News and articles

Sustainable fleets, new challenges

The leasing market is undergoing a big transformation. New financing schemes and flexible leasing solutions are becoming increasingly popular among companies. These new approaches make it possible for them to...

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Coffee without beans: environmentally friendly solutions are coming

A neighborhood in San Francisco recently debuted a coffee drink made without the use of a single coffee bean – a new direction as a result of the innovation of...

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György Zsolt Papp was elected president of NAK

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) held its national delegate meeting on September 13, 2024, where the organization’s new president was elected. At the delegate meeting, István Jakab, President...

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Price reduction in Tesco: the prices of another 600 products have been reduced

The Tesco department store chain continues its price reduction campaign even after the end of the mandatory promotions, and has introduced price caps on more than 600 more products. Starting...

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More, faster, better with Konica Minolta’s latest digital UV inkjet printing machine at Pátria Printing

Katalin Orgován, President of the Printing and Paper Industry Association, President and CEO of Pátria Nyomda emphasized at the machine handover ceremony: “Inkjet technology has developed the most in the...

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Dynamic development of drugstore chains: a market worth hundreds of billions of forints in Hungary

In the last two decades, drugstore chains have shown significant growth, both in Hungary and in other parts of Europe. The market for drugstore products in Hungary has now grown...

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The government provides significant support to the poultry sector

Animal husbandry continues to play a prominent role in Hungarian agriculture, especially poultry processing, where the export capacity is constantly increasing in addition to significant added value – stated Dr....

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Why is Tokaj aszú cheaper in Switzerland than in Hungary?

Although it may be surprising, in some cases a quality Tokaji aszu is cheaper in Switzerland than in Hungary. This contradiction highlights the challenges of the Hungarian wine market and...

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According to a survey, the majority in Hungary is open to artificial intelligence

The majority is open to artificial intelligence (AI) in Hungary, but few still use it; although the proportion of those who believe they know what artificial intelligence is is 79...

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The 18th Coop Rally has ended

A Master Good Kft. csapata nyerte a 18. alkalommal megrendezett Coop Rally-t, amelynek záró díjátadójára csütörtökön este került sor Hajdúszoboszlón. A minőségi, magyar élelmiszer-előállítást és termékeket népszerűsítő szakmai program keretében...

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How do we use expired meat products? Nébih’s guide will help you navigate

Nébih’s Remaining Without Remains program has been renewed Expired… Can I eat it? guide helps ensure that food can be used safely even after the expiration date. In previous articles,...

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Nut prices are rising in Hungary

In recent years, the price of walnuts has risen significantly in Hungary, while the harvested quantity did not show a significant increase. Although the area of ​​walnut plantations has expanded...

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Dutch retailer Albert Heijn fights food waste with AI recipes

Albert Heijn’s new Scan&Kook initiative allows users to get personalised recipes based on photos of food products. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/8-9 The generative AI-powered...

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New regulations may apply to low-value packages from China

The US government plans to tighten regulations on small-value shipments from China, which could have a major impact on popular online shopping sites such as Shein and Temu, reports the...

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The situation of plums in Hungary: declining production areas and challenges in the processing industry

The plum, which is a popular fruit worldwide, also has a significant history in Hungary. In recent years, however, the decrease in domestic cropland and fluctuating crop yields have posed...

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The Coop Rally field was once again hosted by the brewers of the Borsodi Brewery

On September 12, after almost a decade, the field of the Coop Rally came to Bőcs again. The Borsodi Brewery, which celebrated its fiftieth birthday last year, did not slow...

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K&H: We haven’t reached equality yet, are we already turning back?

Hungary ranked 32nd in the World Bank’s list of 190 countries where the legal conditions for equal opportunities for women were examined. Out of the eight areas, our country did...

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Another boost in the Hungarian wine industry

In order for the Hungarian wine industry to strengthen its competitiveness and the recognition of Hungarian wine, new developments and innovations are always needed, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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“Employer Branding: the love affair of marketing and HR”…

In June the first joint Employer Branding Conference of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) and Marketing Art was held. Trade magazin was the event’s media partner. This article is available...

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Italian locusts have multiplied in two southern counties

During the summer, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) received several reports from Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád-Csanád counties about the Italian locust, which is multiplying and causing significant damage. The...

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New measure to curb food waste by Coop Switzerland

As part of its efforts to prevent food waste in the fresh meat category, Coop Switzerland is freezing certain fresh meat products on the expiry date and offering them at...

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The government provides significant support to the poultry sector

Animal husbandry continues to play a prominent role in Hungarian agriculture, especially poultry processing, where, in addition to significant added value, the export capacity is also constantly increasing, stated Dr....

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Coop Italia Adds Over 5,000 Private Label Products in Past Two Years

Over the past two years, Italian retail cooperative Coop Italia has added over 5,000 new private-label SKUs to its shelves. Between 2022 and 2024, the product expansion was a response...

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Carlsberg to build Kazakhstan factory amid new PepsiCo deal

Carlsberg has bottling agreements with PepsiCo in Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Cambodia and Laos. Carlsberg is to set up a production plant in Kazakhstan as part of a new distribution deal...

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György Zsolt Papp was elected president of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) held its national delegate meeting on September 13, 2024, where the organization’s new president was elected. At the delegate meeting, István Jakab, President...

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UK government confirms ‘junk food’ advertising ban

The restrictions on advertising products high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) will take effect on 1 October next year. The new Labour government has made good on a pre-election...

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Garden friendly circles maintain the traditions of Hungarian gardening

We can be proud of the traditions of Hungarian gardening, which is worth maintaining and supporting, said Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible for agriculture and rural development of the...

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Lunter Tofu paté blackberries and Tofu paté Herbs 150 g

These tofu specialties are purely plant-based products, offering fantastic pâté delight on sandwiches, in spreads or as a stand-alone accompaniment to hot meals, even formed into small dumplings – they...

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The domestic pear yield is at a ten-year low: The harvest volume continued to decrease this year

The worst pear yield of the past decade can be observed in Hungary in 2024, reports Portfolio, based on the latest data from the National Chamber of Agriculture and the...

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August inflation surprise: Slowing monetary deterioration, improving purchasing power

The latest inflation data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH) caused a significant surprise, as the rate of monetary deterioration slowed down to only 3.4 percent in August, which is...

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