Market News

Deloitte warns the tax risks of marketing campaigns

Many consumer goods, manufacturing and marketing enterprises apply marketing campaigns and various promotions in order to encourage purchases, but these actions contain significant tax risks, because there is still no...

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Georgian wine and mineral water may return to the Russian store shelves

Georgian wine and mineral water may soon return to the Russian store shelves, that were banned in Russia, after the relations deteriorated in 2006, saying that these products contain heavy...

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Magazine: Frequent promotions and developing brands characterise the olive oil market

Olive oils’ main season is the summer; still they also managed to produce a 5-pecent sales growth in a 12-month perspective. Petra Kovács, trade marketing manager with Bunge Zrt. (Floriol’s...

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Open debate about frozen meat by the Ministry of Rural Development

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) is opening a debate on the facilities of the usage of frozen meat. Professional circles discuss over and over again the legislative requirements that...

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KSH: Foreign trade turnover improved in August

After the decrease in the exports and imports value of June and July, the August foreign trade turnover has shown a strong growth – announced the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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KSH: the growth rate of agricultural prices will moderate

The agricultural producer price level in August 2011, was 12.4 percent higher than a year ago. The price of plant products and live animals and animal product prices increased by...

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FAO: we can expect big fluctuations in food prices

According to the forecast of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); even larger fluctuations are expected in food prices in the forthcoming years. The typically high prices remain and...

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The Mobil Tárca Association has been formed

The Magyar Telekom, the Telenor, the Vodafone, the MasterCard, the OTP Bank and the SuperShop have formed the Mobil Tárca Association. Their aim to introduce the mobile NFC (near field...

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The Trade Union of Meat Industry Workers warns for field loss meat of meat factories

The further field loss of the meat plants with larger production capacity may result in significant job losses, and can affect the consumers badly – states the Trade Union of...

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Magazine: to what extent promotions influence where we go shopping?

There is a constant and robust growth in the advertising activity of fresh meat and fruit-vegetable products in the leaflets of nationwide retail chains. While in 2009 6,667 ads appeared,...

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Sturgeons reaching Black sea

“The species most in demand are also the ones that fetch the highest prices on the market. A kilo of farmed sturgeon costs €12-13, for example, and turbot roughly €9...

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MagyarBrands: TOP 2011 – full of surprises

This is the second time this year that the list of leading Hungarian brands is being published by MagyarBrands. While the elite consisting of the classic brands is relatively stable...

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The range of chips-tax affected products may expand

The government would extend the range of public health product fee on flavored beers, coffee and alcoholic beverages – shows the draft possessed by In addition, the current tax...

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The climate change can redraw the world's “wine map”

Over the next three decades, wine production may be reduced into its half in Napa Valley, which is one of the largest wine region of the United States. According to...

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Magazine: Demand is shifting towards wet pet food

In the past 12 months the pet food market contracted, albeit in the last six month the negative value sales trend slowed down – informs Adrienn Földi, MARS Hungary Kft.’s...

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Bokros Lajos stood beside for the privatization of the Hungarian sugar factories

Bokros Lajos, Board member of the the former State Property Agency former Finance Minister stood in for the privatization of the Hungarian sugar factories on Friday in Budapest, in front...

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Finance officers seized nearly one thousand liters of alcohol products

Nearly one thousand liters of alcohol products were seized by finance officers at two properties of one owner in Mélykút, Bács-Kiskun County – told the Customs and Finance Directorate to...

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Micro- small and medium-sized confidence index scored low

Confidence index based on the survey of K&H pointed out that Hungarian micro, small and medium-sized business leaders are more pessimistic than ever: the confidence index stopped decreasing in the...

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Analysts expected better industrial production results

On the basis of the preliminary datas; the volume of industrial production increased by 4.4 percent in August 2011, compared to the same period of last year, while working-adjusted decreased...

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Foreign currency loans can absorb the Christmas shopping mood

This year can also bring a minus turnover, if the government cannot ease the burden of those who have foreign currency loans – believe the traders. There is a high...

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The increase in transport costs, does not increase bread prices

At vehicles less than 7.5 tonnes, the gasoline excise tax increase, increases the total transport costs by 2 percent. This may mean a 0.02 percent increase in retail prices –...

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Agriculture committee calls for EU-wide action to save bees

Rising bee mortality could devastate EU food production and environmental stability, Agriculture Committee MEPs warned on Thursday. An estimated 84% of plant species and 76% of food production in Europe...

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Accidents involving dangerous substances: more inspections, better information

The EU has had legislation in place to prevent and control major accidents in the chemical industry since 1976, following an accident at a pesticides and herbicides plant in Seveso,...

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Kopint-Tárki: Hungary's GDP may rise between 0 to 1 percent next year

Kopint-Tárki Economic Research Institute Inc. changed its 2012 growth forecast: after the 1.5 percent GDP growth this year, the previously forecasted 3.0 percent growth is expected to be be only...

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Ipsos: McDonald's and Coca-Cola are the best-known brands among young adults

In the national survey , called “Young Adults” (F & F) Ipsos surveyed 585 youngsters between age 15-25 years. The research themes were the fast-food restaurants, the awareness of soft...

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Policy Agenda-Ipsos: the expectations of the SMEs worsened

According to the survey of Policy Agenda-Ipsos survey, the expectations of the small and medium enterprises (SME) are on their lowest point. Company managers expect tougher crisis than in 2008....

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Euro zone retail sales fell in August

The retail sales volume fell by 0.3 percent in the euro area in August, compared to the previous month, and is 1 percent below, compared to the same period of...

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Counterfeited food products in Hungary

Honey, cream, milk – these products are considered to be the most counterfeited foodstuffs in Hungary. In general, we can find these products in the commodity markets, however the detection...

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The Mountain Centre may be open in autumn 2012

The construction of Budapest's first environment conscious business center goes according to the plans. It can open its doors to the public in autumn 2012 in the 12th District of...

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Hungarian companies are willing to hire more people

According to a new survey by Regus, most HUngarian companies are willing to hire more people, although their prospects for economic growth is no longer considered to be as positive...

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