News and articles

Tea price on historical top

The cost of a cup of tea is set to soar to an all-time high following production problems in Kenya, the UN warned.   Violence in the world’s largest exporter...

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Marketers want to get inside consumers' heads

The biometric research are cheaper and easier as the normal way. Coca-Cola Co. and Virgin Mobile USA are among the top marketers to use neuroscience and biometric research to understand...

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In the face of recession in the USA Wal-Mart's profit rose

Wal-Mart, though, said net profit in the quarter ended Jan. 31 rose to $4.096 billion, or $1.02 per share, from $3.94 billion, or 95 cents a share, a year earlier....

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Innovative Shelf-Ready Packaging by STI

The company presents its solutions at ‘Innovationparc Packaging’ at Interpack.  The 2008 Interpack exhibition in Dusseldorf is staging, for the first time, Innovationparc Packaging. It is supported by the EHI...

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Barilla to sell Kamps AG

The company , bought for 1.8 billion eur six years ago, is now waiting new investor.  Italian food producer Barilla wants to sell its German baker Kamps and has already...

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30% more earnings before interest and taxes at Carlsberg

Eastern Europe helped Carlsberg to post higher-than-expected 2007 operating profit.   The world's fifth-biggest brewer reported earnings before interest and taxes of 5.3 billion Danish crowns ($1.04 billion). The figure...

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Succesful year behind Lego

Profit before special items, financial income and expenses and tax amounted to 1,471 million, sales rose by 3 percent to 8.03 billion kroner (US$1.58 billion).   The biggest increases were...

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Tesco apologized to the blind man

From now the stores's inner regulation fixs, that guide-dog can go into the supermarket. A blind man tried to shop with his guide-dog in Tesco in Papa. The supermarket employee...

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Since 2004Theodora is the Market leader

The bottler company Kekkuti is one of the strongest player on the Hungarian Mineral Water market.   Last year the company's sales enriched HUF 12 billions, Kekkuti's 3 brands: Theodora,...

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EU ministers at odds over approval of GMO foods

European Union farm ministers fell short of a consensus agreement on Monday to allow imports of five genetically modified (GMO) products, paving the way for default approval by legal rubberstamp,...

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Rigid competition control at Edeka-Plus merger

Not only the two companies, but the whole supplier chains is analyzed, firms not to answer must to pay fine.   The fusion plant for Mai, is under rigid control,...

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New President at Danone Hungary

The specialist – who won the „Marketinger of the year” in the US – joined the Hungarian company from 11 February.  The German nationality Andreas Ostermayr learned in Augsburg, the...

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Tesco Will Sell GBP 400 Mln of Local Products in 2008

Tesco and other supermarket chains have been criticized for sourcing cheaper products from abroad, rather than supporting the local farming industry.  Since launching "Local Sourcing" just over a year ago,...

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French Consumers Eat Less Dairy Products

According to governmental data, French consumption of dairy products has declined by 7% between 1997 and 2006.  The government explains the drop by two factors. Firstly, consumers are more and...

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Collective Hungarian Exhibition at BIOFACH Nürnberg

At the Hungarian stand, managed by Agrarmarketing Center, 27 producers and retailers show them self.   BioFach 2008, the World Organic Trade Fair, is all geared to organic wine and...

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OTC pharma products at dm stores

Dm chain sell and collect drugs after expiry of the validity periode, independent of place of buying. Dm started drugs selling in September, but now in whole chain sells 150...

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11% sales growth at Sio-Eckes

Last year 9 tons fruit were processed, the sales enriched the HUF 16 billions. According to market informations the Hungarian fruit juice market didn't growth in volume last year, but...

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Employment in Hungary well below EU average

Only 57 percent of Hungary's 15-64-year-olds are working, well below the European Union average of 64 percent.  It noted that in 1989 5.4 million Hungarians were on the workforce compared...

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Agrar Marketing Center will be self-sufficient

The change affects only law sections, the way of business don't. The new institute works under flights of the ministry of Agriculture, under biggest financial and accountancy control. The government...

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New leaders at Maspex Olympos Hungary

New CEO and plant general director from January.   The new CEO of Maspex Olympos Hungary, the Polish Marek Bucior, who works since 8 years at the group. He started...

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Last year's balance – 600 stores less

The shrinking of retail stores chains slowed – according to Nielsen Research Company. Only small stores were closed, the number of middle size stores stagnated but hyper and supermarket increased...

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Hungarian Product Award starts end of February

Last ten years 142 products won the award and other 437 tender got other prizes. Since 1997 the most tenders came from food industry, but the producer in constructions industry...

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Hungarian Consumer Trust Index fall 8%

The decrease is to thank to willingness of buyig consumer durables, but there is an increase at pessimistic.  Last quater the index hit the negative record of 2006 December. The...

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GDA labels on products of CHIO Hungary

The bags printed with GDA dates came out from the plant in Gyor on 13 February, up August every CHIO products will signed with GDA labels.  Since 2007 summer 8...

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Sweet Point to wind up

The confection industry company debits almost HUF 3 billions to its obligees.   Sweet Point stands under liquidation since January, 56 firms claim HUF 2 Billions, the tax authority HUF...

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HUF 5 Million prize from Tolnatej

The winner needs three barcode of Tolle Light and a bit of lucky to get the big prize. By end of January 10,000 competition arrived from the whole country to...

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Europe's economic expansion slowed

Euro-zone GDP increased just 0.4% in Q4 2007, down from 0.8% in Q3 2007, according to the European Union announced. European economic expansion cooled in the fourth quarter as the...

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2009 tax facilitation

Monday the prime minister annuounces a 10 points tax reform.  According to the index internet portal, the new tax rules come from 2009. The biggest step will the destroy of...

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The industrial output was slowly in 2007

Hungary's industrial output edged up by 0.9% month on month in December, according to final figures adjusted seasonally and by working days, the Central Statistics Office (KSH) has reported.  ...

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Hungary's consumer prices rose by 1.0% month on month and

On year on year basis the growth was 7.1% . For the end of the year the analysts project CPI to be down at 4.5%.  Seasonally adjusted core inflation was...

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