News and articles

Rossmann ceremonially inaugurated its new logistics center

Rossmann Hungary Ltd. ceremonially inaugurated its new logistics center yesterday. The subsidiary of the leading German drugstore chain moved the entire headquarters into the new facility. The complex, that was...

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Her-Csi-Hús Kft. Animal Welfare Program packaged in Cryovac®

Hungarian poultry processor Her-Csi-Hús Kft. faced a double-edged challenge with its latest premium-line launch. In addition to implementing ambitious animal welfare and quality criteria effectively, the Bo-Csi Happy Chicken products...

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Szentkirályi helps in cooperation with Hungarian Red Cross

Szentkirályi Mineral Water Ltd. and the Hungarian Red Cross will help to the victims of the flood in the country's three areas (western, central, and eastern Hungary). The two organizations...

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CBA stores can also win with köszi

Beside the joint initiative of CBA and the Procter & Gamble (P & G), the heart of the community (köszi) program this spring CBA announces a prize competition between the...

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Detergents for flood victims

Henkel Hungary Ltd. offered detergents to the flood-affected families of Borsod county. The donation will be given to the victims, by the Hungarian Ecumenical Aid. Seven hundred families, who returning...

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Magic pencils at the Tesco stores

Tesco launched a new fundraiser campaign on the 8th of June. The special pencils are available in 91 hypermarkets. The surplus from their prices will go to the Mosoly Foundation....

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The Auchant of Miskolc is under water

Due to the flooding of the Sajó river, the recently opened Auchant of Miskolc is under a half meter water. According to Gillemot Katalin, spokesperson of the company; they tried...

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Here is the government's 29-point action plan

The new prime minister yesterday announced his economic action program in the National Assembly. Stricker food imports testing, abolished “small taxes”, the return of the blue book, free alcohol distilerry....

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Domestic consumption remains weak

According to the first estimation of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) export value was 1497 billion HUF (5,649 million euros) while import was 1357 billion HUF (5122 million euros) in...

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Hungarian labor market may accelerate

Good news for workers: According to the latest survey of Manpower; compared to the previous quarter, a strengthening is expected on the labor market. Seven percent of the surveyed Hungarian...

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Knuckle Parade: 400 pounds of pork knuckle and one million HUF from Metro

METRO Commercial Ltd. also supports the 10th Csaba Beer Festival and Knuckle Parade event, that will be held between June 8 and 13. This year, 100 teams will compete at...

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Adidas and Coca-Cola use the World Cup sponsorship the best

According to the recent research of MEC; Sony that sponsoring a sport event for the first time, also does well. The winner will be the one who attracts the audience's...

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SPAR: thoughtful flyer edition, in the spirit of sustainability

SPAR Hungary Ltd. in the spirit of sustainable development has taken environmental measures, over its flyers in May 2010. The company reduced the size of its weekly INTERSPAR leaflets. As...

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Flourishing Slovakian industry

The Slovakian industrial output exceeded 21 percent in April, compared to a year earlier – reported the Slovak Statistical Office on Tuesday. The forecast was 18.8 percent. The Slovakian industry...

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Renewed Milli Mia cottage magic – with higher fruit content

The Milli Mia cottage magic dessert specialty will be available with magic flavor, due to its higher fruit content. The Milli Mia product family’s milk dessert, the cottage magic is...

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Van Dijk sold its margarine and frying fats units

Groep Vandemoortele acquires the margarine and frying fats business from Van Dijk Food Products. Groep Vandemoortele has concluded an agreement to take over the margarine and frying fats activities from...

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Tesco’s leader will retire next year

The UK food chain Tesco has announced, that Sir Terry Leahy, President and CEO will retire in March next year. Sir Terry Leahy, was the head of the company for...

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The first quarter brought positive trends in food trade

The recovery from the crisis continued in the food retailing of the developed European countries: Turnover increased in value by 4, in quantities by 1 percent in the first quarter,...

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The Store of the Future opened in Szolnok

The T-City's latest development: the ” Store of the Future “, in Szolnok facilitates the purchase with ICT solutions. In the Store of the Future, unique innovative services are available...

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Almost 90 percent of the Hungarian firms do not use e-invoicing

According to the international survey of Itella Information; The majority of the Hungarian companies still not use the e-billing options, although the managers of the companies understand that significant cost...

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Wineries may loose 30 billion if the cold comes back

Due to the weather caused damages, 1 million hectolitre less wine may be produced in the Hungarian wineries. This means a 30 billion shortfall this year – said Varga Péter,...

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The rain affected the pálinka distilleries badly

The largest damage occured in the the strawberry, cherry, peach and sour cherry crop. During the wekend, owners of nearly twenty distilleries talked about the damages of the bad weather...

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Sealed Air has won three prestigious packaging awards

Sealed Air’s three package has received recognition on the 22nd edition of DuPont Packaging Innovation Award, in innovation, sustainability, and in cost-/loss reduction categories. The three Sealed Air products received...

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The British middle class buys the own branded products the most

Not the poorest, but the middle class, purchase the cheapest products of the supermarket chains – at least in Britain. According to the survey; almost half of those, who have...

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Free research tool for advertisers and agencies

The IAB Europe in collaboration with Google, launches its Consumer Commerce Barometer service; a free research tool, that provides consumer information for agencies and advertisers. It is an important information...

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From June 2010 drink bottles should be taken back by the shops

The government decided on the modification of the packaging and packaging waste treatment 94/2002. number government amendments last year – includes the communication of the National Association of Commerce. According...

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Borsodi remains the largest domestic beer brand

Last year, the turnover of Borsodi Brewery Co. was 40.6 billion HUF. The company's pre-tax profit amounted to 4.3 billion HUF. Borsodi still maintains its leading position. The Borsodi Brewery...

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Tesco launches the National trash collection campaign

Tesco Global Stores Ltd. pays particular attention to separate waste, so the chain re-launches the campaign over the recollection of PET bottles and aluminum cans this year. Between the 11th...

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Ipsos: The world's most satisfied local communities

The newly published report of Ipsos, reveals how the citizens of 23 countries in the world satisfied or dissatisfied with their living environment. The results showed that the population of...

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WalMart is the world's most valuable brand with 41 billion USD

The Hungarian state debt could be easily paid by the selling of the three most valuable brands. WalMart worth 41 billion USD. According to BrandFinance; In the top 10, seven...

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