HUF in revenue

The poultry sector will achieve an expected 6-7 percent revenue growth, this year. Revenues are expected around 270 billion HUF, compared last year's 250 billion – told Bárány László, chairman...

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There are no uniform EU rules for honey

It is an untenable condition, that the Union has no common regulation of allowed antibiotics in honey. For example, the honey, that is “polluted and should be destroyed”, in Hungary...

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Instore marketing is facing great expectations

Even though 85 percent of the decisions made by FMCG-customers are made in the store while getting the shopping done, companies only spend a bare five percent of the marketing-budget...

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