News and articles

Fazekas: Far East markets are promising

Relationships with the Far East markets are promising – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel on Tuesday. The Minister drew attention: Japan is the guest of Honor...

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Nougat slice infected with with glass

A customer found a piece of glass in Germany in a nougat slice that was manufactured in Germany. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced on Monday that the...

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Bananas in danger

One of the most popular fruits of the world is endangered by an aggressive mushroom specie, complete extinction is in the pile, but fortunately there is still hope –

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Nestlé is entering the vegetarian market

The owners of Kit Kat, Maggi and Nescafé recently announced that they are purchasing the Sweet Earth company in California, which produces vegetable-based burgers and burritos – Origo wrote. The...

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Fifteen thousand portions of food will be prepared at the Tirpák Festival

A total of 18,000 dishes will be prepared at the 5th Tirpák Festival and Pálinkanap during the weekend, and at the 2nd Nyíregyháza Grill Championships. On Saturday and Sunday, more...

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FAO: Wheat and meat push FAO Food Price Index higher in June

Global food commodity prices rose in June, led by wheat and meat prices. The FAO Food Price Index, a monthly trade-weighted index tracking international market prices of five major food...

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Magazine: Consumers appreciate more layers

Taking a closer look at the sales trends in various household paper product categories, we can see that the market has been expanding steadily. Value shares have been growing faster than...

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Good quality wine is expected

About 2.8 million hectoliters wine yield is expected in Hungary this year, which is similar to last year – the Minister of Agriculture told MTI in Szekszárd, on Friday. Kiss...

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SPAR encourages lifestyle change

In the center of the 30-day life-changing program of the SPAR, there is a handy mobile application. It will help those who have not yet done the first steps of...

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Kőröstej: the new cream cheese will be on the shelves soon

Within two weeks, the new product of the Kőröstej Group, the glassy Hajdú cheese cream, will be on the shelves of the – wrote. The company launches at least...

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KSH: the dynamic expansion of the Internet market continues

The dynamic growth of the Internet market continued in the second quarter; the number of subscriptions exceeded 9.1 million and was 8 percent higher than one year before – according...

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Cooperation agreement for the development of agricultural training

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), the agrarian training institutes of the region and small and medium enterprises in the area have signed a...

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Barnängen: the Swedish lifestyle

There is a word all Swedes know: lagom. These few letters carry a complex meaning: a whole lifestyle. The feeling of pleasant balance: Not too big, not too small. Not...

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The Hauni Hungária Kft. is creating two hundred new jobs

By the end of 2018, the Pécs-based Hauni Hungária Gépgyártó Kft. dealing with tobacco industry machinery, will raise its staff by two hundred – the company told MTI on Monday....

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Nébih: Albanian bakeries do not pose a food safety risk

The Albanian bakeries do not pose a food safety risk – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) informed MTI on Friday. Nébih’s communication states: “Based on the experience of...

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The domestic market has a key importance to large companies

The domestic large companies’ profitability depends on mainly the domestic demand while the decisive public burdens are no longer affect the companies sensitively. The forint’s exchange rate fluctuations and inflation,...

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The consumer sentiment has deteriorated in the United States

The consumer sentiment in the United States decreased in September – the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University revealed. The preliminary results were published on Friday. In September, the...

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European Wine Wine-Song Festival to be held in Villány and Pécs

Eight groups of five countries will perform on 22-22 September at the European Wine Wine-Song Festival which will be held for the twenty-first time in Villány and Pécs. According to...

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Smart hairbrush and UV patch

At the Viva Technology conference in Paris La Roche-Posay have introduced their latest innovation, called My UV Patch, a sensor that is put on the skin and monitors UVA and...

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Magazine: Pork and cheese prices increased the most in one year

In July 2017 consumer prices were 2.1 higher on average than in July 2016. Food prices grew by 3.3 percent – pork cost 12.7 percent more and we had to...

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So far, the Nébih has issued a report on fipronil-free production in case of 15 egg companies

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has begun issuing test reports for egg market companies who have stated that they do not use fipronil based insecticides or ingredients containing...

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K&H: it is time to modernize fruit plantations

The changes in the price of agricultural products for cereals and animal products did not surprise, but there is a very serious change in fruit and vegetables, which draws attention...

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The 12th Coop Rally was successful

The team of the Ital Magyarország Kft. won this year’s Coop Rally. The final awards ceremony took place in Hajdúszoboszló on Friday. This year, the professional event visited several food...

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ALDI Travel: travel, accommodation and air tickets can be booked at ALDI Hungary

The ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. announced that ALDI in Hungary, like in many other countries in the ALDI South region, will expand its range with travel and accommodation. The ALDI...

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At Friesland, they are working on the development plans for the next five years

At FrieslandCampina Hungária Zrt. the experts are already working on the development plans for the next five years in Mátészalka – Szautner Péter, CEO of the company told MTI on...

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Hell Energy is expected to grow significantly this year

The Hell Energy Magyarország Kft. is also expecting a significant increase in revenue of around 30-40 percent this year – Jenei Tamás, Business Director of the company told MTI on...

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KSH: the employment rate of the 15-64 age group improved to 67.6 percent in the first half of the year

The employment rate of the 15-64 age group improved in the first half of this year, up by 1.9 percentage points reaching 67.6 percent, compared to the same period of...

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Chocolate and candy festival in front of the Basilica in Budapest

From Friday to Sunday, Hungary’s largest chocolate and candy event was awaiting visitors at St. Stephen’s Square in Budapest, in front of the Basilica. According to the organizers’ announcement, the...

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Two hundred thousand people are involved in the Pick It Up! garbage disosal action

At the opening of the Pick It Up! – Volunteering for the Clean Hungary three-day waste collection action, Nagy István, minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture greeted 250...

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The pace of wage growth in the euro zone accelerated to a two years peak

Personnel costs rose further in the European Union and in the euro area in the second quarter. In the euro area, the pace of wage growth accelerated to a two...

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