News and articles

Cheap spirits in decline

The domestic production of spirits totalled 46 million litres last year. Less than 3,5 per cent of this quantity has been exported. Imports account for 15 per cent of domestic...

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Astor VIP Deluxe

An exclusive and elegant Christmas gift from ASTOR....

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Milk and soya: healthy development

Mona had started its existence as an Austrian co-operative milk farm, later turning into a European group of companies with annual revenues in excess of EUR 100 million. They have...

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Mood acquiring Alcas

The acquisition of Alcas Holding by Mood Media Group has boosted the total number of their business subscribers to 110,000 in 35 countries and the scope of the services offered...

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East and West meeting at Fruit Logistica

As a result of the growing significance of fresh fruits and vegetables in competition among food retailers, the interest displayed towards the Fruit Logistica exhibition to be held between 7-9....

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New concept for the perfume department

Klára Molnár, trade marketing manager of L’Oréal collected the information needed for making a good trade marketing plan. She spoke about the steps L’Oréal has taken to create a pleasant...

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Creams for all age groups

Manufacturers of hand creams, face creams and body lotions need to reconcile two different consumer needs. One is that products should only contain natural ingredients, while the other is that...

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Christmas party concepts

The purpose of Christmas parties is not only to close a given year, but also to serve as the beginning for the next year. There are two types of Christmas...

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Popular vegetables in a compact and easy to open can....

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United against illegal trade!

This sentence was the key idea from the Day of European Commerce held for the third time this year. Sándor Demján, acting chairman of the National Association of Employers and...

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Coca-Cola helping Olympia

The Coca-Cola Company has donated USD 2 million to the Greek Olympic Committee to help in restoring the scene of the ancient games in Olympia which have been damaged by...

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European recognition for Széchenyi card

Széchenyi card has been selected by the jury of the European Enterprise Awards 2007 to be one of the 13 finalists. The result of the final will be announced on...

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Digital communication is the future

Mrs. Csík Dr. Klára Kovács, managing director of Karrier és Stílus Tanácsadó Kft., lead the discussion about the future of communication. Zsuzsa Gábos, media research director of Szonda Ipsos held...

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IFE FOODAPEST: together for the first time

According to an agreement between Montgomery International and HUNGEXPO Zrt., the two well-known exhibitions of the food industry have united under the name IFE FOODAPEST. The new event will be...

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Flour, eggs and pasta on top of the price wave

Consumer prices showed an average increase of 0.7 per cent in September 2007. According to KSH data, prices were 6.4 per cent up compared to September 2006. Food prices were...

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The return of the classic Hungarian peasant and double sausage for people who like traditional flavours...

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Against the tide with innovation

A number of market changes have been reflected by this year’s Anuga. Innovation seems to be the only means of countering the effects of rising agricultural prices with competition getting...

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Cutlery for loyal customers from SPAR

Whereas SPAR had offered special quality WMF kitchen utensils at a special discount to its loyal customers last year, they are offering WMF Boston cutlery sets this year. Bonus points...

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The intention of WhiskyNet Kft. is to provide the widest assortment of whiskies at reasonable prices in Hungary, using the Internet. Their assortment is composed of over 300 Scottish, Irish,...

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TV getting most of the money spent by the FMCG sector

Éva Dancs, researcher of TNS Média Intelligence spoke about the composition of ATL expenditure in the FMCG sector and the relevant trends. Total expenditure by the Hungarian FMCG sector was...

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Important things to know

Place: HUNGEXPO Budapesti Vásárközpont Budapest X., Albertirsai út 10., Mail address: 1441 Budapest, Pf. 44; Telephone: 263-6000 Entrance: Gate III. Organisers: HUNGEXPO Zrt., III. Kiállítási Divízió 1101 Budapest, Albertirsai út...

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Cattle for slaughter past the bottom

Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI) constantly monitors trends in the world market of poultry and meat. Data from the Market Price Information system of KSH and AKI can be useful...

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Soós Premio

The fragrance and aroma of paprika make this product special....

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Reaching the limits of growth

This year’s Anuga broke all records. A total of 163,000 accredited guests were registered from 175 countries. There were 6 607 exhibitors from 95 countries. 83 per cent of the...

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Prize game for debit card holders

The autumn promotion of MasterCard Worldwide has begun. Users of the Maestro® debit card will participate in the prize game, with the winner of the main prize being able to...

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Nestea: winter edition

A winter edition has been added to the Nestea assortment of ice teas. Nestea Snowy Orange is made from natural black tea extract with orange and clove aroma and honey,...

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Nice and accurate targeting

Bertalan Bognár, head of marketing, Mail Division of the Hungarian post Office spoke about the data base gathered from their survey conducted in the spring. The data base can be...

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Swine sector bleeding from several wounds

Meat production is becoming increasingly concentrated in Hungary, with less than fifty enterprises generating three-quarters of domestic sales and the major part of export. The Hungarian meat processing industry ceased...

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Half way correction of course

The corrective economic measures seen at present in Hungary are being used at a time of economic boom in the EU and also of growing global uncertainty. The deficit of...

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A naturally seasoned product made from turkey, using the same smoking process as used for winter salami....

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