News and articles

QR-code payments before a break-through in Hungary

Until the end of next year the number of buyers who are able to pay with QR code can reach the critical threshold of about 200 thousand smart phone users....

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METRO: “Donate to get them food!”

Tokody Tibor, Koltai Tamás, Varga Roland, Molnár Péter, Pátkai Máté, the footballers of the Győri ETO FC football club received the Child Nutrition Foundation’s “Donate to get them food!” entitled...

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New product category in Hungary from July

The success of energy drinks have proven that consumers are constantly thirsting for a boost. But will they ever want to come back down and reach for a nonalcoholic drink...

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SPAR has a new in-store media agency!

Starting from this September, the media partner of SPAR Magyarország Commercial Ltd. is going to be Win-Store Media Consulting Ltd. The two companies have already signed the contract, and made...

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Fifty-two winemakers of five countries present their wines at this year's Kürti Wine Festival this weekend

The event is taking place in the cellars of Kürt (Strekov) village on Saturday and Sunday. Exhibitors will arrive from Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, so the visitors...

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Lángos vote to be launched: Vénusz is looking for Hungary's favorite fried bread

Sometimes the really good fried bread sellers can be found at hidden, lost places. Vénusz aims to change this and is looking for Hungary's favorite fried bread. The Lángos voks...

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Gastronomic and local values festival in Nyíregyháza

The festival promoting the gastronomy of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county and the local products of the region, on 21 and 22 July in Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő under the Guilds, Counties, People title. This festival...

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Sága and Heineken in the same boat

Sága Foods, the company behind the market-leading sausage brand Füstli and Heineken's famous Hungarian beer Soproni are playing in the same team now: the best meal in the hot summertime...

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Wonderduck carried out ALDI's birthday prize show

Similarly to the previous year, Wonderduck has carried out Aldi's successful birthday promotion this year, too. The prize this year was valuable, again: 4 new Audi A1 cars were handed...

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Safe playgrounds for even more kids

Within the compass of Delikát's “Cook a playground” program, 44 up-to-date, EU-conform playgrounds have been built by Unilever Magyarország Ltd. This year, this number may even grow, in order to...

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OKSZ: trade’s position can improve

The most important elements of the job protection action plan is expected to contribute those sectors that have diverse employment structure, such as the trade – told the National Trade...

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Melon Market: cooperation with the trading companies

To reach success in the Hungarian agriculture, including the watermelon sector cooperation is essential – emphasized Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister on Wednesday in Budapest, at the opening event of...

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HENT: every seventh Hungarian bought fake products in the past year

In the past year, 14 percent of the population purchased fake products at least once, while in the previous year this figure was 13 percent – the National Board Against...

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NÉBIH: most of the wheat, barley and canola has been harvested

Most of the wheat, barley and canola has been harvested. Harvest is completed on 81 percent of the arable land of the three plants on more than 1.4 million acres...

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Magazine: Western trends in Hungarian grill product counters

Grill product importer Landhof Hungária Kft. is also working on bringing international innovations to Hungary. Key account manager Péter Gnám told us that demand for new products is growing. This...

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Tetrapak: eco-friendly donation to the Children’s Hospital in Tűzoltó Street

The 2.4 tons donation consists of more than 1 million worth recycled paper products, preceeds the cutting of thirty trees. The donation was handed over by the Tetra Pak Hungária...

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Alcoa bought a beverage can manufacturer

The world's largest aluminum industrial company the U.S. Alcoa acquire total control in the world's largest aluminum drink can manufacturer the U.S. Evermore Recycling, by buying out the company’s previous...

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Investigation due to the bankruptcy of Shlecker

The Stuttgart state prosecutor's office started an investigation against Anton Schlecker and thirteen other defendants, due to the bankruptcy of the Shlecker German drugstore chain. Proceeding has started against the...

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Three million Unilever products helped big families

Throughout the 1.5 month of their charity-project, Coop and Unilever have collected more than a total of 3 million HUF to the Associaton of Big Families. Within the compass of...

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Two new products for hair-care

Continue to blow it dry. Do not turn your head right-side up until the glue is completely dry. This will help your hair to stand straight up...

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Extreme pizzas are popular

The health authorities of Zurich banned pizzas that contain spider,- scorpion, and snake poisons. Poisonous pizzas only contain non-lethal, only a small dose of poison. “My poisonous pizzas were very...

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More than Two-thirds of global consumers surveyed changed spending habits to save money

Global consumer confidence declined three index points to 91 in Q2 2012, and is up two index points from the same period the previous year (Q2 2011), according to global...

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GfK: sports events can increase the beer and snacks sales

The major sport events can increase the sales of beer and snacks, but the general economic situation and the weather significantly affect the turnover as well. According to the household...

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KSH: growing cattle, decreasing pig population

In the past six months, the number of cattle and sheep increased, while the number of pigs decreased – announced the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Tuesday. The number of...

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Bread prices will increase significantly in the autumn

According to the grain-milling industry participants, bread prices may increase significantly by as much as 15 percent in the autumn. Retailers, consider that a more moderate, single-digit price increase will...

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The dairy farmers can be the big losers of the land law

The agricultural companies could only have the right to lease lands with the pre-employment of  a certain number of employees – can be read in the land law submitted to...

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Coca-Cola’s second quarter was better than expected

Coca-Cola reported better than expected second quarter results, thanks to increasing domestic and foreign sales volume. The company's net profit at the same time, decreased from 2.80 billion USD to...

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The removal of wine by-products and distillation will be simplified

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) simplifies the procedures related to the removal of  wine by-products (marc and lees) and the procedures related to distillation will be more simple as...

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Samsung leads on the market of smart phones

Samsung increased its lead in front of Apple and Nokia on the global smartphone market – states the analysts of the Reuters news agency. Samsung, thanks to its new top...

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Collective agreement renewed at Spar

The Spar Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. has signed the renewed collective agreement with its own meat plant, the TANN Magyarország Kft., and with the Trade Union  of the Commercial Employees (KSZ)....

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