News and articles

Az ALDI a britek kedvenc üzletlánca

A YouGov legújabb adatai szerint az ALDI a brit vásárlók kedvenc üzletlánca. A felmérés szerint a német diszkont, mely egyben Nagy-Britannia negyedik legnagyobb szupermarketlánca, kedveltség tekintetében megelőzte a Big4 élelmiszer-kereskedőket,...

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In the summer season, 33 million people flew on Wizz Air flights

Wizz Air transported a record 33 million passengers on its flights in the summer season between April and September 2023, the result represents a 24 percent increase in passenger traffic...

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Security has never been more important to MSPs

The recent ransomware attack on Royal Mail, which temporarily halted international exports, is just the latest example of the chaos that can happen to a major business when it falls...

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The export of chicken meat increased, that of turkey fell

According to the AKI slaughter statistics, 500,000 tons (live weight) of poultry were slaughtered in Hungary in the first nine months of 2023, 7 percent more than in the same...

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The green building materials market before it explodes

Today, a construction industry investment in Hungary is only as sustainable as the customer needs it – it was revealed from Wavin’s focus group research. According to Wavin’s Construction Trend...

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Companies should make rapid detection and development of response time a cybersecurity priority

After two years in which malicious activities related to IT security were common – although the damages caused remained in a balanced range – in 2023, due to the dynamic...

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Hungary is building GMO-free agriculture

Hungary is building GMO-free agriculture and insists that unknown technology does not endanger Hungarian society without trial, said the Minister of Agriculture at the hearing before the Sustainable Development Committee...

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Zewa Deluxe Delicate Care XXL

Toalettpapír 3 réteg, 4 tekercs, 300 lap. Az új Zewa Deluxe Delicate Care egyszerre gazdaságos és környezetkímélő választás. A szorosabb tekercselésnek köszönhetően kisebb helyet foglal, kevesebb műanyag csomagolóanyag kell hozzá,...

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The autumn harvesting work is completed

 The autumn harvest work has been completed in our country. The difficult grain market situation caused by Ukraine’s grain exports to Europe left its mark on the harvest, so the Hungarian...

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Lidl GB To Introduce Body Cameras For All Store Staff Members

Lidl GB is introducing body-worn cameras for all store staff members across the UK, as part of its efforts to ensure the safety and security of both customers and colleagues....

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PepsiCo to expand Saudi Arabia snacks facility

The move is part of PepsiCo’s Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 plan to “boost sustainable food production in the Kingdom”. The US snacks and beverage giant is to spend SR200m ($53.3m)...

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The export of live pigs decreased by 9.5 percent

According to KSH data, Hungary’s live pig exports decreased by 9.5 percent (19.9 thousand tons) in January-August 2023 compared to the January-August 2022 quantity. The import of live pigs increased...

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E-retailers can expect more impatient customers during the holiday season

During the upcoming Black Friday and Christmas period, proper service to online customers is in the primary interest of retailers. Not at a good enough price, with good quality, but...

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Lidl’s hit Christmas product has arrived

The wooden toy kitchen has been one of the most popular and sought-after Christmas toys at Lidl for years, which will be on store shelves again this year from November...

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The average net monthly salary in 2022 remained below HUF 300,000

According to NAV data, in 2022 the average monthly salary (income from employment) was HUF 418,000 gross, which meant HUF 285,000 net per month (including benefits). This is lower compared...

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The domestic turkey sector is looking for a new state of balance

The Hungarian Turkey Association is preparing for the Christmas period and is confident that the safety and quality of Hungarian origin will continue to be of value to consumers. The...

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Munch Market has started: the waste-reducing marketplace

The Munch food rescue application has been added with a new service. The latest initiative of the platform, Munch Market, is a waste-reducing marketplace that further expands Munch’s current value...

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Henkel’s charitable initiative, Welcome Home, has started

In the framework of the “Welcome Home” charity initiative, volunteers from Henkel and Habitat for Humanity organized two IV. they worked together on the renovation of a district apartment. The...

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The domestic beverage manufacturer is opening up to a new segment

Sunnywood Farms, a new product line primarily for children, will appear on store shelves from mid-November. For the first time in Hungary, drinks with a high milk content will be...

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More and more people are eating health-consciously

The concept of health-conscious eating is gaining ground worldwide, according to Tetra Pak’s 2023 global research. Eating habits are increasingly focused on health, including mental health. The Tetra Pak 2023...

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Degradable soap, recycled paper towels: this is how hygiene contributes to the protection of the Balaton environment

Laposa Borterasz became the first restaurant in Balaton to receive the sustainability recognition of one of the world’s leading hygiene companies. Thanks to Tork’s solutions, the restaurant in Badacsony provides...

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Companies exploiting big data can increase their profits by an average of 8%

Digitization and automation, as well as business and technological solutions based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, are now indispensable tools for a successful company, but at the same time,...

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KSH: The production of food, beverages and tobacco products was 9.7 percent lower than a year earlier

In September 2023, the volume of industrial production was 7.3 percent lower than a year earlier, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Monday based on its second estimate. Adjusted...

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The new Coca-Cola Christmas commercial is here!

In Coca-Cola’s Christmas campaign, good deeds are at the top of Santa’s wish list this year. With their “The World Needs More Santas” campaign, Coca-Cola celebrates the Santa in all...

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WLP is building an environmentally conscious and smart hall in Vecsés for one of the world’s largest suppliers of car parts

In 2023, WLP (Weerts Logistics Park) and RaktárAD, known for establishing the most modern warehouses across Europe and with a Belgian-Hungarian ownership background, launched their third investment in Hungary in...

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Even by drinking a glass of milk a day, we can do a lot for our health

Milk plays an important role in a balanced diet. Milk and milk products contain essential micronutrients that contribute to the healthy functioning of the human body – draw attention to the...

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Tourist traffic in Romania has increased to the level before the coronavirus epidemic

In Romania, in the first nine months, the number of tourists using official accommodation increased by 12.1 percent to 10.7 million, and the number of guest nights increased by 11.5...

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DélKerTÉSZ significantly increased its turnover

Despite the increased costs, the DélKerTÉSZ in Szentes, consisting of five hundred growers, whose members mainly grow tomatoes and peppers, sold 56 thousand tons of vegetables by 13.3 thousand tons...

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60 percent of the corn was harvested in Zala county

More than 60 percent of the corn was harvested in the county of Zala, the average yield per hectare in the 15,500-hectare area was 8.9 tons, the county president of...

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This year’s Green Press Award was presented

This year, on November 9, the Green Press of the Year awards were presented for the 13th time overall. The prestigious professional recognition is awarded in four categories each year,...

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