News and articles

Change of management at Waberer’s International Plc.

As of September 1, 2021, waberer’s international plc. board of directors has appointed a new CEO – Zsolt Barna will take over the management of the logistics group....

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Brand challenges customers to wear odour-resistant clothing for 100 straight days

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Reverse selfie campaign’ tackles problem of face-tuning apps amongst young women

Advertising agency Ogilvy has partnered with director Benito Montorio to produce a 60-second advertising campaign for Dove, which highlights the dangers of retouching apps and edited selfies on social media,...

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Plastic waste used for 3D-printed electric tricycle

The Australian design firm EOOS has developed the first model for an electric tricycle that can be 3D-printed from discarded plastic packaging, left over by supermarkets. The “ZUV” (zero-emissions utility vehicle) as...

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Magazine: Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy: ‘We are in an accelerating time spiral’

Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy, former president of the Budapest Stock Exchange was Szilvia Krizsó’s guest in Trade magazine’s podcast series, Future Talks. You can watch/listen to the full interview at –...

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(HU) Stratégiai tárgyalásokba kezdett az Auchan Csoport holdingja és az Indotek Group

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KSH: industrial production grew by 7.3 percentage points and services by 7.0 percentage points in the second quarter

The volume of gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 17.9 percent in the second quarter, compared to the same period last year, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) confirmed on Wednesday...

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Grain prices are high, flour may become more expensive

We need to be prepared for the fact that meat, bread and milk will definitely become more expensive in Hungary, and if all this is not enough, another flour increase...

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Imports grew faster than exports

In June, the value of exports in euros increased by 21.8 percent, imports by 25.1 percent, and the export surplus of 629 million euros was 98 million less than a...

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Nébih’s catering information page has been launched

To support the application process and procurement, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has set up a catering information page. According to a statement sent to MTI by Nébih...

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Wine production is expected to slow in France

Exports of French wines and spirits were remarkably high in the first half of 2021, exceeding pre-coronavirus levels in several markets, but this year’s wine production is expected to be...

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Mental rest for Nike employees

Nike is sending its employees to a mental health rest center in Oregon, wrote after BBC. Employees of the sporting goods manufacturer’s base were given outgoing before the company...

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Consumer confidence in the United States deteriorated in August

Consumer confidence in the United States fell more than expected to a six-month low in August as a result of concerns about the rapid spread of a highly infectious delta...

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Poor plum yields may come in Germany

According to a recent forecast from the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the volume of domestic apple production this year will be around 937 thousand tons, which is 2 percent...

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Brewing may have begun in China nine thousand years ago

According to a new Chinese study, brewing began in China nine thousand years ago, a thousand years earlier than previously thought. Beer drinking was part of the ritual reverence for...

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Marked improvement in operating conditions amid strong demand conditions

August PMITM data from IHS Markit signalled a marked improvement in the health of the U.S. manufacturing sector. Although slightly softer than that seen in July, the expansion was supported...

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GALLIO turkey breast hams

The turkey breast hams of the new GALLIO product range represent premium quality in the turkey ham market. GALLIO turkey hams are available in plain, dried tomato, prune and crushed...

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(HU) A Real Nature-höz igazolt Zab Gábor

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Magazine: Business Dinner 2021: ‘After 30 years Hungarian groceries are still respected abroad’

Trade magazin organised its annual Business Dinner at the end of June. The event’s host was Szilvia Krizsó, who discussed what the food industry will be like in 2050 with...

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KSH: earnings increased in June

In June, both gross and net average earnings excluding benefits increased by 3.5 percent from a year before. Net earnings, taking into account discounts increased by 3.1 percent, the Central...

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Investments are on historical peak

The volume of investments rose to an unprecedented level in the second quarter, when 2,760 billion HUF worth of development was implemented in Hungary, Minister of Finance Varga Mihály said...

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Philip Morris has built a recycling center in Hungary

Philip Morris has built a recycling center in Hungary from 3 billion HUF, the Secretary of State for Information and International Presentation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade...

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Global coffee supplies may also be hampered by the Vietnamese lockdown

Vietnamese exporters fear that pandemic closures in Ho Chi Minh City could cause a serious disruption to the world’s coffee supply, wrote after BBC. Vietnam is the second largest...

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Inflation reached a 13-year high in August in Germany

In Germany, the highest consumer price increase since July 2008 was measured in August this year. According to preliminary data from Destatis released on Monday, consumer prices rose 3.9 percent...

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Employment at peak, labour shortages return in several areas

The economic recovery following the virus crisis is noticeable in the labour market: according to the latest CSO data, employment at record levels and, based on whc group’s own experience,...

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For the first time, consumers get to choose their favourite Hungarian drinks

For the first time, Hungarian consumers have the opportunity to make the final decision about the country’s favorite wines, wineries and spirits. The Vince Prize will be awarded in November...

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The seedling program with the involvement of the smallest gardeners has been successfully completed

Two thousand kindergarteners got acquainted this year with the education of the landscape variety tomatoes thanks to the Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi), the Ovikert program and the Responsible Gastronomic...

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(HU) Uniós oltalmat kapott a Nagykunsági birspálinka

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AM: seed is the best in Hungary

The adaptability of plant varieties bred in Hungary under Hungarian climatic conditions is outstanding, which is a valuable property, and it is worth basing agricultural production on them, said Zsolt...

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István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture: we can achieve the diversity and competitiveness of agriculture by exploiting the support opportunities

By exploiting the support opportunities, the diversity, stability and competitiveness of agriculture can be realized, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, at the ceremony of the meat processing plant of...

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