Market News

Harvest time is over

“The harvest is complete in the majority of the country. The quality of wheat is excellent, with average yields in excess of four tons per hectare” – announced State Secretary...

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METRO starts school with special offers

METRO is helping to increase its partners competitiveness by offering special actions to customers: between 18th and 31st August, a 16 page-long cataloge is released by the company, in which...

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Hungary retail food sales see growth of 3%

Retail food sales in Hungary rose 3% in value terms but fell 2% in volume terms in the second quarter from the same period a year earlier, market researcher Nielsen...

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Growth significantly slows in the German and in the Hungarian economy

Compared to the first quarter, the Hungarian economy has stagnated. Even compared to last year's numbers a 1.5 percent growth can be seen in the second quarter datas – shows...

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We purchase price sensitively, not health-consciously

Hungarians do not purchase health consciously, but due to their price sensitivity, the introduction of the so-called hamburger-tax may be succesful – shows the joint survey of KutatóCentrum and Marketing...

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Rush in food prices reserves are low – World Bank warning

Global food prices in July this year, significantly exceeded the year-ago levels: overall growth was 33 percent. In addition, the level of reserves is very low – states the Food...

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The producer price of grain and fruit increased significantly

The agricultural producer price level in June 2011 was 35.3 percent higher than a year ago. In particular, the price level of plant products increased by 46.7, the price level...

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No crisis on the luxury goods market

The Bond Street in London is the most exclusive shopping street in Europe, followed by Avenenue Montaggne in Paris, while the third is in Moscow: the Stoleshnikov Lane. According to...

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Competition for Hungarian webshops

Webshops of Hungary can now compete for the title of the Shop Of The Country, in the categories of quality and popularity. Árukereső.hu wants to introduce quality webshops and the...

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Problematic Hungarian growth

GKI has released its latest snapshot of the Hungarian economy. Only moderate changes are in store for the rest of 2011, says the market researcher. The negative effects of the...

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Research institute for the Tokaj wine-region

A new viticultural research insitute is about to open its gates in the historic Tokaj wine-region. The headquarters will be located in Tarcal, where a similar insitute used to work...

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Biomass crop plans launched by the American government

Boosters of the project tout it as a way to keep energy payments local, boost farm income and reduce carbon emissions. “This will reduce our reliance on foreign oil, and...

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Global milk consumption can increase by thirty percent until 2020

The global demand for liquid milk products will increase by 30 percent increase between 2010 and 2020 – shows Tetra Pak's latest study. This increase may be due to three...

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The taxation of unhealthy foods is not the solution

Nutrition specialists, tax experts, food industry personalities and politicians all over the world are arguing over, can they influence the consumption of unhealthy foods, thereby fighting obesity, diabetes, and the...

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We cannot be more pessimistic

The opinion of the Hungarians is so negative over the situation of their own and the economy that – regardless of the real processes – it can not get worse...

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Exchange rate fixing: foreign currency loan borrowers still await

The exchange rate fixing program is available since Friday, but the expected rush delays, despite some of the banks have extended their opening hours. According to the market leader OTP;...

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K&H: Half of the SMEs expect share from EU funds

The EU co-funded aid applications remain important sources for businesses. An average of every second small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) consider it realistic, that they will receive this type of...

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China is flooded with fake French wines

Although it is more difficult to counterfeit branded wines, than luxury bags and watches, however, China is flooded by the famous – mostly French – wine brand imitations. The first...

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Red wine against sunburn

According to Spanish researchers; grapes and wine protect against sunburn. Marta Cascante, biochemist and her team at the University of Barcelona demonstrated that the flavonoids in grapes may reduce the...

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The domestic and European industry pushed their brakes

Instead of the expected growth, industrial production declined in June in the eurozone and in the European Union as well – shows Eurostat's Friday published datas. The Hungarian industry shifted...

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The crop destruction ordered because of the GM contamination affects8.5 to 9 thousand hectares

The crop destruction affects approximately 8.5 to 9 hectares, about 4,500 hectares of GM contaminated seeds and about 4,000 hectares of buffer zones – said Czerván György, Secretary for the...

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Consumer confidence has fallen dramatically in the United States

According to the consumer confidence index published by Reuters / University of Michigan; a brutal deterioration occurred in consumer sentiment in the United States in August. On the basis of...

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Hungarians prefer advertisements sent in e-mail

Hungarian citizens prefer commercials being sent to their e-mail address more than any other nation does. If a company or an institute send information in e-mail, using the clients real...

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French monks grow organic wine

An ancient French monastery's monks preach water, but produce wine for more than 1,600 years for a pretty good price: one bottle costs 15 thousand HUF. But much of the...

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Magazine: We like to go shopping on Sundays

A nationwide survey conducted by TNS Hoffmann revealed that 48 percent of Hungarians, 1.9 million families go shopping on Sundays. On average they spend HUF 12,500-15,000 per occasion, which means...

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Analysts expect lower economic growth

The analysts polled by MTI, expect a slower 1.4 to 3.0 percent economic growth than before, because of the exchange rate movements of the past days and weeks. Others will...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 3 percent

The consumer prices were 0.3% lower in July 2011, than in June. The rates, compared to last July grew by 3.1% – shows the latest flash report of the Central...

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Is Europe's largest economy out of breath ?

In June, the industrial production was stagnated, while foreign demand fell by 0.1 percent. Even engineering increased its output by just one percent. 62 percent of German exports tends to...

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Normative funding available for the sheep and goat chips

The ministerial decree, which provides several hundred millions HUF support to the electronic marking of sheep and goats was published – told the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (MA). The normative...

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EU strictness: Polish vodka can be made of only potatoes and grain

The Polish government has strengthened the production rules of spirits, including the Polish vodka, in line with EU standards. Producers are protesting against the new standards. According to the Polska...

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