
TV getting most of the money spent by the FMCG sector

Éva Dancs, researcher of TNS Média Intelligence spoke about the composition of ATL expenditure in the FMCG sector and the relevant trends. Total expenditure by the Hungarian FMCG sector was...

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Nice and accurate targeting

Bertalan Bognár, head of marketing, Mail Division of the Hungarian post Office spoke about the data base gathered from their survey conducted in the spring. The data base can be...

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BioFach: Hungarian visitors in top 10

Looking at the statistics of the BioFach exhibition, Hungarians seem to display a deep interest in the bio-market by international standards. 530 Hungarians have been registered at the last exhibition,...

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Changes in the in-store world

Tímea Pesti, managing director of HL Display and the chairwoman of Hungarian POPAI began her presentation by describing the proportion of impulsive purchases in various sales channels in the UK....

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Sweets at the Cologne ISM: boom with higher prices

The ISM exhibition held in Cologne has come into the focus of attention again, as a result of the global boom in the sales of sweets. This event is to...

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Cartoon heroes selling products

According to Judit Csányi, managing director of Kidz Entertainment Hungary, licensing agreements are still rarely used in Hungary, but the trend is positive. Though using protected figures for advertising campaigns...

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Grüne Woche: business and politics

The Grüne Woche food exhibition to be held between 18-27. January 2008 in Berlin is an important source of business an political information. It is also an example of sustainable...

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Putting us in the mood

Tamás Pálóczi, managing director of Mood Media Hungary spoke about the methods used to create a specific atmosphere in stores. He pointed out that sensory marketing can be a key...

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East and West meeting at Fruit Logistica

As a result of the growing significance of fresh fruits and vegetables in competition among food retailers, the interest displayed towards the Fruit Logistica exhibition to be held between 7-9....

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TV partner for brand building

Tamás Sipos, sponsorship manager of TV2 described the advantages of sponsorship over advertising spots. Sponsorship is linked to programs directly. In case of strategic co-operation, the channel offers Brand Care...

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Prophecies and facts in Tapolca (part 2.)

We hard five presentations on the second day of the Tapolca conference about innovative brands, Trade Marketing Klub held a meeting in the evening, while the third day was devoted...

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IFE FOODAPEST: together for the first time

According to an agreement between Montgomery International and HUNGEXPO Zrt., the two well-known exhibitions of the food industry have united under the name IFE FOODAPEST. The new event will be...

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Heineken strengthening its brands

László Benedek, sales director did not recommend that participants follow the example of the beer industry, as this years expansion was due entirely to the 25 per cent extra tax...

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Important things to know

Place: HUNGEXPO Budapesti Vásárközpont Budapest X., Albertirsai út 10., Mail address: 1441 Budapest, Pf. 44; Telephone: 263-6000 Entrance: Gate III. Organisers: HUNGEXPO Zrt., III. Kiállítási Divízió 1101 Budapest, Albertirsai út...

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Building loyalty without damaging brands

Anita Carra, trade marketing director of Unilever, spoke about their multi-brand promotions. This year, the key to success has been proactive action and the ability to come up with new...

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United against illegal trade!

This sentence was the key idea from the Day of European Commerce held for the third time this year. Sándor Demján, acting chairman of the National Association of Employers and...

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Let’s go to Romania!

Mrs. Marosfi, deputy general director of Univer Product Zrt. in charge of sales and marketing also called for further collaboration between manufacturers and retailers. She also spoke about the difficulties...

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Against the tide with innovation

A number of market changes have been reflected by this year’s Anuga. Innovation seems to be the only means of countering the effects of rising agricultural prices with competition getting...

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What everybody think they know best

Károly Szabó, head of Kaméleon Advertising, talked about the difficulty of designing packaging and used typographic examples to illustrate how specific types of letters can express the essence of a...

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Reaching the limits of growth

This year’s Anuga broke all records. A total of 163,000 accredited guests were registered from 175 countries. There were 6 607 exhibitors from 95 countries. 83 per cent of the...

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Secrets of developing a brand

Borbála Pesti, senior brand manager of Milli, used the introduction of Milli Túróvarázs to emphasise that curd is one of the most versatile and innovative ingredients. products. Judit Sipos, director...

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EuroShop, POS marketing, POPAI

In-store marketing is becoming increasingly important. The EuroShop exhibition to be held in Düsseldorf between 23-27. February ban is an excellent opportunity to find out what the latest developments are....

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Flax for health

András Föglein, managing director of Biogreen International, spoke about their patented product called Linom. It is very versatile material made from flax which can be used in the milling and...

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Visiting the Hungarian branch of POPAI

Before the press conference, dr. Bernd Hallier met members of the Hungarian branch of POPAI. Nearly 50 guests attended the first public event held by the group. Tímea Pesti, director...

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Things to change in stores

Sándor Baja, export director of Eckes granini emphasised the increasing role of trade marketing. He pointed out that 70 per cent of purchasing decisions are made at the point of...

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5 Candidates for the „Wine-grower of the Year” award

The Hungarian Wine Academy gives the title yearly to the best wine-grower, specialist nominate the candidates. This year Janos Frittmann (Kunsag wine-district), Janos Konyari (Balatonboglar wine-district), Otto Legli (Balatonboglar wine-district),...

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Values of Szekszard: Wine and cars

The city's 8 most popular winery showed their best wines on the event organised by local Toyota supplier. Kocsis es Tarsa Kft. staged the first Bormustra (Wine checking) last year...

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Marketing education on IFE-Foodapest

The new founded Club of Marketing Consultants organise presentations during the exhibation's periode. There are several presentation on 20 and 22 November and a half day seminar is waiting the...

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IFE and FOODAPEST together

Food industry meeting point of east and west on 20-22 November in Hungexpo Budapest.  IFE Foodapest is the new annual international trade fair for food, drink and hospitality professionals in...

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New Wine and Cheese Festival in Gerbeaud

There will be the XX. International Meeting for cities of grapes and wine. The IV. New wine and Cheese Festival, between 24-25 November, started with a "ceremonial presentation and greeting"...

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