News and articles

In place of chocolate wellnes nutrition at Campbell Soup

Godiva could fetch more than $1 billion. It has annual sales of about $500 million. The premium chocolate business does no more fit with Campbell's strategic focus on simple meals....

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No more full trust in branded products

While product, packaging and branding are still key, consumer want products that deliver incremental health and wellness benefits coupled with an understanding of the impact of these products on individuals,...

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Friesland called back its products content apricot jam

The producer said the dioxin level of its outputs is anyway under the healthy level. The company's decision born after getting the fact of its czech supplier, that the bought...

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Arena Plaza is sold

Plaza Centers N.V., a leading emerging markets property developer, has announced that it has executed a binding agreement for the sale of its Arena Plaza shopping and entertainment centre in...

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Enormous potential for sports nutrition market in Europe

There could not be a better time for companies to tap into the market, and pitch their products not just at professional athletes but to normal consumers too. According to...

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Golden lolliPOP competition again!

Until 7 of September are entries waited for Golden lolliPOP competition, organised by IN-STORE, where the applicants will compete in six categories. Public can vote on internet, the winer production...

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Reconstruction of Parizsi Nagy Aruhaz starts

The new building will open for the public at second half of 2008. The house on the Andrassy street is a national monument, the first mall in Budapest was open...

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2,000 tons dioxin tainted fruit concentrate was found in Germany

According to german authorities the product was non-traded yet. German authorities said that they had launched a massive hunt for food products that may have been contaminated with carcinogenics originating...

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Fake Beluga – with dangerous bacterias

The delicacy, which had been mixed unhygienic with cheaper varieties of caviar, was being sold in Moscow supermarkets. Russian food safety authorities confiscated and destroyed 270 kilograms of contaminated Beluga...

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Dioxin poisoned Czech apricot jam transported to Hungary

Friesland Hungaria made the first self announcement, that some of its products contain the jam, imported from the Czech Republik, which had a high dioxin level. The supervisors check 13...

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The newest Euronics shop is open at Lurdy

Soon Office Depot and Morgen Stanley will be renter of the almost 10 years old Lurdy-house. At the mall, built in 1998, last year was a chancing in management, and...

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Already 8 companies use extended nutrition labeling

Eight multinational FMCG companis, Coca-Cola, Danone, Kraft Foods, Kellogg's, Mars, Nestlé, Pepsico and Unilever offers extended nutrition information on their products in Hungary too. The firms joined in will give...

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Inolens 12 extends the shelf life of chocolate products

The Slovenian-based company Vitiva launched its new ingredient at this year's IFT Anuual Meeting and Food Expo, held in Chicago.   Inolens 12 is an alternative to synthetic antioxidants because...

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New CEO at Metro Cash& Carry Hungary

José María Cervera (42) works since 16 years at Metro-chain. The original legal expert new CEO joined in Makro, the Metro AG's spain subsidiary in 1991. At first he worked...

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400 million euor bid for unfinished Arena Plaza

Active Asset Investment Management (aAIM), backed by Manchester United soccer team manager Sir Alex Ferguson, is to buy Arena Plaza, and has agreed to buy a portfolio of German retail...

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For the first half of the year 8,2% grow is detected

According the Central Statistics Office Hungary's industrial output jumped by 8.7% year on year in June, according to preliminary unadjusted figures and also according to figures adjusted for working days....

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Strength Union's regulation to stop foot-and-mouth disease

The European Union banned imports of livestock from Britain, includes all live animals, including cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, as well as all fresh milk and meat, which can transmit...

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Green light for Heineken

Czech Antitrust Body said OK for Krusovice Takeover by Heineken.  Heineken currently operates in the Czech market through its Austrian subsidiary Brau-Union AG. After the Krusovice takeover, Heineken's market share...

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Black slaughters in region Vas

Between December and July 17 tons poultry were processed on the illegal slaughter houses. On the slaughter houses in Csákánydoroszló and Szentgotthárd, working without any permission, were more thousand poultry...

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Wal-Mart reveals Indian wholesale plans

The world's largest retailer, yesterday gave a vote of confidence in the booming Indian economy with plans to introduce a network of cash-and-carry superstores across the country. The venture, with...

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List of the shame about staffs with flich

Only people with serious criminal or series foul could be on the list, and only after strangulated detection. In Hungary products in value HUF 100 billion are disappeared in the...

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Actions against fake clearances

The Hungarian Competition Authority gave penalty in value of million HUFs because two stores bade shoes with big price reduction alluded to fake bankruptcy proceedings. The supervising of the competition...

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China to launch nationwide food safety offensive

China will launch a nationwide crackdown and propaganda offensive to fight public alarm about unsafe food, the government announced. "The overall quality of our country's products has been steadily improving,...

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Close 100 Hungarian Quality Products at CBA store

The hungarian store chain, processing 3000 stores, started with the tittle Hungarian Quality Products two years ago. With this action the company wished to help the Hungarian food industry, and...

Read more does fresh food, the internet retailer known for its massive book sales, has begun delivering fresh foods directly to consumers' doorsteps.  The experimental marketing program is initially limited to Mercer Island in...

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Budapest will be the Unilever's region center

According to Kreativ, Unilever made a new central-european region's base in Budapest. In the frame of One Unilever program, the Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Sloven,  Croation and Bosnian market will be...

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Appearance of trade union will be stronger in the food industry sector

Trade union of the Association of Workers in food industry is protesting against Tortellino Ltd. and wrote a broadcast message.According to the declaration the company is breaking the labour standards...

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Multitudinous food-poisioning at hungarian Grand Prix

A thai buffet would be closed on saturdays evening, is suppliers will be checked too. According to information of Index news portal- thai chicken menu gave rise of poisoning.Fourteen adults...

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Parfums in the British pubs

Artificial scents are set to be pumped into British pubs to mask the smell of stale beer, sweat and other odours previously camouflaged by cigarette smoke. Mitchells and Butlers, which...

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