News and articles

Euro area growth lost momentum in July

In July, the preliminary value of the Manufacturing Industry’s Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) decreased to 56.8 points, to its three months nadir from the 57.4 points of June in the...

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Artificial intelligence tells you what foods are made from which raw materials on the basis of photographs

US scientists have developed an artificial intelligence that explores what kind of raw materials are used to study a food photo. The aim of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT)...

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Hungarian women would like to start their own business

According to a survey conducted by Coca-Cola Hungary, the biggest challenges for women today are finding a job with small children, having too many tasks to do, and harmonising working...

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MGYOSZ for vocational education

On 31 May 2017 the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ) announced at a press conference: in the autumn they will organise a series of programmes in every county,...

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A melon trade mark is planned to be introduced

The introduction of the melon trade aims to make consumers distinguish the Hungarian melons from foreign melons easier – Horváth Zoltán, Baranya county government commissioner told M1 news channel on...

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There is no rural development without subsidies

European farmers can not operate profitable without subsidies and support. But these must be spent on increasing competitiveness and income must be generated – Győrffy Balázs, president of the National...

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Message in the bottle: a brewery for a greener world

The HEINEKEN Hungária Zrt. has recycled 98 percent of the generated waste and 22 percent of its energy consumption is from renewable sources. The HEINEKEN Hungária Zrt. also reduced its...

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Foam or without foam? This is the question!

The Pilsner Urquell thanks to its quality program is training bartenders and caterers around the world to provide the same quality and taste beer as in the Czech Republic. For...

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The Diószegi Bakery and the Hungarian National Trading House concluded an agreement

The Sepsiszentgyörgy-based Diószegi Bakery and the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) concluded a strategic cooperation agreement. The strategic cooperation agreement aims to help the delivery of the company’s bakery product...

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The first unified packed cigarette pack was released

The first unified packed cigarette pack was released at the tobacco shops in Hungary – Demjén Tibor, of the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI) told MTI. According to the regulation...

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The Waberer’s closed the acquisition of the Link Carrier Company

The acquisition of the Link sp. z o.o. (Link) and Link Services sp. z o.o. (Link Services) has been completed. The final and aggregate purchase price of the two companies...

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A chemist may be Jack Daniel’s eighth distillery master

Chris Fletcher has been fond of his chemistry since his childhood, but even in his boldest dreams he would not have thought that this could make him one of the...

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Johnson & Johnson’s management is confident

The Johnson & Johnson health and baby care product operating company reported 18.8 billion USD in revenue in the second quarter, which is 1.9 percent higher than in the same...

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MNB: Vending machines should be upgraded to accept the new banknotes

The National Bank of Hungary has called the attention of the operators of parking, ticket machines, beverage and vending machines that after one can pay with the old 2000 and...

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Waste management: an obligation that has turned into a value

Nowadays it is trendy for companies to be green, but in addition to this changes in legislation have also contributed to making firms manage their waste in a more conscious...

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K&H: agrarian companies do not exploit the opportunities to increase efficiency

The agrarian companies do not exploit the opportunities to increase efficiency, most of them are cutting costs and increasing production, but at the same time little attention is given to...

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NGM: the government continues the program to expand the number of credit card acceptance points

The government decided to support another 30,000 credit card acceptance points, with the help of the government program announced in December 2016. The government program will allow you to pay...

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KSH: the average earnings reached a double digit growth in May

In May, gross and net average earnings were 12.9 percent higher than in the same period of the last year, after the 14.6 percent growth of April and the 12.8...

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Dreher celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Sziget festival with Sziget Beer

Sziget’s oldest supplier partner is Dreher Breweries, which has been supplying beer for 23 years, ie the most popular alcoholic drink at the festival. Approximately 18 million mugs of beer...

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National gastro record at the traditional event of the metallurgists

Significant participation took place in Dunaújváros for the 40th Vasas and Kohásznap (40th Metallurgist Day). The steel work is not easy, everyone needs relaxation, therefore the Dunaferr employee day was...

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Emmi: the government is supporting fundraising NGOs

The government is supporting the operation of NGOs with an application that was announced on Thursday. From the 185.5 million forints fund, foundations, associations and associations could receive money that...

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Unilever’s sales grew

In the six months ended at the end of June, the company’s revenue reached 27.33 billion euros revenue, while profit became 3.11 billion euros, which surpassed not only the results...

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Budvar sales increased

The revenue of the Budvar beer factory in Ceské Budejovice increased to 2.54 billion crowns (29.21 billion forints), to 2.9 percent year-on-year. Profit amounted to 337, 3 million crowns (3.88...

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Consumer sentiment in the euro area deteriorated somewhat

In July, consumer confidence in the euro area and in the EU as a whole lagged behind the previous 16-month peak of the previous month, according to preliminary data published...

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More than 41 million counterfeit goods were seized across the EU last year

More than 41 million counterfeit products were seized by the customs authorities of the member states of the European Union (EU) last year at the EU’s external borders. The total...

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Operative lease is a better choice

Kálmán Tekse, vice president of the Hungarian Leasing Association is of the opinion that the SME sector is more and more interested in operative leasing schemes, which is one of...

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On the right track

iData Kft. pays special attention to solving the problems of customers from the FMCG sector and their partners. They focus on freight transport companies and firms with vehicle fleets. iData...

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(HU) Moments száguld a szádhoz…!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Enterprise support was awarded to the Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft.

The Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft. has received support under the “Enterprise Investment Support Program”. The Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft. (Nádudvari Food Ltd.) is a 100 percent Hungarian-owned company near the Hortobágy National...

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Tobacco harvest has begun in Eastern Hungary

The tobacco harvest has began in East-Hungary. The weather is favorable for arable crops, so producers are hoping for outstanding tobacco production this year. Bényei Illés, President of the Hungarian...

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