News and articles

Google knowledge base in Budapest

The Google has established a training center to train advertising professionals in Budapest as the first in the Central and Eastern European region. The Google Ground is equipped with the...

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The future looks rosy

The year didn’t start well as until the middle of January it was practically spring instead of winter. However, if we don’t consider the weather, we can be hopeful about...

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New regulations for the customers of the cash machines with revoked permission

The support and the deposit can not be reclaimed twice, after the online cash machines with revoked permissions. The National Tax and Customs Autority (NAV) became aware that the former...

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54 percent of the foreign trade surplus is provided by the agriculture

The agricultural export revenue is 10 percent of the national exports. The agricultural sector provides more than half (54 percent) of the entire foreign trade surplus – Czerván György Minister...

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The Szentesi pepper became a protected geographical indication

The European Commission declared the Szentesi pepper as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) on Friday. In the Food Quality Indicator System of the European Union – the protected designation of...

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The Nébih seized about a thousand bags of fake cocoa

The Special Affairs Directorate of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) ordered the confiscation of about one thousand bags of fake cocoa – the agency told MTI on Thursday....

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The HEINEKEN Hungária cooperates with the National Foreign Trade Office

The HEINEKEN Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt. (HEINEKEN Hungária) and the National Foreign Trade Agency (HITA) signed a memorandum of cooperation today in Sopron city hall. According to the statement, the National...

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The Bora-Ital builds a modern logistics hall in Békéscsaba

The Bora-Ital family business, that is dealing with beverage wholesale and retail is buliding a five thousand square meters of hall in the scope of a greenfield investment in the...

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Prinzhorn Holding signs strategic partnership agreement with the Hungarian government

Prinzhorn Holding is the first environmental industry company to enter into a strategic partnership agreement with the Hungarian government that reinforces Prinzhorn Group’s long term commitment to Hungary. The partnership...

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Iranian Ambassador: Hungary could deliver agricultural products to Iran instead of Ukraine

Due to the Ukrainian events Hungary could replace the foregone agricultural shipments to Iran – Iran's ambassador said in Debrecen. Morshedzadeh Mohammad Reza, after his meeting with the local chamber...

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Investigations for fake drinks and food products in thirty-three countries

The Interpol and Europol seized more than 1,200 tons of false or inadequate standards of food products and almost 430,000 liters of adulterated liquor in an action involving 33 countries...

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Six hundred and fifty kilogrammes of meet will be processed at the I. Pápai Böjtelő festival

Six hundred and fifty kilogrammes of meet will be processed at the I. Böjtelő festival in Pápa. where thousands of visitors are expected. The country's best known meat processors will...

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Henkel delivers on 2013 financial targets

Solid organic sales growth of 3.5% Sales impacted by foreign exchange effects: 16,355 million euros (-0.9%) Adjusted operating profit: +7.8% to 2,516 million euros Adjusted EBIT margin: +1.3 percentage points...

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Household chemicals and cosmetics were sold for 310 billion HUF last year

The food retail sold about 310 billion HUF worth household chemicals and cosmetics in 2013, 1 percent more than in a year earlier. The Nielsen consumer information and knowledge services...

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Imports decreased by 43 percent on the dairy market

Dairy imports decreased by 43 percent on the internal market, Hungarian products were managed to incease their share ratio – the Minister of Rural Development said in a press conference...

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Magazine: Innovation centre to be built for the full recycling of PET bottles

By next autumn Recy-Pet Kft. (new member of the BUSZESZ-Aquarius group) will finish building a net 4,638m² innovation centre in the Karcag Industrial Park. The foundation stone of the centre...

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The government's zero tolerance concerns all GMO products

The government's zero tolerance concerns all GMO products and on this basis the Rural Development Department (VM) will continue to do everything they can to maintain Hungary’s GM-free status –...

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Compensation due to the withdrawn cash registers can be three billion HUF

The taking over of the claims of the entrepreneurs for the withdrawn cash registers may cost three billion HUF to the State, but a portion of the amount, or even...

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Euroshop: Let there be light

The lighting sector at EuroShop 2014, The World’s Leading Retail Trade Fair, is booming. From February 16 – 20, 2014, the lighting segment occupied the entire Hall 11 with 178,680...

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People this year is expected to take up 5,200 billion HUF from ATMs

The demand for cash did not decrease since last year in Hungary. ATM cash traffic can be around 5,200 billion HUF this year, just like last year. This represents an...

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The Clown Doctors have launched a MusicCaravan

The customers of Spar and Interspar, who purchased Persil detergents or Silan fabric softeners collected 3 million HUF for the Red Nose Clown Doctors Foundation (Piros Orr Bohócdoktorok Alapítvány). Thanks...

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KávéBár Bazár and Sommelier Championship in Budapest

The best baristas and bar mixers and the participants of the Hungarian Sommelier Championship will compete at KávéBár Bazár Show and Exhibition in several categories on Saturday and Sunday in...

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Private Label technical product line at Auchan

Auchan’s new self-branded electrical goods product family, the Qilive has arrived to Hungary The new brand offers both large and small household appliances, audio-visual and information technology products, and their...

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Everyone ordered new cash registers

Everyone ordered new cash registers, instead of the banned SAM4S and S&E cash registers – MTI reports about the press conference of the NAV. Within a few months, turnover datas...

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NGM: the online cash registers will reduce the administration of the enterprises

The Ministry in its communication released on Wednesday reminds, that those businesses that chose the billing option, instead of using the online cash registers – can take it, in compliance...

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Irrigation can be free in agriculture

Irrigation can be cheaper or even free in agriculture. Lázár János Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office at a public forum told in the next EU budgetary period, the Interior...

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Grain growers: autumn-sown crops overwintered well

The autumn-sown crops overwintered well – Vancsura József, President of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told MTI on Wednesday. Vancsura József drew attention, that due to the mild...

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We drown in the black brandy

Pálinka in a newer seen amount can reach the black markets, from last year’s distilled stocks – wrote. Even 20 million liters of the tax-free home-made or custom-made distillates...

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Euroshop: Cozy concepts for stores

The greatest stands at Euroshop happen to belong to the companies distributing store-equipments, in order to demonstrate they do not only work with shelves but offer a wide range of...

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Carlsberg increased its quarterly profits

The Danish Carlsberg brewery has increased its quarterly profit – according to the company’s report, that was released on Wednesday. The company's EBITDA increased by 8 percent in the last...

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