News and articles

The special taxes may fail

According to experts; the taxation of the telekom sector is a clear violation of the EU laws, and problems may occur with the taxes imposed on the hypermarkets, because of...

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In Hungary, there are no dioxin contaminated eggs

Hungary did not receive from those import poultry meats and eggs, that were contaminated with dioxin. Holger Eichele, spokesman for the German Ministry of Agriculture told that the dioxin contaminated...

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The sugar factory of Kaposvár operates with biogas

In the only sugar factory of the Magyar Cukor (MC), Inc. in Kaposvár such a post-fermenting department was built with EU support, that covers half of the energy demand of...

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New logo at Starbucks

One of the world's largest coffee chain the Starbucks has changed its logo, however, the green color has remained. One of the world's largest and most famous coffee chain the...

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Eurozone’s retail trade fell unexpectedly

Retail sales of the Eurozone showed a decrease unexpectedly in November. A fall occurred in both the food and non food products. The most pessimistic expectations were only about stagnation....

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New marketing leader at Neckermann

Personnel change at the marketing department of Neckermann travel agency: since Andrea Farkas is looking forward to welcome a new baby, the new marketing leader at the company is Péter...

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Red Bull conquered the sports world

If someone spends nearly a billion dollars annually financing sporting events, and for the sponsorship of teams and athletes to promote its products can gain tremendous influence in the sport...

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Ipsos: consumers are optimistic in 2011

You can read the latest results of a recent Ipsos survey on the general mood of consumers here: New Years G@16[1]...

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Retail sales may accelerate this year

The Christmas season has confirmed the optimistic expectations of the traders. There were several among the big supermarket chains that reached two-digit growth during the Christmas season, but the number...

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GKI-Microsoft: improved competitiveness in Hungary

According to the joint survey of Microsoft and GKI Market Research Company; the Competitiveness Index (Vex) decreased in Romania in the third quarter of 2010 compared to the previous quarter....

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FAO: food prices breaking records

According to the datas of the UN Food Organization (FAO); the global index indicating the prices of food, increased to record heights. The driving force behind the price increase, is...

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One thousand farms were closed because of dioxin-contaminated egg

The European Union calls for Germany to provide detailed information in the case of the dioxin-contaminated eggs. The spokesman of John Dalli, who is EU Commissioner for Health and consumer...

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Tesco was fined for 7.6 million due to cheap import milk

The Agricultural Office (MgSzH) imposed a total of 7,609,383 HUF fine on Tesco-Global Stores Ltd., because the company marketed imported Mlieko (Lapte) and Almliesl branded milks under the purchase price....

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Obesity is a very expensive endemic

According to a December 2010 report; every second EU citizen is overweighted, 15 adult and 20 children out of hundred Hungarians are severely obese in Hungary, the obesity-related professional expenses...

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Investors do not trust in cheap fast food restaurants

The cheap fast food restaurants have bad times in the stock markets. Investors believe that due to the improving economy, the turnover of the fast food restaurants will decrease, so...

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Hungarian agency won Coca-Cola's regional tender

Carnation, an internationally recognized online communication agency won the regional tender of Coca-Cola's Central- and Eastern European unit. 23 countries weere affected by the tender, and now Carnation gets to...

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Complete reorganization at the Gusta food chain

The reorganization of the Gusta food chain affects eight stores and more than hundred employees. Zubor Sándor managing director of Csemege Plusz Kft. told that they had to decide in...

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New CEO at Praktiker

Zoltán Schlemmer has been named to head the Hungarian unit of Praktiker, Praktiker Épitesi- es Barkácspiacok Magyarország informed MTI. The expert is known as the former sales director of the...

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New FMCG-related companies turned into top-taxpayers

There are twenty top-taxpayers in Kaposvár who have paid 854 million HUF local tax to the town this year, which is 100 million HUF more than last year. There are...

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Tibi's gameshow is over

The autumn-game of tibi chocolate is over now, the main prize is 3x wellness weekend for two persons, 3x Cascada luxury massage-armchair, and a journey to Brazil worth 1 million...

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Export can pull the Hungarian economy this year, domestic demand will also increase

All analysts agree that the growth of the Hungarian economy will accelerate this year. The forecasts expext 2.3 to 3.1 percent expansion. The majority believes that export can pull the...

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In 2009 SMEs received 22 billion HUF fresh capital

In 2009, 22 billion HUF flown into the SME sector. Only 1.6 billion HUF arrived from new investors, which is roughly the third of the ratio of the previous year....

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Minister Commissioner at the head of the Chamber of Agriculture

Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister appointed Zöld Sándor engineer-economist as Commissioner of the Chamber of Agriculture. Zöld Sándor will be in charge for the preparation of the Chambers of Agriculture...

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The middle class pulled the luxury industry out of the crisis

The luxury industry was able to recover faster than expected, and after the crisis-hit 2009, last year, the turnover increased by 15 percent ie. 1 billion euros, including the services...

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The ISM index expanded further, the world's largest economy is slowly recovering

The U.S. manufacturing purchasing manager's index, that indicates the performance of the manufacturing industry increased to 57 points in December, in line with expectations, from the 56.6 points of November....

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The consumer price growth in the euro area broke a two-year record last December

According to Tuesday's statement of Eurostat, the EU’s statistics office;  consumer prices rose by 2.2 percent in December 2010, compared to a year earlier. Recently such a pace was recorded...

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Product placement will be allowed in the British media from February

The Ofcom, which is the independent supervisory authority of the British media, allows the hints in the programs, that are paid by the producer of the product to the program's...

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Here are the funniest product-packages of 2010

Most people tend to make their puchased by judging the external qualities of the product, therefore packing and the message it sends is extremely important. Here are the most exciting...

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Rauch will keep working with OMD Hungary

OMD Hungary will continue being in charge of Rauch's media-planning and -puchasing tasks in 2011, just like the company did in the past 12 years. Rauch launched its online and...

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Saint John's Day wine-blessing is Esztergom

János or Saint John's Day is one of the most important Church-related celebrations of Hungarian winegrowers. This time a special Saint John's Day wine-blessing took place in Esztergom, on 27th...

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