
More than one hundred products of twenty-four manufacturers at the Pálinka Festival in Gyula

More than a hundred products of twenty-four manufacturers will be introduced at the 20th Gyula Pálinka Festival, which will take place from 12th to 14th April, with several well-known performers...

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Nagy István: the future of the countryside is in the hands of young farmers

The future of the countryside is in the hands of young farmers – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at the Friday Conference of the Young Farmers Association of Hungary...

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(HU) Az Év Trade Marketingese 2018 verseny díjazottjai

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The 79th OMÉK will be held in Budapest in September

The Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) will organize the 79th National Agricultural and Food Industry Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK) between 26 and 29 September. The event...

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Tasting round to be held with the fifty best winemakers of the country

Tasting round to be held with the participation of the 50 best winemakers of the country on 2 March in Budapest. The professional competition will decide who will be the...

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The National Agricultural Chamber and the Design Terminal launched an innovation competition

The National Agricultural Chamber and the Design Terminal launched an innovation competition – was said on Friday morning in the joint broadcast of M1 news channel and the Kossuth Radio....

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The largest indoor wine tasting will be on Saturday in Budapest

The visitors of the 10th Borjour Magnum can choose from more than 1,000 wines from a total of 235 wineries on Saturday at the halls of the Millenáris Park. The...

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Maintaining consumer confidence is in the focus of GVH’s new strategy

Due to the rapid growth of communication channels and the proliferation of new technologies, companies are able to influence their customers to an unprecedented extent. However, aggressive marketing activity can...

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PRODEXPO, the largest food and beverage trade fair in Russia was launched

The Agrármarketing Centrum (Agricultural Marketing Center) awaits the visitors with a community stand at PRODEXPO, the most important food and beverage trade fair in Russia. At the exhibition takes place...

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The 26th FeHoVa exhibition was opened in Budapest

Deputy Prime Minister Semjén Zsolt opened the largest arms, angling and hunting exhibition of the Carpathian Basin, the 26th FeHoVa on Thursday at the Hungexpo Budapest Fair Center. Photo: MTI...

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The KávéBár Bazár at a new Location

The 10th KávéBár Bazár (CoffeeBar Bazaar) will be held on Saturday and Sunday at a larger venue in the B hall of the Millenáris Park, which awaits the audience with...

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Mountain Villages: the best Hungarian wines are competing in Poland

The gold and silver medalists of the National Wine Competition will take part in a wine competition in February in Warsaw – the Secretary General of the National Council of...

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Five easy practices by Gijs van Wulfen to be more innovative

Innovation is one big struggle. Not being able to change habits within the organization. Being creative at the wrong moment. Frustrated by budget cuts. Confronted with a lack of entrepreuneurship....

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First Global Women’s Network at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019

On 8 February 2019, exactly one month before International Women’s Day becomes a new public holiday in Berlin, the first Global Women’s Network will take place at FRUIT LOGISTICA at...

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More than 50,000 visitors are expected to the 26th FeHoVa

The largest arms, angling and hunting exhibition (FeHoVa) of the Carpathian Basin will be hosted by Hungexpo at the Budapest Fair Center between 7 and 10 February. Three hundred exhibitors...

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Sixteen exhibitors at the Seventh Chocolate Carnival in Pécs

The Seventh Chocolate Carnival in Pécs will be organized in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter in Pécs on 9 and 10 February. Mosonyi Éva, chocolate maker and the organizer of the...

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Pohner Ádám: The Hungarian team performed as it was planned at the Bocuse d’Or

“We were able to do everything we wanted,” Pohner Ádám, chef told MT, after Tuesday’s race day of the most prestigious chef competition in the world, the Bocuse d’Or. The...

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National Innovation Forum to start at 25 locations

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) and the National Office for Research, Development and Innovation (NKFIH) to launch National innovation consultation series. The National innovation consultation series to take...

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(HU) „Mi tudjuk, hogy megéri – megtérülés a trade marketingben”

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The Pro Agria economic awards were handed over in Eger

The Pro Agria economic awards were handed over on Monday in Eger at the party of big taxpayers – the Mayor’s Office told MTI. The award was established by the...

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Bocuse d’Or: the chairman of the Hungarian team will be in the meat jury

Hamvas Zoltán, chairman of the Hungarian Bocuse d’Or Academy and the president of the Hungarian team is taking part in the meat dishes jury at the Bocuse d’Or International Chef...

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The AGROmashEXPO and the Agricultural Machinery Show has ended

About 46,000 people visited the AGROmashEXPO and Agrárgépshow this year to see the products and services of over 350 exhibitors – Hungexpo Zrt. told MTI on Saturday. To the exhibition’s...

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The Bocuse d’Or World Final will be held next week

Twenty-four national teams will compete at the world’s most prestigious chef competition, the Bocuse d’Or World Finals, on January 29-30, in Lyon. Hungary will be represented by Pohner Ádám. Paul...

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Wines from Eger and Sopron won the Grand Prize of the Hungarian Wine Writers’ Circle

The Hungarian Wine Writers’ Circle awarded the wines of the wine regions of Eger and Sopron this year – the organizers announced at a press conference in the Déri Museum...

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The National Association of Hungarian Wine Orders clebrated the 30th anniversary of its establishment

The National Association of Hungarian Wine Orders clebrated the 30th anniversary of its establishment with the first meeting of the Carpathian Basin Wine Orders. The event was held on Tuesday...

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The Hungaricum movement should be renewed

After the period of fulfillment, the Hungaricum movement will have to be renewed in the coming years – Lezsák Sándor, vice-president of the National Assembly, member of the Hungaricum Committee...

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Excellent grape production is predicted in Ópusztaszer

Great wine yield, cheerful harvest were predicted by the farmers of the Carpathian Basin Wine Orders and the surrounding communities in the National Historic Memorial Park of Ópusztaszer at the...

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The wines of Debrecen were presented

A record number of red and white wines and champagnes were nominated for this year’s Debrecen City Wine Competition – the Mayor of Debrecen said at a press conference on...

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Mulled wine, pig cutting and champagne making at the Picnic in Etyek

In addition to traditional wine tastings, you can take part in pig cutting, and can get acquainted with the products of local craftsmen and the way to prepare them as...

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The world’s largest agricultural fair has started in Berlin

The International Green Week (Internationale Grüne Woche – IGW), the largest agricultural, food and horticultural exhibition and fair in the world began on Friday in Berlin. The Hungarian stand was...

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