News and articles

Retail sales increased in the EU

Retail sales increased in the European Union (EU) in January 2014, compared to December 2013. Retail sales in the EU28 increased by 0.9 percent, while in the Euro Zone that...

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Adecco's innovative recruitment tools for more effective selection

The Adecco Magyarország presents such new innovative recruitment tools, which go far beyond the efficiency of the traditional channels.The IT mobile technologies and existing social networks, such as social media...

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The Rossmann drugstore in Mosonmagyaróvár re-opens its doors

The renewed and expanded Rossmann drugstore in Mosonmagyaróvár is waiting for the customers again. On the occasion of the opening, between 3 to 5 March 10%, discount on every products...

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(HU) Future Store “A” pavilon 204. stand – SIRHA Budapest 2014 standlátogatás

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Production has started in the new FOREST-PAPÍR factory

Production has started in FOREST-PAPÍR Kft.’s new toilet paper factory – the result of a HUF 2.5-billion investment. The new factory boasts a 10,000-ton production capacity and strengthens the company’s...

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Walking the green path into the future with the usual zeal

Aquarius-Aqua Kft.’s last investment cost more than HUF 313.5 million and its results were a new production hall and new jobs. Aquarius-Aqua Kft. was established in 1991 and it is...

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2014: a transitional year in funding

The main driving force behind development in the food sector is the various subsidies offered by the European Union and the national budget. Until 2020 Hungary will receive EUR 8.8...

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Apply for the tender, and make your company well-known!

“Enterprises for energy-conscious life” is the title of the tender launched by MVM Magyar Villamos Művek Zrt.’s subsidiary MVM Partner ZRt. The program is for domestic micro-, small and medium-sized...

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The amount spent on advertising increased slightly last year

The advertising market grew, but only slightly last year. The market of advertisings amounted to 175.4 billion HUF, surpassing the previous year’s datas with about 0.6 percent, – was said...

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The NAV checks the entrepreneurs who have terminated the operation of their businesses

The Customs and Tax Authority (NAV) has begun to check tens of thousands of businesses that did not claim online cash registers on the ground that they terminate their operation...

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The Hungarian Food Codex was expanded with several new directives

The Hungarian Food Codex was expanded with several new directives. A new regulation was born in connection with artisan products and spice paprika grists. The new directive will also provide...

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What is shoppers’ choice?

People’s hair style expresses their personality, therefore the hair care category is not only functional but emotional as well – says Anna Gábos, hair and oral care category manager with...

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Hungexpo Zrt.: A new exhibition for the food and catering industry

The SIRHA Budapest professional exhibition offers new, innovative debuting opportunity for the food industry, hospitality and the hotel industry. The professional exhibition will be held in Budapest, between 10 and...

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Coffee can become more expensive worldwide

Because of the bad crop prospects and the drought in Brazil, the price of the coffee’s raw material increased by more than 50 percent this year. As a result, the...

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VM: an agreement may born on the ban of GMO

The environment protection ministers of the European Union (EU) discussed the proposal, which would allow Member States to ban the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their territory –...

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Lidl supports the Veszprém handball club and provides vegetables as well

The Lidl Magyarország signed a one-year sponsorship agreement with the Veszprém handball club. In addition to the financial support, the department store chain regularly provides healthy foods, including fresh vegetables...

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The National Association of Agricultural Economics develops a business ethics policy

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) develops a business ethics policy, in which sets out the basic market ethic rules, that are expected to be complied from each member...

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New rules on the withdrawal of the farmers' card

The agricultural producer cards can be wihdrawn from 2 month to two years period, then a new card should be issued – the new government regulation contains among others. The...

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Charity for the children's hospital by Tetra Pak®

Tetra Pak® has awarded one million forint to the Tűzoltó utcai Children's Hospital of Semmelweis University....

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Wafer and chocolate bar: dynamic sales growth

While between December 2012 and November 2013 the average value sales of the 90 Nielsen-audited grocery categories didn’t change from the base period, sales of the nine confectionery categories combined...

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A new broom sweeps clean

The big spring cleaning is characterised by optimism: housewives aren’t only pepped up by the rising consumer confident index, but also by the opportunity to sweep away the winter, the...

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The annual market is worth about eleven billion forints

General cleaners were sold in the value of HUF 10 billion last year, making the category the tenth biggest from the 70 household chemicals and cosmetics audited by Nielsen. In...

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Nielsen’s consumer confidence index on three-year high

Nielsen’s consumer confidence index in Hungary reached the highest position of the last three years. In Q4 2013 the index grew another six points from Q3 and was at 51...

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Those living in the country are far less satisfied with tobacco shops

According to a telephone survey conducted by Budapest Business School, 60 percent of Budapest smokers are satisfied with the number and location of tobacco stores, but 55 percent of those...

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Slightly higher industrial production prices at the end of 2013

In December 2013 domestic industrial production prices rose by 0.5 percent from the level of the previous month. Prices in 2013 were 0.7 percent higher than in 2012. In December...

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Tobacco industry retail: the plan went up in smoke?

The tobacco product market is shrinking at shocking speed, the black marekt is expanding and state revenue from excise duty and VAT was 10 percent below the 2012 level....

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Retail confidence index reaches record height

The GKI-Erste economic sentiment index kept growing dynamically in January, continuing the more than one year old trend. Consumer expectations kept elevating and reached the highest level of the last...

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NFÜ’s closing down is expected to result in faster work

Last August the Prime Minister’s Office took over the work of the National Development Agency (NFÜ) and the latter was dissolved as of 1 January 2014. European Union development programmes...

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The Facebook Community of the Online Cash Register Bounded requested to extend the deadline to everyone

The Facebook Community of the Online Cash Register Bounded requested to extend the deadline to every entrepreneurs who ordered the cash registers in time. The community wrote an open letter...

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Pálinka consumption is safe: only a few irregularities

Objections incurred in connection with the pálinkas in only 7 percent of the products at the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH). Therefore this hungaricum is safe...

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