News and articles

Few people familiar with the Hungarian Mangalica, Tokaji wine and goose liver in China

According to the Chinese ambassador; the value of investments have also increased both in China and Hungary, and cooperation increasingly shifted from the traditional areas towards the dierction of green...

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Spanish vegatables checked in Hungary

Hungarian rural development minister Sandor Fazekas has ordered the imediate strict control of groceries of Spanish origin, in order to protect the rights of Hungarian customers – the MInistry of...

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IT revolution in retail

Currently one of the busiest branch of IT is the retail trade, where there is a constant need for business motivating solutions. Beside the developments within the retail space, such...

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The sugar beet growers will receive two billion forints

The government provides 1.98 billion forints from the budget to support the sugar beet growers – states the communication of the Ministry of Rural Development on Friday. According to the...

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Tesco's cucumber comes from reliable Hungarian producers

In recent days, a major international attention has been paid in relation to the assumptions under which the Spanish and North African imports of cucumber spread serious illness in several...

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Henkel supports disadvantaged children

Henkel gave 800 thousand HUF support to the AMI and EPSZ institutions of the Körösladány-based Tüköry Lajos elementary school for the 2010-11 school year. The support will go on children...

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To what extent does income influence consumers’ store choice?

Krisztina Kovács, sector manager, Consumer Tracking: GfK Hungária’s Retail Analysis 2010 helps us in answering the question in the title. Nearly nine out of ten households bought something in a...

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Member States are discussing standardisation of their environmental legislation in Budapest

Hungary, with the environmental provisions of its new Constitution, is providing strong background support for the operation of organisations such as IMPEL (the European Union Network for the Implementation and...

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Hungary is at the forefront of volunteerism

At the opening event of the ‘TeSzedd! Volunteer for a clean Hungary!’ action on Saturday, Sándor Fazekas said that this was a very important date in the European Year of...

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Győri: The spirit of the Presidency is manifest in volunteering

There are few things that express the spirit of the Hungarian Presidency as well as volunteering does – Enikő Győri, Minister of State for EU Affairs of the Foreign Ministry,...

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Font Sándor: The entire food industry privatization should be reviewed

The committee will primarily review the spontaneous and state privatization of the early '90s, the latter factory closures. The parliamentary committee will be formed within two weeks, and will be...

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Austrian-Hungarian cooperation will create the Center for Poultry Excellence

The Vienna University of Veterinary and the Georgikon Faculty of the Pannon University signed a three-year cooperative agreement – announced by the cooperating parties. One of the world's leading university...

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The Fesztiva card succeeded at the Cellar Festival of Etyek

The ninth Cellar Fest of Etyek was held on the 21st and 22nd of May. The electronic Fesztiva Card, developed by the Cellum Zrt. was introduced here first in the...

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The Erste mutual fund bought a trading center

The Napfény Park trade center in Szeged changed hands. It was sold by Móraváros Ltd. below 8 percent yield to Erste open-ended fund. The Napfény Park (Sunshine Park) opened its...

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Patagonia can be a famous wine growing region

Argentine winemakers are trying to turn Patagonia as a famous wine-growing area. The task is a challenge, since the land is more a fertile land, the area has a very...

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Polish retail trade accelerates

In Poland, unemployment fell in April, compared to the previous month, while retail sales jumped in April, grewing by nearly 19 percent compared to the same month of last year...

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Most successful promotion of the year, 2010’ – trade day and award ceremony

Trade magazin organised ‘Most successful promotion of the year’ for the third time. On 14 April about 100 people convened in the Bartók Room of Novotel Budapest Congress for the...

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Metro Cash & Carry Germany extends wine assortment

Whether it's a trendy drink or a rare bottle – in the wholesale stores of Metro Cash & Carry Germany, professional customers will find more than 1,200 different spirits, sparkling...

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Macy’s going green

One of the biggest department store chains in the US operates 4 Bloomingdale and 850 Macy’s stores, with a turnover of USD 25 billion in 2010. On 21 April the...

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GfK: Hungarian young people are the least committed towards their jobs

The lack commitment towards workspaces is general among the young employees worldwide. Above all, they feel pressure at work, which causes long-term retention and management problems for the companies and...

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Consumer confidence further deteriorated in Europe's largets economy

In Germany, the consumer confidence deteriorated further in June. The forward-looking, sentiment index became 5.5 points, weaker than the predicted 5.7 points of May. The assessment of the current situation...

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The apricots of Gönc received EU protection

The European Union classified the apricots of Gönc as protected geographical indication products – announced the European Commission in Brussels on Tuesday. With the protection, the special Hungarian fruit became...

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‘I never tried to convince people that 100 Forints was more than 102 Forints’

Péter Boros, the president of Coop Győr retired in April. His career and credo reflect the last 30 years of the Coop system. T. M.: – What was your family...

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Conference for CEOs and leaders of logistics – even for free, 8 days left to register (x)

Do you need help as a CEO or director of logistics how to decide about various factors when it comes to taxing and keeping cars? Are you aware of various...

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Matusz-Vad Zrt.: frozen food sold well

According to the results of the Győr-based Matusz-Vad Zrt.; the company has successfully surpassed the results of the same period of last year. Matusz-Vad Zrt. is one of the leading...

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Zwack is making loss, but the Easter revenue comes handy for the second quarter

On operating level the first quarter brought 120 million HUF loss to Zwack Plc. The negative market trends, and the late April Easter period also contributed in this. The company's...

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In November Nuremberg will be the capital of the beverage industry

This year's biggest technology trade fair of the beverage industry will be held in Nuremberg, between the 9th and 11th of November. The organizers expect the 40 percent of the...

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Biggest hypermarket paid 10.7 billion HUF as crisis tax

Tesco's new CEO complains that the strict government action was not preceded by consultation. “We are not only the biggest sellers, but we are the largest buyers in Hungary, and...

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Community shopping sites: everybody wins

The secret of the popularity of community shopping systems lies in the win-win-win model ensuring that all actors involved in the business will win. The first community shopping sites appeared...

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CSR planning in Hungary

Although in core business practice most leaders are aware of the fact that information needs to be acquired from a wide range of sources, decision makers in corporate enterprises seem...

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