Market News

Pre-Christmas consumer protection checks concentrating on large chains

The National Consumer Protection Authority and the county government offices begin their pre-Christmas consumer protection checks on Monday, which aims to ensure safe conditions for Christmas shopping – the authorities...

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Negotiations over the Tokaji wine region

Slovakia must apply to the European Commission to use the Tokaj wine brand, until the end of the year and must specify the parameters of the Slovakian Tokaj wine region....

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VM: date mark of foods will be unified

Food manufacturers from the next year should indicate the date of durability in a day / month / year order on the products – called the attention the Ministry of...

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KSH: 12-month inflation was 3.9 percent in October

In October, consumer prices rose by 0.7 percent monthly and were 3.9 percent higher than a year ago – said the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Friday. Analysts expected 3.4...

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Magazine: Packaging communicates better and better

Retailers often underestimate the significance of packaging – this was one of the conclusions drawn at the Interpack trade fair, held in Düsseldorf this May. Sebastian Pflügge, press director of...

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HITA: Hungarian wine export has the momentum in China and in Hong Kong

China and Hong Kong remain one of the key target for the promotion of Hungarian wines in the Asia-Pacific region, – informed the National Foreign Trade Office (HITA) MTI on...

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Russia bans German live pigs imports

Russia, bans German live pigs imports on the basis of animal health reasons from mid-November. The Russian veterinary service announced that they ban the German live pigs imports from the...

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Pannonhalma wine region: increase in cultivated area, high yield

After a decade of decrease, the grape grown area in the Pannonhalma wine region increased this year and this year's harvest is one of the best of the last decades...

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Demján's dream, the Hungarian hypermarket can be realized

– We need Hungarian hypermarkets! – said Demján Sándor, the Executive National Chairman of the Association of the Entrepreneurs and Employers 10th of November last year. According to press reports;...

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Tax burden may hit the point collecting actions

Overall, more than 50 percent tax would hit those discounts on purchases that are not actually in favor for an individual person. As the payer has no possibility for advance...

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The USA can recognize for next summerthat Hungary is free of swine fever

The United States can recognize until the summer of 2012 that Hungary is free of swine fever, which can boost Hungarian agricultural exports overseas – told Fazekas Sándor Rural Development...

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Government spokesman: mall stop from 2012

From next January, the construction of over 300 square meters of commercial structures will be prohibited – announced Giró-Szász András government spokesman at Thursday's press conference. Giró-Szász András said that...

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The recovery from the crisis stopped in the EU

The recovery process from economic crisis stopped in the EU, we have to prepare for economic stagnation in Europe – told the European Commission in its comprehensive forecast published on...

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Less wine in the cellars this year

This year's wine quantity will be less than the average – said Horváth Csaba, Secretary-General of the National Council of Mountain Villages (HNT) on Thursday, at the Parliamentary session of...

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We listen to the bank when it comes to money

More than three-quarter of the Hungarian middle-aged population obtains information about the saving possibilities in the bank personally – shows the research of OTP. The second most popular source is...

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Winemarketing supporting smallprojects again

Due to previous success, Hungarian smallprojects can compete for support by Winemarketing Comittee again. The project is centered around making HUngarian wine more and more popular. The framework of the...

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GKI: Deteriorating expectations

In October 2011 the GKI Budapest Real Estate Market Index shows significant decrease compared to the previous quarter. Expectations on every real estate segments deteriorated. More...

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The food industry in the world: companies under pressure faced with price volatility

Having weathered the 2009 crisis well, the food industry has been faced with surging markets since June 2010 which are affecting food prices throughout the world and particularly in emerging...

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Nielsen: six out of ten consumers prefer the domestic Hungarian products

About three-quarters of the domestic consumers prefer the Hungarian products in case of processed meat, vegetables, fruit and milk. The decisions of most of the consumers are influenced by the...

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Foreign trade turnover became better than analysts expected

Foreign trade turnover and surplus in September was well above the expectations – told analysts polled by MTI, who, however, states that it seems that this does not raise the...

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The EU tries to encourage economic growth with consumer and health protection

European Commission keeps the encouragement of economic growth in mind, with its health and consumer protection programs after 2013. “If people remain healthy and active further, that would be positive...

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The purchase price of milk stabilizes

The purchase price of milk seems to be stabilized, so farmers who had losses in recent years can organize their ranks, improvements may also be carried out. However, the weak...

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Chinese-Hungarian goose breeding cooperation

Kardeván Imre, State Secretary at the Ministry of Rural Development has reported about great success at the Second International Feather Festival. According to him; the Chinese-Hungarian goose breeding cooperation is...

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Bootleg cigarettes worth 6 million HUF found

Cigarettes with foreign seals worth 6 million GUF have been seized on Tuesday at the M3 highway near Polgár – the police informed MTI on Tuesday. The driver was in...

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Analysts: positive signs in the industrial production growth

After the halt in June and July, the analysts of Takarékbank and Raiffeisen consider the industrial production growth of September as a good sign. They believe that this year's average...

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Investor sentiment in the euro area is on nadir

According to the survey of Sentix economic research firm; Investor confidence is on its more than two-year lows in the euro zone. The confidence index based on the participation of...

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Varga Winery: 70 percent of the Hungarian wine market is black

The estimated proportion of wine sold in black markets in Hungary is at least A 60-70 percent – states the Varga  winery in its communication sent to MTI on Monday....

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Local Product and Trademark House opened in Zalaegerszeg

Local Product and Trademark House opened in Zalaegerszeg on Monday; in the store one can become acquainted with the local registered branded products of Zala as well as their environmental...

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One thousands HUF more for Christmas

According to the online survey of, Hungarians plan to spend an average of 34,800 HUF for this Christmas. It is one thousand HUF more than in 2010. The analysis...

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Shopping tourism boom again

Although most people do not appreciate forint's deep flight against the euro, but there are some sectors in our country, that are doing well with the rate of over 300...

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