Company and Personal News

Trigranit develops in Poznan

The mostly Hungarian-owned TriGranit, the third biggest commercial real estate developer in Europe signs a contract with PKP Polish Railway Company to construct a transport and trade center. Along with...

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Szentkirályi’s new logistics center has been handed over

The two patrons, Dr. Becsey Zsolt Secretary of State for Foreign Economic Relations and dr. Bábel Balázs archbishop of Kalocsa as well as Lezsák Sándor, vice president of the National...

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Red Bull Mobile to come

Telenor markets three device and two subscription types in a marketing cooperation with Red Bull, the energy drink company. Telenor and Red Bull introduce together in Hungary Red Bull Mobile...

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Lánchíd Klub called on the companies to pool

For the surviving families of natural disasters, resumption and claim adjustment carries tremendous difficulties. In case one becomes a victim under more modest circumstances, without savings and insurance, the tragedy...

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Possible shortage of potatoes – domestic production halves this year

There might be problems both with the quantity and quality of this year’s potatoes. The greater part of the harvest will be less tenable partly because of the improper potato...

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Zwack closed down its financial year with a profit of two and a half billion forints

On its general assembly, Zwack Unicum Plc. consented to pay a dividend of 1000 forints per share. Last year a dividend of 2300 forints per share was payed, the amount...

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British supermarkets are put in pawn by TESCO

Nearly a billion pounds worth mortgage debentures have been issued by TESCO on its supermarkets in Great Britain. This is not the first such transaction and even the Hungarian subsidiary...

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Henkel won Walmart’s prize for the second time

The American commerce giant, Walmart has given Henkel the Sustainability Award for the second time. As members of the international Walmart task forces, German, Central-American and North-American employees of Henkel...

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Danone attacks with ten-cent yoghurt

Danone turns to the markets of developing countries, because it has exhausted the growth opportunities of wealthy countries according to the Wall Street Journal. The company therefore aims to conquer...

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Gösser beer is 150 years old

For this occasion, the Gösser Breweries in Leoben held a beer festival to celebrate the anniversary. The thousands of people celebrating, but they could also taste Gösser’s anniversary beer. The...

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Heartfelt support out of corporate alliance and voluntary contribution: Maspex Olympos Ltd.

Operatives of Maspex Olympos Ltd. have initiated a fund-raising action for the benefit of flood victims. Each employee has donated a sum at their own discretion and by their own...

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Metro shows up in Egypt

Metro Cash & Carry wholesale chain continues its international expansion with its department store ’MAKRO’ opening in Cairo. Egypt is the thirtyfirst on the list of countries which join the...

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Chio fries its products in healthier oil from 1st July

Starting from 1st July 2010, Chio Hungary Ltd. switches to a new oil mixture in both of its factories. The new frying oil contains 30% less saturated fatty acids than...

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Pick and Vodafone together in Formula 1

The Pick brand pertaining to the OTP chief, Sándor Csányi, is going to appear on the McLaren Mercedeses at the Hungarian F1 Grand Prix 2010 – announced Sándor Csányi and...

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Huge greenhouse is being built in Tura

Founded on a local underground hot water of 130 Celsius degrees, a greenhouse as large as ten hectares (10,000 scquare meters) is being built. Approximately six thousand tons of tomatoes...

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New Managing Director at Dreher Breweries Ltd.

It has been announced that Andrei Haret is the new Managing Director of Dreher Breweries Ltd. effectively from 1st July, 2010. The Romanian professional joined SABMiller in 2003 as the...

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Kellogg recalls its cereal

The manufacturer of breakfast cereal products, Kellogg, is obliged to get 28 million boxes of cereal removed from shop shelves. The reason behind the decision is that the food tastes...

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The Kisvárda–based company delivers to European McDonald's and British Tesco

The Master Good Ltd. of Kisvárda uses completely genetically engineered organisms free feedingstuffs on its poultry plants. Bárány László, owner of the company told MTI, that his company supplements domestically...

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Midsummer Night programs in the METRO stores

On the occasion of Midsummer Night, the METRO stores are waiting their professional customers with special programs. This year, the Metro on the day of Midsummer, prepared with special treasure...

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Bonbonetti donations for flood victims

The Bonbonetti Group which is Hungary's most traditional confectionery company donated the flood victims, with 1 million HUF worth sweets. The Tibi, the Cherry Queen and the Bonbonetti brands of...

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Contaminated Mozzarella could be transported to Hungary

200-300 kg of milk-white mozzarella cheese could be released in Hungarian stores through three Hungarian suppliers. The product was produced by the German Milchwerk Jäger GmbH. Several applications have been...

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Hungarian artists in the middle field of Henkel Art.Award

Two, installation artist and a video category art pair will continue in the international finals of the Henkel Art.Award. In Hungary this year, more artists submitted the applications than ever...

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Buffet bought 2 million Tesco shares

Warren Buffett’s share in Tesco went above three percent. The investment guru’s company purchased 2 million Tesco shares. Buffett increased its shares 2 weeks after, that Tesco has announced the...

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9mm Energy Drink in a live concert

Budapest organizes the 14th Kapcsolat concert on Saturday. This year, the guest star will be Rod Stewart. The exclusive energy drink supplier and supporter of the event will be the...

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Greek flavors from Gallicoop

The latest development, the Gyros-plate of Gallicoop Turkey Processing Co. can be found on the shelves for a few days now. The specialty of the product, that the costumer buys...

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The Csányi Winery exports to China

The Csányi Winery, producing an annual 2 million bottles of wine, signed an agreement over Chinese business deliveries – announced Gál József, Deputy Chief Executive. The exact quantities of were...

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The secret of quality: ISO 22000 Standard at the SPAR Meat plant

The cutting and meat processing plant of SPAR Hungary Trade Ltd. is the first among the Hungarian meat plants, that obtained the ISO 22000 food safety standard certification. The SPAR...

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The Törley Chardonnay Brut is the winner of the Champagne category

The Törley group has won a special prize, two gold and two silver medals at the VinAgora International Wine Competition. The VinAgora International Wine Competition was held in Budapest between...

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We like grain

According to the most recent survey of the Nestlé Research Centre of Lausanne; If we change our food made from flour to food made of whole-grain cereals, this change will...

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Mars and a further nine Hungarian large companies against discrimination

The Employers' Forum on Equality, held its first public assembly. The forum was established by the Salva Vita Foundation, together with several large companies in order to fight against discrimination...

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