Company and Personal News

Bonbonetti distributed twenty thousand chocolate bars on Children's day

All the little children got Tibi chocolate gifts at the Metropolitan Zoological Park and at the Grand Circus in the courtesy of the Bonbonetti Group. A total of 20,000 pieces...

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Electronic shelf labels were installed in Romania

Május 1-én, ünnepi keretek között megnyitotta kapuit a Lidas szupermarket Tulcsa szívében. Ez az alkalom áttörési pontnak számít Romániában a Szintézis számára, mivel végre megvalósult az első romániai élelmiszerüzlet elektronikus...

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SPAR helping hands” – for Sustainable Development and Livable Future

The SPAR Magyarország Kft. puts a big emphasis on social responsibility in addition to customer satisfaction in its company philosophy. The group frameworks its CSR activities into the “SPAR helping...

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The XIXO soft drink brand helps the children with leukemia with smiling photos

A smile costs nothing but now it is worth a lot now and heal kids! The XIXO soft drink brand has announced a unique charity advertising campaign, which invokes the...

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Fish processing plant is under construction in Szentgyörgyvár

The Halház Kft. establishes a fish farming and fish processing plant in Szentgyörgyvár, with a nearly seven million euros investment, mainly from own sources – said Andrej Panarin, Executive Director...

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Danone Activia health claim approved in Switzerland

Danone claims its Activia products “contribute to digestive comfort, reducing transit time and swelling” Danone has gained approval for a health claim on Activia yoghurt in Switzerland. The Swiss Federal...

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The guy who keeps using his nose every minute

Every now and again life treats you to a glorious surprise. I was privileged during a recent visit to The Edrington Group’s head office in Glasgow to get to meet...

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Innovation from the US in Hungary

Vocollect’s A730 device contains an integrated short-range scanner, which enables workers to use both voice direction and scanning to fully optimize a process in an ergonomic, wearable form factor that...

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Golden Friday is applying for the Golden Blade

The Aranypéntek (Golden Friday) campaign of Arany Ászok was added to Golden Blade shortlist in two categories – in the film and the sales promotion solutions. The campaign was made...

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Green Office certification for Tetra Pak Hungary

The Tetra Pak is the third company in Hungary that has successfully completed the requirements of the Green Office certification. The Hungarian company is Tetra Pak's first firm that has...

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The Fressnapf is present in Hungary for ten years

Fressnapf opened its first Hungarian unit 10 years ago, in December 2002. Europe's leading pet food and equipment offering chain of store has opened 33 stores across the country and...

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MasterCard Mobile: a milestone in the domestic mobile payment

Thanks to the cooperation of MasterCard Mobile and Számlá the businesses using online billing system can print QR code to their accounts without additional development. The MasterCard Mobile is a...

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The Gyulahús Kft. trusts in the exports

The managing director of the Gyulahús Kft. confuted the informations of the Népszabadság daily, that in a short, the company has compiled several hundresds of million HUF losses. Daka Zsolt,...

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The price margin regulation undermines the investment plans of the BAT Pécsi Dohánygyár Kft.

The price margin regulation forces the BAT Pécsi Dohánygyár Kft. to suspend its 15 billion HUF worth investments planned for 2013-2014 – the BAT Pécsi Dohánygyár Kft. told MTI on...

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Törley won a Decanter Trophy

The Törley Tokaji Doux champagne won a gold medal and a Regional Trophy at the Decanter World Wine Awards. One of the leading and respected wine professional magazine, the Decanter...

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The Raben Group held a health week between 13 and 17 May

More than 50 employees donated blood at Raben Hungary. In the action, the employees of Raben in the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia and...

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The German sugar cartel can affect the Hungarian market as well

The Germans probably paid too much for the sweetness for a number of years. The European Commission suspects that the Nordzucker and Südzucker German sugar companies agreed in the prices...

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Magazin: Pharmacies using retail strategies

Pharmaceutical retail is an exciting market in Hungary: about 2,350 pharmacies realise a HUF 580 billion annual turnover. Pharmanova Zrt. operates the market leading BENU Pharmacies and we asked chairman...

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Kappa suitcases and bags in the latest loyalty action of SPAR

The SPAR Magyarország Kft. in its latest point collecting action – beginning on May 16 2013 – offers the high quality and exclusively designed suitcases and bags of a premium...

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A wafer plant is established in Rétság with an investment of two billion HUF

The Dunakeszi-based Urbán és Urbán Kft. establishes a wafer plant with an investment of two billion HUF. The company plans to open the plant in six months, where fifty or...

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The Good Milk prize winning game for Yogurt lovers has started

The Mona Hungary Kft., which is the distributor of the Good Milk yogurt product family has launched a nationwide prize winning game with educational engagement. In the game lasts between...

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The Manta Swim is willing to conquer the pool and beach apparel market

The Manta Swim Kft. that prepares a market conquest at the Hungarian pool and beach apparel market closed a successfully year in 2012. The 100%  Hungarian-owned start-up company was founded...

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Mondelez Europe: 4.5 billion HUF worth food industrial investment in Székesfehérvár

The world's largest manufacturing company of snack products, the Mondelez International will invest nineteen million dollars, almost four and a half billion forints to the company’s European regional headquarters, that...

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The Biopont Kft. opened a new plant in Dunaújváros – Pálhalma

After about six months of preparatory work the Biopont Kft. carried out a new plant investment in Dunaújváros – Pálhalma. The engine behind the idea of creating the plant is...

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Can we buy the secret Coca-Cola recipe for fifteen million USD on eBay?

A Georgia man claims he has found an original top-secret recipe for Coca-Cola in an old box of papers he purchased from an estate. Now, Cliff Kluge trying to sell...

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The Zalai Poultry Processing Ltd. will be liquidated

The liquidator of the Zalai Baromfifeldolgozó Kft. (Zalai Poultry Processing Ltd.) submitted a liquidation application. The close to 100 workers of the company operated for less than a year were...

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Package starts a new life as an artistic decoration

Who wants to win the latest application of HEINEKEN and the Design Terminál should plan an artistic decoration created from from bottle crates, bottles or cans. The competition aims to...

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Sales reps: in-house or as outsourced staff

Demand for outsourced sales representatives keeps growing because many firms have been forced to lay off staff due to the difficult economic situation – says Ágnes Csiby, client service director...

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Every little helps!

Tesco Hungary CEO Nigel Jones told our magazine that their turnover was HUF 709 billion in the 2012-2013 business year. Last year the company’s focus was more on innovation than...

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SPAR is on a growth track

In 2012 SPAR Hungary realised a HUF 421.5-billion turnover, performing 8 percent better than in 2011. Last year the company continued to develop and refurbish its network of stores, and...

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