Company and Personal News

Tesco overtakes with iPhone

A price war can start between Orange, Vodafone and Tesco in Britain, after the discount supermarket chain has announced its plans about selling iPhones before Christmas. Although the exact price...

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The loudest fan was found on Theodora cup

Theodora was looking for the loudest supporter on the Theodora water polo cup event last weekend at the BVSC swimming Pool. The loudest supporter made a 119.3 decibels shout. Anyone...

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Cooperation for the development of domestic wine culture

The Zwack Izabella Wine Shop and the WSET International Wine Academy signed a cooperation agreement to jointly work on the development of domestic wine culture. Under the agreement, the internationally...

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The CBA of Mogyoród saves with digital novelty

CBA ’s Mogyoród business was the first store in Hungary, that introduced the new generation of e-paper digital shelf labels of the British ZBD. The world novelty presented in March,...

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Tesco encourages on credit card use

In order to develop financial awareness, in 20 stores of Tesco, at some cash desks, costumers can only pay with a credit card. Warning signs and hostesses draws the attention...

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Carsten Tilger is the new Head of Corporate Communications at Henkel

The 42-year old Carsten Tilger is the new Director of Communications from 1st of March 2010. He will be directly accountable to the President of Henkel's Management Board, Kasper Rorstednek...

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Tesco met with its potential suppliers

Tesco held its first regional meeting of suppliers in Debrecen. The hypermarket chain met with smaller firms – including the producers of local specialties – that can became supplier of...

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Nestlé forum in the spirit of healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition

Nestlé has kept its second forum of “Nutrition, health and lifestyle”, with the participation of domestic experts. Fourteen delegates of the nineteen invited authorities, educational and research institutions, advocacy, NGO,...

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McDonald's turns green in Germany

According to the German edition of the Financial Times; the yellow letter M in the future will be lit green background at the exterior of the German McDonald's restaurants. The...

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Orange Santa Claus chocolate from BOCI

Because of the increasing chocolate consumption due to the advent period, Boci introduced new products. The Orange Santa Claus chocolate figure was specially prepared for Santa Claus. The chocolate is...

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FUN on the Margaret Island

The Former Unilever Network (FUN) held its second meeting on the Margaret Island on 20th of November 2009. The meeting was not only for the former employees, but the Hungarian...

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The brewery in Nagytapolcsány will be closed

The Topvar beer brewery in the Slovakian Nagytapolcsány (Topol'cany) is finally closing – report MTI after of Révkomárom. The brewery production will be moved to Nagysáros (Vel'ký Saris). The...

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Tesco reached its 100th unit with the opening of four new shop

On 20 November four new Tesco stores were opened. With these, Tesco has a total of hundred hypermarkets in Hungary. The hundredth Tesco was opened in Marcali. In addition, three...

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Seventeen billion bid for Cadbury

The charitable fund, governing Hershey has agreed that the company will offer 17 billion bid for the British chocolate producer Cadbury. The other potential buyer, Kraft Foods has offered 16.2...

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Demján’s company opened a mega-mall in Krakow

The new development of Trigranit Co., the Bonarka City Center opened in the Podgórze district of the city, in the south part of Krakow. One of the main element of...

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The Auchan is not afraid from H1N1

The Auchan introduced all measures, that protect the health of consumers and workers during the H1N1 virus spread period. The Auchan trains its employees since September, for cases of large...

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Drogerie Markt continues to develop

The Drogerie Markt drugstore chain has increased the number of its Hungarian units to 254 stores, with the opening of its latest Budaörs business, on 19th November 2009. The significance...

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Heineken Hungaria supports charitable purposes

Nearly 40,000 votes arrived for the charitable associations and foundations in the action, announced by Heineken Hungária Zrt. Two of them was given the symbolic check in Sopron and in...

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The best job

According to the best working place survey of Világgazdaság and Hewitt; The Kulcs-Soft Nyrt, the FGSZ Földgázszállító Zrt. and the Ericsson Hungary Ltd. became the best Employers in three categories,...

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New interested for Cadbury

Beside Kraft Foods, another applicants are applying to the British confectionery industry giant, the Cadbury. According to the informations of the Wall Street Journal Hershey and the Italian Ferrero discuss...

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The New York coffee house is no more operated by the Italian company

Liquidation is under process against the New York Palace Ristorazione Ltd., the operator of the old-fashioned coffee-house, New York. The Válságmenedzser Ltd. carries out the liquidation, while the Palace Ristorazione ...

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New – Three-in-one – toilet freshener from Henkel

Cleaning and perfuming the bathroom and the toilet is a time-consuming work. Henkel's latest toilets refreshments, the Bref 3-Aktiv provides a solution to three problems at the same time: it...

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Tesco gift for workers

The company will employ 800 casual workers for the time of the Christmas rush, choosing from the families and relatives of the employees. Large numbers of relatives and family members...

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Consumers choose real beer taste

The youngest member of the portfolio of Dreher Breweries, the Dreher 24 was born a year ago. The real non-alcoholic drink is manufactured by a specific production technology. The technology...

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New Tesco in Monor

On November 13, the newest member of the Tesco hypermarket chain opened in Monor. The new Tesco can be found near the main road number 4. For those who Arrive...

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Coke Zero was not succesful in Hungary

Coca-Cola Hungary withdraws its Zero products from the Hungarian McDonald's restaurants. Supposed to simply optimize the portfolio of fast food, the company did not reported consumer datas. "This is the ...

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Carbon monoxide at the mall

Sunday, 14 people were taken to hospital in the newly opened Allee shopping center with the symptoms of gas poisoning. On Monday morning, new cases have been reported. On Monday...

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The new President of the Meat Guild focuses on consumer confidence

According to new president Babati Zoltán; The Association of Entrepreneurs Meat Industrialists and Meat Traders (Meat Guild) would increase competitiveness and strenghten consumer safety and consumer confidence. The organization aims...

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Negro will be produced at a new loacation

The new sugar confectionery plant of Győri Keksz Ltd., built from 1 billion HUF investment, was handed over at the Győr Industrial Park. Győri Keksz Ltd. bought a ten thousand...

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Dairy success story from Kapuvár

Crisis did not affect the additive-free milk producer, the Cserpes cheese manufacture. The company's sales are increasing from month to month. While because of the economic crisis an increasing number...

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