News and articles

More Than Two Thirds Regularly Buy Private-Label Groceries In Europe, Study Finds

Private-label products have become a ‘firm staple’ among European consumers, with 70% buying these products regularly while shopping for groceries, according to a new report. The study – conducted by...

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Solum Zrt. handed over a dairy farm in Komárom

Solum Zrt handed over a new dairy farm, developed its machine park and increased its silage capacity in Nagyherkálypusztán near Komárom with an investment of almost HUF 3 billion. Minister...

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GFM: the Science and Innovation, Technology, Industry and Logistics Park Council held its inaugural meeting

The Science and Innovation, Technology, Industry and Logistics Park Council held its inaugural meeting on October 5, 2023 under the leadership of Márton Nagy, the minister responsible for economic development...

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Bayer enters the strawberry market with UK acquisition

NIAB’s strawberry breeding program allows the biotech giant to develop a wide range of genetics and crop protection products. Bayer AG is purchasing strawberry assets from a plant science research...

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AM: most of the sunflowers have already been harvested

Based on the latest report of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, the readiness for harvesting sunflowers produced on 676,000 hectares this year has risen to 92 percent and has...

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The path to a fit life can also start with a BioTechUSA shaker

BioTechUSA launched an international image campaign under the name shaker, so many goals, in which it draws attention to the fact that its products are versatile and that their use...

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Szijjártó: Nestlé’s 90 billion HUF investment will create 280 new jobs in Bük

As a result of Nestlé Hungária Kft.’s capacity expansion investment, 280 new jobs will be created in Bük, and this development will also contribute to breaking the record for investments,...

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IBUSZ expects excellent traffic this year

This year, travel agencies can achieve outstanding traffic, the year 2023 is expected to be even better than 2019, which is considered to be the peak year for tourism, IBUSZ...

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Csökkenéssel búcsúzott a nyártól a nemzetközi élelmiszerár-index

A rizs és cukor kivételével mérséklődtek a nemzetközi élelmiszer-alapanyagok árai augusztusban – jelentette az ENSZ Élelmezésügyi és Mezőgazdasági Szervezete (FAO) szeptember elején. A FAO élelmiszerár-index – ami a nemzetközi kereskedelem legfontosabb...

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Diageo and Attraction Látványszínház draw attention to never drive drunk with a joint campaign film

Drunk driving remains a serious problem worldwide. Based on data from the KSH, in 2022 there were 14,748 road accidents causing personal injury in Hungary, of which 1,195 were caused...

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Személyesen vagy online?

Az elmúlt években a koronavírus számos országban, így hazánkban is jelentős mértékben hozzájárult az online értékesítés népszerűségének növekedéséhez. Bár kijelenthető, hogy az online piac egyre nagyobb szeletét teszi ki a...

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MMSZ joined the network of national marketing associations

The European Marketing Confederation (EMC) is pleased to announce that the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) has joined the cohesive European network of national marketing associations as the 11th member. The...

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Magasabb szintű állatjóléti sztenderdeket vezet be a Lidl Németországban

A Lidl Németország bejelentette, hogy a frissmarhahús- és tejkínálatára vonatkozóan magasabb szintű állatjóléti sztenderdeket vezet be. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. 2023 októbere és 2024 tavasza között...

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Hell Energy’s after-tax profit decreased in the first half of the year

The sales revenue of Hell Energy Magyarország Kft., which produces energy and soft drinks, increased only slightly in the first half of this year after the dynamic growth of previous...

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Applikációval nyitható bevásárlókocsit tesztel a Netto Németországban

A Netto közlése szerint a világ első olyan bevásárlókocsiját teszteli, amelyet alkalmazással és érmével is fel lehet oldani. Az első tesztüzem a diszkontcég két bajorországi üzletében indul. A cikk a...

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Fidesz-KDNP initiates restrictions on the distribution of energy drinks

stván Hollik and Lőrinc Nacsa, two representatives of the governing party group association, propose a ban on the purchase and consumption of energy drinks under the age of 18; this...

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The number of Hungarian tourists in Croatia reached a record this year

By the end of September this year, nearly 696,000 Hungarian tourists spent 3.5 million nights in Croatia, both figures already exceed – by 12 and 9 percent respectively – the...

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The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy and the European Fresh Team program handed over 100 kilograms of vegetables and fruits

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and its program promoting the consumption of vegetables and fruits, the European Fresh Team, handed over 100 kilograms of vegetables and fruits, a packet...

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Agrometeorology: at the beginning of next week, the first autumn frosts may appear in frost-prone areas

Favorable, mostly dry weather for harvesting continues, but the first autumn frost may appear on Monday, the National Meteorological Service wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on Thursday. Although several weather...

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Private Labels Consolidate Position In The European Pet Food Market, Study Finds

Private labels have acquired a third of the overall value share (34%) of the pet food category in Europe, a new report by Circana has revealed. In 2022, private-label pet...

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Is Hungary drying up under the surface?

After a summer rich in precipitation, one might think that the balance of nature has been restored this autumn. Appearances are deceiving, however, as the situation under the surface is...

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High-quality farms are necessary for livestock farmers to be competitive

Solum Zrt handed over a new dairy farm, developed its machine park and increased its silage capacity in Nagyherkálypusztán near Komárom with an investment of almost HUF 3 billion. Minister...

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Mondelēz International Completes Sale Of Gum Business In Developed Markets

Mondelēz International has completed the sale of its developed-market gum business in the United States, Canada and Europe, excluding Portugal, to Perfetti Van Melle Group. Mondelēz will retain the Portuguese...

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Food prices drop for first time in two years as supermarkets step up competition

UK food prices fell for the first time in almost two years in September as supermarket competition has stepped up. According to the latest figures from the British Retail Consortium...

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Autumn harvest situation

Based on the latest report of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, the readiness of the sunflower harvest, which was produced on 676 thousand hectares this year, has risen to...

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Rege Krémlevesek

A Rege Krémleveseinkkel fogyasztóink számára rendkívül jó ebéd- vagy vacsoramegoldást kínálunk a mindennapokban. Krémleveseinket kizárólag természetes alapanyagokból tartósítószer, színezék és szintetikus adalékanyagok hozzáadása nélkül, hőkezeléssel tartósítva gyártjuk. Mind a hat...

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The decree on the deposit return system has been published

The deposit return system will start in Hungary as of January 1st, the communication department of the Ministry of Energy (ME) announced to MTI on Wednesday. They wrote that the government’s...

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Retail turnover decreased drastically by 7.1%

In August, the volume of retail trade fell short of expectations by 7% according to raw data, and by 7.1% adjusted for calendar effects. Sales revenue rose by 7.8% to...

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KSH: in August, retail turnover decreased by 7.1 percent compared to the same period of the previous year and decreased by 0.5 percent compared to the previous month

In August 2023, the volume of retail trade decreased by 7.0 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, adjusted for calendar effects, according to the raw data,...

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This is how you can use the map store filter function of Price Monitor – GVH also helps with video

Customers can set their favorite stores in advance on the Price Watch page, and they can also do this visually with a map filter. In this way, they can even...

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