News and articles

Főkefe establishes an agricultural subsidiary

The Főkefe Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. establishes an agricultural subsidiary, designed to sell vegetables, melons, roots and tuber cultivation under the Agro Rehab Nonprofit Kft. name – the owner, the Magyar...

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Tesco withdraws smoked spare ribs from circulation

As a precaution, Tesco immediately withdraws its 14 May maturity time standard smoked spare ribs from circulation. Tesco pays back the entire purchase price of the products to the customers...

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MLSZKSZ: 67 billion HUF development in the logistics industry over seven years

The Hungarian Association of Logistics Service Centres (MLSZKSZ) in connection with its new seven-year EU budget cycle, declared its new guidelines of the use of resources in Hungary, which focuses...

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Kapuvári meat factory: four offers to the assets of the company

Four bids were received to the assets of the Kapuvári meat factory, that was closed several years ago. Kovács Csaba, managing director of the Nemzeti Reorganizációs Nonprofit (NRN) Kft. (National...

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Wine-Spring in Lower Austria with the participation of 180 wine cellars

A total of one hundred eighty wineries await the guests in three wine-growing regions of Lower Austria, Kremstal, Kamptal and Traisental with open cellars of a in the scope of...

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DS Smith – we provoke the world

The work DS Smith Packaging does is characterised by efficient thinking across the whole supply chain. Their smart and creative packaging solutions are driven by innovation. Attila Takács, DS Smith...

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More simply below a hundred million

In the future applications for funding below a value of HUF 100 million will be accessible more simply through the system of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK). NAK president...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 6.7 percent in February

According to the calendar adjusted datas retail sales were 6.7 percent higher in February 2014, than in February 2013 – he Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Thursday, on the...

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The mall stop can interfere with the EU regulations

The European Commission initated an infringement proceeding against Hungary last week, due to the mall stop – can be read on the wbsite of the European Commission. Last Wednesday the...

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Domestic SME sector: a positive vision of the future, more investments

Both the investment demand and confidence in the future has improved significantly, compared to last year among the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises – shows the research of Budapest Bank's...

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The Nobilis Pálinka won several prestigious international competitions

In Nobilis Kristóf’s words: “The joy of life depends on small things. The pálinka is a little thing that makes the moment memorable. We deserve the best pálinkas. Therefore, I...

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A new wafer producing technology will be introduced in Rétság

The Dunakeszi-based Urbán és Urbán Kft. will introduce a new wafer producing technology, in the scope of a two billion HUF investment. A new wafer producing technology will be introduced...

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GfK: horticultural products are marketable in Hungary for four months

According to the datas of GfK Retail and Technology, the total revenue of horticultural products in hypermarkets and DIY stores slightly exceeded 40 billion HUF. The season is limited to...

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Koelnmesse: Discounted pre-registrations for the exhibition

Although it is only 2014, but the Koelnmesse is preparing for the next year. The exhibitors may apply to considerable discounts until the specified deadline. The current discount (early bird)...

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Payments continue in the School Fruit Scheme

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) pays out 66.2 million HUF grants this week in the scope of the School Fruit Scheme – the MVH told MTI on Thursday....

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Spring award shower: Gold medals and recognition to the favorite vodka of the Finns

Recently, the world's top distillates were competing at the World Spirits Competition in San Francisco. This year, more than 1,400 drinks were participating at the professional competition, which is a...

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Audi winner of the first Hungarian Randstad Award

Automotive turns out to be the most atttractive sector to work in, according to the Hungarian audience. Audi wins the Award trophy 2014: congratulations. Runner-up is Mercedes. IBM takes a...

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One week, and one can loose the support on cash registers

Those traders, who claimed state support have one week, until 30 April to install their online cash registers into the system of NAV. The manufacturers were not able to fulfill...

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The fifth tobacconist application to be announced soon

The Nemzeti Dohánykereskedelmi Nonprofit Zrt. (National Tobacco Trade Non-profit Ltd.) will announce the fifth tender on the operation of tobacco shops in two weeks. Légrádi Petra, Marketing and communications manager...

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Bolyhos pálinka is being exported to Vietnam

The Bolyhos Pálinka Distillery exports its pálinkas to Vietnam. The Újszilvás-based family business has launched its first shipment of one thousand liters in the first week of April – Bolyhos...

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Plant protection is important to all of us

The security of agricultural production includes the long-term maintenance of the food production environment, the protection of agricultural environment, especially the preservation of the fields, soil conservation and sustainable integrated...

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The revenues of McDonald's have increased

The McDonald's has reached a profit of 1.2 billion USD in the first quarter, which is lower than the analysts' expectations. In the same period of the last year, the...

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Slovakia: lower deficits induced lower VAT

The Slovak government deficit was favorable to last year, which may be a consequence of the VAT cut. Slovakia's general government deficit in 2013, fell to 2.77 percent of the...

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More than 4,800 hectares of tobacco to be planted this year

The tobacco farmers will plant more than 4,800 hectares of tobacco this year, just like the last year – the president of the Hungarian Tobacco Growers' Association (MADOSZ) told MTI....

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The future of agriculture

Plants grown under laboratory conditions, mushrooms growing in sawdust, endless greenhouses: the future will look like this for agriculture – after Business Insider. Plants grown under laboratory conditions, mushrooms...

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Trade between China and Africa brakes records

The trade volume between China and Africa in 2013 was 210.2 billion USD, which represents an increase of 5.9 percent, year on year – the Chinese Chamber of International Trade...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index continued to rise in April

In April the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects continued its spectacular rise started one and a half years ago. According to the empirical survey conducted by GKI...

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Science for the benefit of plants

TERRAGRO Trade Kft. announced at a press conference that soil-specific bacteria products would be available from this spring: BIOFIL products serve the needs of plant growers, improve soil quality and...

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Business Days 2013

Visible and inv isible games – yesterday, today and tomorrow Date: 25-27 September 2013, Place:Tapolca, Hotel Pelion Summary video of 2012 Program 25 September, Wednesday 10.00 – 11.30 Will there...

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Hair category trends

Since hair styling and dying can be a burden on hair, there is a growing need to take care of hair better. When shaping a product selection in the category,...

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