Market News

OKSZ: the amount of the decline in retail is worrisome

The analyst of the Savings Bank and the National Trade Association (OKSZ) calculates with an average of 1.7 to 2 percent downturn in retail for this year. According to the...

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Coop is the second in the rankings after Tesco

Relentless price competition and market restructuring taking place on the declining retail market among the retail chains – Heti Válasz writes. Earlier this year, the French Auchan took over the...

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More than 90 tons of non-perishable food donations were collected by the Hungarian Food Bank Association

In the scope of the Hungarian Food Bank Association customers donated ninety-three tons of long-term food to families in need at the collection points set up in food stores. The...

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Potatoe prices are increasing unstoppable

From potatoes half of the amount has grown this year. According to the estimates of the National Association of Potato Marketing Board, domestic potatoes will run out of stocks in...

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The advantages of retailers

The advantages of the small businesses are in fresh and specialty products. They have preserved their importance in small towns, providing work for hundreds of thousands of people. The small...

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Entrepreneurs seek for budgetary resources to replace cash registers

The IVSZ (IT, Telecommunications and Electronics Enterprises Association) and the KISOSZ (National Federation of Traders and Caterers) are expecting government subsidies for the building out of the cash register system...

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U.S. consumers will spend 586 billion USD for Christmas shopping

The Christmas shopping season in the U.S. starts sfter Thanksgiving with the so-called Black Friday. The NRF predicts that in the next one month a total of 586 billion USD...

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Forty-six million turkeys will be eaten on Thanksgiving Day

CNN U.S. news televison summarized interesting informations related to Thanksgiving Day. In the United States, the modern Thanksgiving holiday tradition is commonly, but not universally, traced to the1621 celebration at...

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EU enlargement a “two-way street” benefiting both parties

Internal stability and values shared by member states are what the European Union should “export” in exchange for “importing” diversity, natural resources, innovation potential and the prospect of economic growth,...

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Trade mark has been introduced to guarantee the high quality of Pálinka

From now, the high quality of Hungarian pálinka will be guaranteed by a Pálinka trade mark system, which was the initiative of the Pálinka Céh Egyesület and was jointly developed...

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Interests doubled towards 'Black Friday' in Romania

Interests doubled towards 'Black Friday' in Romania, compared to last year. 2.4 million people are preparing to take advantage of the significant discounts of the traders – shows a survey,...

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In Europe, SMEs are creating most of the new jobs

The European Commission has found that small and medium-sized businesses are creating 85 percent of the new jobs in the EU. 67 percent of employees are employed by SMEs by...

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From kindergarten kitchens to Coca-Cola – gardeners found new markets

“From now on, the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Dunaharaszti will produce its apple juice using Hungarian apples instead of imported ones”, announced the Minister for Rural Development in Dunaharaszti, while...

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In Hungary the price of food products household chemicals and cosmetics in the third quarter increased by an average 6 percent,

In Hungary the price of food products household chemicals and cosmetics in the third quarter increased by an average 6 percent, compared to last year's comparable period. This is the...

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Illegal sugar packages were found

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) and the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) found 25 tons of French and Polish origin sugar that were filled into 1 kg...

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Beverage carton collection reloaded

In this school year, 20 cities and 60 small settlements, 300 educational institutions and more than 68,500 children will participate in the Beverage Carton Environmental Association’s (IKSZ) beverage carton collection...

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The citizens of Sződliget bulid their settlement’s facsimile from gingerbread

The baking of the molds has been started, the income of the exhibition combined with a charity fair will be given to the development of the IT network of the...

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Cartel rules for agricultural products will be easened

The National Assembly easened the cartel rules for agricultural products on Monday. The agreement will not restrict the competition that will be carried out with the participation of industrial advocacy...

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Concession stores can come in alcohol trade

The government is considering that similar to the tobacco products, the alcoholic goods that have a 15-20 percent higher alcohol content to be sold in stores with only concession –...

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The excise tax of particular tobacco goods will increase on 1 December

The NAV presents: the cigarette excise tax of cigarettes will increase from 1 December from  11,900 HUF to 12,500 HUF per thousand pieces and it will be and 31 percent...

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Retail sales declined in Slovakia

Retail sales decreased by nearly 3 percent in Slovakia in 2011 to 17,500 million euros – shows the analysis of Postová Banká. The decline was detected in almost all segments...

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Collection started in Vienna and Bratislava for the Santa Claus Factory

The Hungarian National Tourist Office also assists in the work of the Santa Claus Factory. The staff working in Vienna and Bratislava are compiling a package to help the children...

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KSH: industrial production decreased by 3.8 percent in September

The volume of industrial production decreased by 3.8 percent in September, compared to the same month of last year. In September this year, there were two less working days than...

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The President of the European Council proposes drastic cutbacks in agricultural subsidies

The President of the European Council submitted a proposal to the Member States, which could result in 573 million euros reduction for Hungary's agricultural subsidies in seven years. Beside the...

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Sugar and coffee remain weak at the commodity exchanges

The weak demand, the large stocks and good yields all contribute to this trend. The production of sugar in the past years always exceeded consumption, the excess was manifested in...

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Lázár: Let the tobacco shops to sell lotto and lottery tickets

The leader of the Prime Minister’s Office proposes to let the tobacco shops to sell lotto and lottery tickets. Lázár János initiated the amendment of the tobbacco shop law on...

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Europe's highest rents can be found at Champs-Élysées in Paris

Cushman & Wakefield has compiled this year’s list of shopping street with the world's highest rents. Among the 326 locations of sixty-two countries rising rents were measures in 147 cases...

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Hungary joins to the European waste reduction week

This year, for the first time Hungary joins the European Waste Reduction Week, that will be held between 17 and 25 November – the National Waste Management Agency (OHÜ) announced....

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Greenpeace: Say no to genetic engineering

While scientific progress on molecular biology has a great potential to increase our understanding of nature and provide new medical tools, it should not be used as justification to turn...

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GDP decreased by one and a half percent in the third quarter

Hungary's gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 1.5 percent in the third quarter of 2012, while with seasonally and calendary effects adjusted a 1.6 percent decrease occurred, compared to the...

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