News and articles

Plaza Centers buys controlling stake in Sofia project

The Dutch-registered property developer that focuses on Central and Eastern Europe, said that it acquired 51% stake in a 75 000 sq m project in Sofia.  Plaza payed 2.78 million...

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Mercator to invest 3 million euró in Bulgaria

The company’s first Bulgarian outlet will be located at the Galeria shopping mall in Stara Zagora in the south of the country.  Mercator has announced plans to open its first...

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Burberry opens children fashion store in Istanbul

The British fashion concern closes plant in UK, but expands abroad.  Company alert decreasing sales in the las quater and closed it second plant in the UK, but the expansion...

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Paper bag is not a real option

According to datas of Hungarian Trade Association the food industry and the retail sector has HUF 10 billion extra costs because of the new green tax.  György Vámos, secretary of...

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Thanks for SIÓ! – starts in February

Since this month there are on the shops' shelves the 1.5 l SIÓ products joined to the charity program. Consumers who buy them can help pupils to get new school...

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Creamy quark in extra size

Frisland Hungaria's Milli Mia product line has now 2 new tastes in XXL size. Creamy quark with vanilla-raisin and cake taste are popular.  Creamy sweet quark is one of Hungary's...

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New manager at Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft.

From 7th January the company has a new operative director called István Matus, who takes the domestic works from Balogh Levente, onwer and CEO of the company.  Mr. Matus is...

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Strategy for saving 100,000 jobs in Hungary

Social and Labor Affairs Minister Erika Szűcs said the government has HUF 16 billion domestic source for crisis-management strategy.  Enterprises can apply for job-preservation support from the regional funds beginning...

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METRO has no plans to sell Galeria Kaufhof

According German press informations the company is currently working on floating Media Markt/Saturn and considering divesting its Real hypermarket chain. The sale of Adler is close.  Metro CEO Eckhard Cordes...

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Insurance from Lidl Italy

The Italian branch of Lidl has proved to be creative in offering online services. Before, Lidl Italia launched electricity service under and holiday trips on  Schwarz-owned discount retailer...

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In spite of recession Briton shoppers will Spend More On Quality Food

According to survey among 4,380 peopel consumers aren’t going to let the recession reduce the quality of the food they eat.  People are cutting costs during the recession, but...

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People eat healthier in the UK

British consumers are benefitting from the food industry's salt reduction efforts, according to new data from leading market insight provider, TNS Worldpanel. Between September 2006 and September 2008, shoppers bought...

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Retailers modify supplier contracts

After an inspection of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) some retailers (Cora, Auchan, Metro, Profi and Csemege Match) undertook to align its suppliers contrats to the competition and the retail...

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Company liquidations rise to record high in January

The number of company liquidations in Hungary rose to 1400 only in the first month of the year, the Opten company-information service informed.  Last year 11,500 firms were under liquidition,...

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Szentkirályi to expand abroad

Now we are only exporting outside Hungary, but in the near future we want to be an international brand – said Levente Balogh CEO to business daily Napi Gazdaság.  Because...

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The liquidation of Zalabaromfi became absolute

According to former press information Zalabaromfi's owner Dale consortium's financial and business transaction at other companies made the processor's work impossible.  As known CIB Bank has frozen the company's bank...

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Environmental protecting by Wal-Mart

The American retail giant said that it will test two new types of hybrid trucks and two types of trucks powered by alternative fuels to make its trucking fleet more...

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Coke Drops ‘Classic’ Tag From Branding

The change was part of “a broader plan and strategy to revitalize the brand.  Coca-Cola Co has announced that it will no longer carry the word ‘Classic’ on packages of...

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Procter & Gamble to invest 50 million dollars in Romania

The international company to built a factory processing shampoo and other hair car products in Urlati.  The P&G factory, the construction of which started yesterday, will employ 150 people at...

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US consumer spending in six month row

According to government data consumption expenditures fell by 1.0 percent in December from the previous month.  Personal income also contracted for the third consecutive month at 0.2 percent in December,...

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Woolworths to reopen online

A month after the shutters came down on the last Woolworths store, Shop Direct have paid between £5 million and £10 million for the Woolworths brand name. Shop Direct refused...

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Henkel sell its plant in Barcs

According to local daily Somogyi Hírlap Henkel has decided to shut down its plant in the Hungarian city of Barcs because of falling demand on export markets.  Company wants to...

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In 2008 sales prices of food industry grow by 10.4%

Domestic sales prices of industry decreased by 1.6% in December 2008 compared to the previous month and were 8.3% higher than in December 2007.   Export sales prices of industry...

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Expectations hit bottom again

In industry, the plunge of the confidence index slowed down notably in December, but in January the index set to go south again.  The value of GKI’s economic sentiment index...

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Switch off! campaign – also at Borsodi Brewery

The company joined to common program of the EU and the Foreign Office. The aim of the action is to turn inhabitans attention on the energy saving.  In frame of...

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TESCO to sell clothes online

Tesco is to launch an online fashion store, committed to selling its own labels. Tesco had a sucessful trial last year, which demonstrated that there was demand for the online...

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SABMiller Gains Control Of Romanian Brewer

Brewing giant SABMiller has acquired a 71% stake in local brewer Bere Azuga, producer of Azuga and Valea Prahovei beers.  The deal was conducted through SABMiller’s local unit Ursus Breweries....

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Russian consumer confidence index fall

According to Nielsen research, Russian consumer confidence plunged to an eight year-low in the final quarter of 2008.  The Nielsen survey said the consumer confidence index fell to 88 in...

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Next week closes the final meeting about Food codex

Yesterday the comittee have to recess the meeting suites because ot the extraordinarily day in the Parliament.  Members of the commitee are specialist of the ministry, representatives of the farmers,...

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Hungarian NO for GM maize

In spite of EU comission's warning Hungary will not repeal the cultivation ban for MON 810 maize hibrid – said Zoltán Gőgös for business daily Világgazdaság.  Last week EU called...

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