News and articles

New leader in the lead of the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office

Varga Mihály Minister of National Economy appointed Kállayné Csík Ildikó as the Director General of the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (MKEH) from the first of January – the Ministry of...

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KSH: producer prices fell more slowly November

The industrial producer prices declined by 0.4 percent in November after last October’s 0.9 percent decline. The export prices were only 0.1 percent lower than in the previous month, when...

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The EKÁER is operating without any serious mistakes

Yesterday 9 tousand, today, more than 16 thousand EKÁER numbers were is requested from the NAV – Suller György Attila excise spokesman said in the public radio. Only minor errors...

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The Nébih found smaller markup deficiencies in case of dog foods

The dry dog foods that are available in Hungary are characterized by only smaller markup errors. The dog foods are free of materials put the animal’s health at risk and...

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An expansion in the global air transport

According to the data of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the global air freight traffic grew by an average of 4.2 percent in November 2014, compared to November 2013....

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Family program at the Hungarian Museum of Commerce and Tourism

Family program at the Hungarian Museum of Commerce and Tourism Registration needed: : Miszné Korenchy Anikó 1/375-62-49;

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It becomes simpler to apply for European Union funding

In the 2014-2020 period it will be simpler to apply for European Union funding – announced Nándor Csepreghy, deputy state secretary responsible for development policy communication at the Prime Minister’s...

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Murony is the home of the first Knorr Model Farm

Unilever and Knorr created their first Model Farm in Murony, in Békés County. The programme is implemented on the land of local onion farmer Imre Bodnár. The farm’s sustainability is...

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Organic products are now also made at SPAR’s own meat plant

SPAR Hungary’s REGNUM meat processing plant in Bicske, where organic products are now also made, is 10 years old. In cooperation with Virágzó TKSZ Cooperative of Nyalka, 9 different tray-packaged...

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Job creation is the top priority

Direct subsidies from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund to producers and the agricultural market in general exceed HUF 425.5 billion. From this HUF 364.3 billion will be used...

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Magazine: Laurel Retail Conference: On/Off

Laurel Group organised its Retail Conference on 12-13 November in Kecskemét. Owner-managing director István Bessenyei opened the conference by announcing that they developed a cash register system for tablet and...

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NGM: the products ordered online can not be delivered on Sunday

Although the customers can order the products they need online, the delivery cannot take place between 22 pm and 6 am, on public holidays and on Sundays – the Ministry...

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The food trade is well-balanced

The exports of agricultural and food products are slightly lower than the results of the January-September period of 2013, while the value of imports rose by four percent. The agricultural...

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The distributors of alcohol products can avoid the payment of the increased excise duty

The excise duty legislation on alcohol products may enter into force even before the companies involved would have to fulfill the increased excise security – Gulyás Gergely (Fidesz) legislative chairman...

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The horticultural stores are lobbying for the Sunday opening hours

Megyeri Szabolcs gardener in his open letter sent to the MPs is lobbying for the Sunday opening hours in case of horticultural stores. The easening of the restrictions is supported...

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A drop in pork exports

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office, Hungary's live pig exports fell by 25 percent, while Hungary’s imports of live pigs increased by 7 percent in the first...

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The wine sales of the Varga Winery rose by one and a half million bottles last year

The Varga Winery sold 10.6 million bottles of wines last year in Hungary, one million bottles more than in 2013. The total sales of the winery were 12 million bottles...

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Procter & Gamble has published its sustainability report

The Procter & Gamble (P & G) has published its annual sustainability report for the 16th time. The sustainability report gives detailed informations about sustainability programs and plans, which aims...

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Opten: more than 41 thousand companies were terminated last year

More than 41 thousand companies have ceased in Hungary last year, almost 25 percent more than in 2013 – the Opten company information service provider told MTI. In 2015, Opten...

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Almost 30 percent of the dairy factories in Romania was closed last year

Last year, Almost 30 percent of the dairy factories was closed in Romania, because the Romanian producers could not sell their products, but the production costs are increasing from year...

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The imagos of Drosophila suzukii were stuck on cars

The Government Office’s Plant and Soil Conservation Directorate draws attention that a new pest has occered in the Sopron wine region, because the spotted wing Drosophila was found in one...

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Syngenta on smartphone

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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New mill in Kádárta

Szatmári Malom Kft. inaugurated the new mill they built from HUF 1.8 billion in Kádárta. The new mill uses the latest technology and it employs 15 people. The company already...

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Gyulahús buys environmentally friendly machinery

Gyulahús Zrt. purchased environmentally friendly meat processing machinery for HUF 37.3 million, 25 percent of which came from EU funding. The company which employs 300 people will use less energy...

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Hipp transforms its heating system

Hipp Kft. invested HUF 60 million of its own resources in transforming the heating system of the organic baby food and drink factory in Hanságliget. Now instead of oil they...

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Marzek Kner increases production capacity from 1-billion-forint budget

Marzek Kner Packaging invested HUF 1 billion in increasing its production capacity. Both own resources and EU funding via the Economic Operative Programme (GOP) were used to buy modern printing...

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Meat Marketing Board: the first results of the swine strategy are already apparent

The first results of the government’s swine strategy that was announced in 2012 can already bee seen. Within a year, the number of swines increased with more than 200 thousand...

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Analyst: foreign trade balance remains positive in this year

The foreign trade balance remains positive next year, but the surplus will continue to decline – according to Ürmössy Gergely senior analyst of Erste Bank interviewed by MTI on Tuesday....

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The future of the European pigs

According to the long-term forecast the European Commission published in December, the EU’s pigmeat production is expected to be around 22.6 million tonnes in 2014, exceeding the 2013 data with...

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The Hungarian onions are still the most popular

The harvest of onions in the EU was 18 percent higher (5.8 million tonnes) in 2014 than a year earlier. In the Netherlands, the onion-growing area and the average yield...

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