News and articles

7,000 forint stuffed cabbage, 1,800 forint strudel – the prices at the Vörösmarty square Christmas market are brutal

In Budapest, the Vörösmarty square Christmas market has started its operation again this year, where, however, not only the Christmas atmosphere, but also the prices heat up the interest. Apparently,...

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Five out of ten companies expect an increase in the number of employees

The domestic labor market is currently characterized by a strong demand for candidates: in the first 9 months of 2023, an average of 59% more people applied for a job...

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The production and trade of artificial meat was banned

Italy is the first in the European Union to say no to the production and distribution of so-called cultured meat and products derived from it, with a vote held on...

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From now on, Brussels regulates the operation of Airbnb and Booking

The European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the regulation of short-term housing rentals. The draft primarily affects Airbnb, Booking and Exepedia, as well as service providers operating...

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The Hungarian agriculture and food industry is also successful in international markets

Let’s not forget that there is no harvest without sowing seeds, just as there is no strong and competitive Hungary without a strong countryside, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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The first autumn seasonal inspection ended with a satisfactory result

The first autumn seasonal food chain inspection, ordered by by dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy. In connection with the campaign, the state...

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Without bees there is no food

Every sixth food in the store is thanks to bees, so it can be stated: if there are no bees, then there is no food, no fruit either – said...

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Nébih: Wasabi green peas were recalled from the market

Due to an unmarked peanut allergen, the distributor recalled the Wasabi green pea 140 gram product from the market, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced on its website...

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Amazon sets the pace in grocery personalization, Dunnhumby finds

The e-commerce giant earned the top score in a report released Tuesday by the data analysis firm, followed by H-E-B, Kroger and Giant Eagle. Amazon outranks all other retailers in...

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A Hungarian campsite was ranked among the best in the world

Europe’s largest camping magazine, Caravaning, chose Várkert Termál Camping in Pápa as the third best campsite on the continent. The Pápai facility is preceded only by a Greek and a...

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National Council of Mountain Villages: raising the transfer prices of wines is essential

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), it is essential to increase the transfer price of wines, without which the sector could be in a critical situation by...

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Mars Set To Acquire Hotel Chocolat

Renowned chocolatier Hotel Chocolat has accepted a £534 million (€610 million) acquisition proposal from Mars, Inc. According to reports, the agreement follows discussions over the projected future of Hotel Chocolat,...

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Bird flu has also reached the county of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has also identified the presence of a highly pathogenic bird flu virus in the county of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, the agency informed...

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SPAR Austria Bans Aspartame From Private-Label Brands

SPAR Austria has announced that it has banned aspartame from its private-label dairy brands, and is nearing the total phase-out of the artificial sweetener from its entire store brand range....

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Our daily curds

Cottage cheese is a real good friend. We can bake scones from it, fill cakes with it, and even spice up a plain dough. But if we don’t have any...

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We must manage the soil in a sustainable way

Plastics are indispensable not only in our everyday life, but also in agriculture. In addition to its many advantages during agricultural application, it is necessary to take into account its harmful...

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Tobacco shop regulations are becoming stronger

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Construction and Transport, traffickers who sell tobacco products to minors can expect heavier penalties in the future. Although the department has not...

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Mihály Varga: the prospects for the Hungarian economy are favorable

The prospects for the Hungarian economy are favorable, economic growth could be 3-4 percent next year, the Minister of Finance said at an international economic forum in Budapest on Thursday....

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This weekend we can shop for those in need at Tesco

Between November 17 and 19, the volunteers of the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület will collect non-perishable food products offered by customers in 154 Tesco stores, which will be delivered to people...

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Két lábbal az Ígéret földjén

Turcsán Tünde, a GfK FMCG-üzletág-igazgatója a Business Days harmadik napján elhangzott előadásában a kiskereskedelem aktuális helyzetét vázolva beszélt arról, mi módon tud a magát immár „ezer tüskével” védő vásárló családi...

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More than 180,000 solved tasks: the 2023 challenge of the Etesd az Eszed educational program has ended

This fall’s challenge of the joint health education educational program of Nestlé Hungária and Okos Doboz took place between October 2 and 31. The organizers reached nearly 10,000 students with...

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Christmas Eve will also be a day off at Rossmann

Rossmann provides its employees with a day off for the celebration of love. More than 200 of their stores will be closed on December 24. The company management unanimously voted...

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RetailZoom: A dohányboltok ismét felülmúlják a piacot

A Business Days második napján Andreas Christou, a RetailZoom ügyvezető igazgatója a dohányboltok töretlen sikeréről és a siker tényezőiről is beszélt a hallgatóságnak. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában...

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A new SPAR store opened on the site of an old grocery store in Békéscsaba

SPAR Hungary breathed new life into an old commercial facility after opening its Lencsési út supermarket, renovated with an investment of HUF 120 million and employing 16 employees. “It fills...

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Fenntartható fejlődés a Superbrands 2023 Program üzenete

2023-ban is nagyszámú, közel 100 díjazott márka részvételével rendezik meg Magyarország egyik legfontosabb üzleti díjátadó eseményét, a Superbrands gálát. A Superbrands Magyarország Program a kiemelkedő márkák értékelésén túl küldetésének tekinti, hogy felhívja...

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Black Friday is upon us – GVH helps businesses learn the right pricing practices

With a new podcast episode, the Economic Competition Authority helps businesses apply appropriate pricing practices. The podcast episode is part of the information campaign of the national competition authority, in...

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According to the majority of companies, ESG reporting is a business advantage

Nine out of ten companies expect a business advantage from ESG-based reporting within five years, and more than half of the surveyed BCSDH member companies prepare reports regularly. The social...

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The European Commission extends the authorization of glyphosate for ten years

The European Commission extends the authorization for the use of glyphosate-containing plant protection products within the European Union for ten years under certain new conditions and restrictions based on the...

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The Waberer’s group expects significant growth in its updated strategy in the coming years

In its updated strategy, the Waberer’s Group expects to become the number one complex logistics service provider in the Central and Eastern European region by 2027, and its sales revenue...

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Új összefogáskampány indul a Magyar Termék védjegyes árucikkek népszerűsítésére

Újabb összefogáskampánnyal népszerűsíti partnerei védjegyes árucikkeit a Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. A hazaiban több van szlogennel indított több hónapos akciósorozat első etapja novemberben lesz, és 15 márka részvételével zajlik. A közösségi marketing eszközeit...

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