News and articles

Promising Russian-Hungarian regional economic cooperation

The Russian-Hungarian regional economic cooperation is a promising opportunity for Hungary – the Minister of Agriculture told MTI by phone after his visit to Smolensk county. Fazekas Sándor reminded that...

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NÉBIH: Do not consume too much chia seed!

Although the chia seed is a hit product, the sales of the products need to meet strict conditions. For example it can not be sold in bulk or mixed into...

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Half a million Dutch cows to be slaughtered

Up to half a million dairy cattle can be killed this year by the Dutch livestock farmers because placing an excessive amount of manure threatens the natural waters –

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Changes in subsidies tied to production

The conditions of subsidies tied to production and greening are going to change next year, so that farmers will be able to comply with the rules more easily. For instance...

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European retail chains getting stronger

In Q3 2016 the sales revenue of European retail chains increased – according to a report by Moody’s Investors Service. Moody’s vice president Vincent Gusdorf told: the good performance is...

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The goal is to improve the situation of farmers

In order to improve the situation of farmers, Brussels should reform the policy framework of the supply chain, fight unfair trading practices and facilitate accessing financial resources – stressed the...

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Mohács abattoir nears completion

The test run of the new, HUF 20-billion Mohács abattoir – built by Market Építő Zrt. for MCS Vágóhíd – started in November. Production will commence in the first quarter...

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Procurement community was formed in the Tokaj wine region

The Council of the Tokaj Wine Region has launched the Tokaj Wine Region Procurement Community. The non-profit Ltd. owned by the council operates the procurement system that is available for...

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Sixty Príma stores are operating with renewable energy

Sixty Príma grocery stores are using a power entirely from renewable energy sources as a result of the strategic cooperation concluded by the MVM Partner Zrt. and the CBA Kereskedelmi...

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Strategic agreement between the Russian Ruszprodszojuz and the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics

The Russian food industry manufacturers and Distributors Association (Ruszprodszojuz) and the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) signed a cooperation agreement which aims to develop and strenghten trade and investment...

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The Alföldi Tej develops a milk plant in Debrecen with a 12 billion HUF investment

The Alföldi Tej Kft. develops a new processing plant in Debrecen with a 12 billion HUF investment. As the result of the investment, 181 new jobs will be created –...

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Cheap pre-financing can compensate the delay in payment tender

In a few weeks the European Union’s tenders will start. The remaining tenders of the 2014 to 2020 budget period should be published by the end of March. The Prime...

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Significant export opportunities for the Hungarian companies in Iran

Hungarian businesses can develop significant, all segment-wide business cooperations in Iran. The Hungarian National Trading House organized a Hungarian-Iranian Business Forum on 7 February 2017 in Budapest. The participanting domestic...

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One can enter to the catering chef competition by mid-April

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) and the National Association of Public Caterers (KÖZSZÖV) accept the entries to the Catering Chef Competition 2017-2018 until 18 April. According to NÉBIH’s...

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Amazon’s payment service doubled last year

Amazon’s payment service doubled last year: twice as many people used the service in 2016 than in 2015 – wrote. increased its impact in online payments in 2016....

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Students reproduced a 5000 year old beer

The beer recipe was discovered by Stanford archaeologist Li Liu and a team of researchers on the inside portion of a piece of pottery found in a Chinese cave. The...

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Forty thousand packs of untaxed cigarettes were found in a van

Forty thousand packs of untaxed cigarettes were found in a van by the finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV). The driver fled leaving the vehicle. According...

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Simpler taxation, longer procedures

The World Bank Group and PwC’s Paying Taxes 2017 report – which studies how simple tax payment is 190 countries of the world – reveals that from year to year,...

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EU-level voucher system

As of 1 January 2019 stricter and much more complicated rules will regulate the voucher system, because the European Union has adopted a directive aimed at harmonising and clarifying the...

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Increasing minimum wages

The government, employers and trade unions have reached an agreement on next year’s wages. In November Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga announced: next year minimum wages will grow by...

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Magazine: Hungary’s commercial real estate market keeps growing

After the decline caused by the economic recession of 2008, the Hungarian commercial real estate market was going through a recovery process in the last few years. Zoltán Szalóky, head...

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ÉFOSZ: the health status of the Hungarian population was not affected by the introduction of the public health product tax

According to the Food Industries National Association (ÉFOSZ), altough the consumption of products affected by the public health product tax (NETA) declined in recent years, the introduction of the tax...

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Wiesbauer-Dunahús: new premium products increase turnover

The turnover of the Austrian Wiesbauer Holding’s Hungarian subsidiary, the Wiesbauer-Dunahús – which employs 105 people – exceeded 4 billion HUF in 2016. This strong growth is primarily due to...

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The Gallfood plans to open a new plant and a cold storage in Tata

The local government of Tata supports the business developing and operating the city’s industrial park with a gross 146 million HUF. In addition the park’s road network will be expanded...

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The shareholders decided to split up Metro

According to the statement of the company, on Monday that 99.95 percent of the voting share capital represented voted in favour of the split. Metro hopes the split will help...

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Tesco sells 1.5 million donuts in the carnival season!

Twenty percent more donuts are consumed in the Tesco during the carnival season, compared to an average month. This year, the customers can choose among 22 kinds of locally baked...

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Inspectors mainly found labeling errors in case of frozen chips

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH), found labeling errors in case of all the sixteen tested frozen french fries products. According to the communication of the National Food Chain...

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NGM Minister of State: earnings will also rise in the higher wage brackets

Earnings will also rise in the higher wage brackets due to the introduced tax cuts – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State for National Economy Ministry (NGM) told M1 news channel...

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Last year, retail sales increased by 5.6 percent in the Czech Republic

Retail sales increased by 5.6 percent in the Czech Republic in 2016 on an annual basis – the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) announced on Monday in Prague. Statisticians said that...

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Fazekas: the establishment of joint-ventures may be an important part in the Russian-Hungarian agricultural cooperation in the future

The establishment of joint-ventures may be an important part in the Russian-Hungarian agricultural cooperation in the future – the Ministers of Agriculture of the two countries stated during talks in...

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