News and articles

The renewed market hall in Békéscsaba was handed over

How can you open up more space for domestic foods? – the most obvious answer to this question is development, market renovation and construction. We need 21st-century fairgrounds where producers...

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McDonald’s transports its guests by rickshaw

Hungary’s first McDonald’s restaurant in Régiposta Street closed on Sunday due to renovations. In order to make Meki® a pleasure for the guests who come to the restaurant, the restaurant...

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The Eurojackpot campaign created for Lounge Group Szerencsejáték Zrt. won silver at the international WINA Awar

The WINA (World Independent Advertising Awards) was created in 2016 with the aim of allowing the works of independent, multinational agencies and networks from all five continents to compete with...

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A good price-value ratio is not enough, and it doesn’t matter what the food court is like in shopping centers either

About half of the residents of Pest and Pest County between the ages of 16 and 70 choose food courts in shopping centers every 2-3 months, and one in four...

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Carlsberg reaches agreement with German Federal Cartel Office

Carlsberg has settled a legal case that has been going on for 11 years, so that the brewing company can focus on its core business. The legal case was part...

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FAO and partner agencies tasked with leading $115 million Clean and Healthy Oceans Program

 Az ENSZ Élelmezésügyi és Mezőgazdasági Szervezete (FAO) négy partnerszervezettel együtt valósíthatják meg a „Tiszta és egészséges óceánok integrált programot”. A kezdeményezés mintegy 115 millió dollár támogatást csatornáz az érintett területekre,...

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According to 40% of young people, artificial intelligence would help them in their work

12% of employees have already used artificial intelligence for some purpose, experimentation is more common among young people, those with higher education and those living in Budapest. According to most...

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Cutting-edge technology in Indonesian cocoa production

Indonesia is the world’s third biggest cocoa producer, but the sector is struggling with many problems – some of which could be solved with the help of AI technology. This...

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Good brandy requires dedication

For years, we have increasingly noticed that the quality of brandies is also increasing, which is very important feedback for us – stated dr. Olga Beáta Felkai, Deputy State Secretary...

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Agricultural startups can cooperate with large companies in solving sector challenges

Agriculture is under pressure, in which startups can play a prominent role. The NAK TechLab large-company startup program, which is being held for the fifth time, is meant to remedy...

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Austro-Hungarian agricultural relations must be further strengthened

The cooperation between Hungary and Austria regarding agricultural digitization, plant breeding and agricultural damage mitigation practices needs to be further strengthened – stated Minister István Nagy, who held talks with...

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Kellogg harvests better-for-you Pringles

The company debuted Pringles Harvest Blends, which include blended multigrain and sweet potato ingredients — a first for the snack brand. The Pringles are available in four flavors, two of which...

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“Perceived” inflation significantly higher in Germany

Consumers in Germany perceive inflation to be three times higher than the actual rate. This has an impact on willingness to buy, as a recent study by Allianz Trade shows....

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Colruyt Looks To The ‘Store Of The Future’

Belgian retailer Colruyt has announced it is testing a new technology to ensure that shelves remain optimally stocked, while also measuring how many customers enter the store and how busy...

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AM State Secretary: the Ministry of Agriculture provides assistance to fish farmers

The government will provide HUF 3.1 billion in support to Hungarian fish producers until the end of this year – the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM)...

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Chocapic Crunchy Brownie 300 g

Nestlé Chocapic Crunchy Brownie is our latest breakfast cereal, which has a taste that is similar to that of delicious chocolate brownie. We use whole grains to preserve the valuable...

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The currently known rules of the extended producer responsibility system would change significantly

On June 19, 2023, a proposal to amend the regulations of the extended producer responsibility system (EPR) was published on the website of the Ministry of Energy, which would fundamentally...

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MBH Bank – The biggest merger in Hungarian banking history

On 30 April 2023, the merger of MKB Bank and Takarékbank created a new universal bank as of 1 May, which has the most branches in Hungary. Our magazine asked...

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GFM: the mandatory promotions work and have had an effect

In order to reduce the increased food prices, on June 1, 2023, mandatory sales in retail stores began; the measure works well and has had its effect, the store chains...

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Hungarians buy fewer baked goods

The majority of Hungarian bakeries escaped closure, however, due to the rising price of bread, the population buys less baked goods. According to the president of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association,...

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Nébih warns the food truck sector about the rules

The season has started, the Nébih pedg has collected what the operators of the buffet carts must pay attention to, so that not only the guests, but also the inspectors...

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The dm raises wages again

The Hungarian dm is 30 years old this year, and to mark the occasion, they are raising salaries by 8%. In response to the economic changes and the results achieved,...

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DigitalTech EDIH was launched to support the digital transition of SMEs

In Hungary, the newly launched DigitalTech EDIH provides free support to hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in solving their challenges related to cyber security, blockchain technology, fintech solutions,...

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Retail sales in Slovenia have been falling for the fourth consecutive month

In Slovenia, the decrease in retail sales continued in May, both monthly and year-on-year, the statistical office announced on Wednesday. The largest decline was measured in fuel retail. The decline...

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K&H Green Seeds – phacelia and fodder radish for a more sustainable agriculture

K&H wishes to contribute to biological diversity and the sustainability of crop farming with a new initiative: with every agricultural machinery lease contract signed, they give customers a 25kg bag...

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Márton Nagy: in the structure of the Hungarian economy, high-tech represents a high proportion

In the structure of the Hungarian economy, high-tech represents a high proportion – emphasized Minister of Economic Development Márton Nagy at the handover of the Bosch Rexroth Innovation Experience Center...

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A new collaborator has joined Mol’s plastic waste utilization

Mol and Lummus Technology are cooperating in the chemical recycling of plastic waste, Mol told MTI on Tuesday. Mol justified the cooperation by fulfilling its strategic goals. According to the...

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On the basis of a Hungarian proposal, the marking of the origin of honey mixtures may become stricter at the EU level

In recent years, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy has urged the review of the EU directive on honey on several occasions in order to provide consumers with more accurate information...

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Dual education is the future of agricultural education

The creation of the Branch Training Center of the Kisaföldi Agricultural Vocational Training Center is a milestone both in the life of the schools and in terms of the development...

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Walmart Opens High-Tech Fulfillment Center Near Indianapolis

Walmart has announced the opening of a new 2.2 million square foot fulfilment centre, located 20 miles northeast of Indianapolis, in McCordsville. The space is Walmart’s largest fulfilment centre to...

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