Company and Personal News

SPAR: 3 million HUF donation to the zoo foundation

In the scope of the Magyarország (Hungary) sticker collection action, SPAR offered 1 HUF after every sold blue sticker package to the primary foundation of the Metropolitan Zoo. Thanks to...

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The Rézangyal became the majority owner of the Békési Pálinka Zrt.

After several phases of share purchasings, the Rézangyal Kft. has become the majority owner of the Békési Pálinka Zrt.. Békési Zoltán jr. continues to manage the distillery while, the role...

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Raben’s staff and partners are joining forces for the SOS Children's Villages

The Raben Trans European Hungary Kft. organized a fundraising campaign in the summer of 2013 among its Employees, Partners and Clients, in order to jointly help the residents of the...

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Pick and Rába are the best domestic brands

The best brands of Hungary were rewarded with MagyarBrands recognitions this year for the fourth time: the best domestic brand in the business sector became Rába, while the winner of...

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Nestlé reduces the amount of waste in the landfills to zero at its European production sites

“Until 2020, the amount of waste sent to landfill will be reduced to zero in all European factories of Nestlé” – Laurent Freixa, European regional director of the Nestlé announced...

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The first Expert store has been opened in Hungary

The Bravotech Group has opened its first Expert Electro business in Kecskemét, after the company joined to the Expert Internationel in September. In addition to the transformation of the stores...

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Hungary aims to double its mushroom production capacity

One of the goals for the European Union's 2014-2020 financial period is to increase mushroom production capacity from 25 thousand tons to 50 thousand tons and to achieve 20 billion...

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The loyal guests of McDonald's could sit in their new cars

The 25-year-old Hungarian McDonald's in its birthday game, pleasured its loyal customers with 300 prizes. The 5 white Toyota Yaris cars, the main prizes of the prize winning game, that...

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A Thai food company buys a plant in Hungary

The Thai President Foods purchases a food plant in Hungary for 2.1 billion HUF, to get a foothold on the European market – Thailand's The Nation news portal wrote. The...

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The Multipont Program has been renewed

Hungary’s largest market participants offer point collection and point redemption opportunities to their loyal customers at more than 1,000 sites. The Multipont Program, that was founded by the MOL and...

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Hungarian apples are popular among the customers of SPAR

The SPAR Magyarország Kft. joined for the second time to the apple promotion campaign of the Ministry for Rural Development and FruitVeb this year. In almost 400 stores of the...

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The production has started in the expanded plant of Dr. Oetker in Jánossomorja

Dr. Oetker has increased its production capacity to multiple, in the scope of a 1 billion HUF investment in Jánossomorja. The factory expansion that was started last year and was...

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Good quality coffee can be an image shaper in Hungary

In Hungary, offering a coffee to a guest is self-evident, it is an everyday gesture. TÁRKI’s (Social Research Institute) new research, conducted on behalf of Nespresso and Lyreco also confirms...

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Unilever donation on the World Nutrition Day

Unilever contributed to the action of the Hungarian Donation Convoy of the Food Bank Association with 2,500 cartons of food products in a value of more than 2.7 million HUF...

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Nivea opens a Beauty Studio

Consumers can meet with Nivea’s new Beauty Studio at nine locations in the forthcoming days, as the mobile diagnostic and consulting center awaits the interested at a different spot every...

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New production hall was inaugurated at the paint factory of Bócsa

The Poli-Farbe Vegyipari Kft., Hungary’s largest domestically owned paint and coating factory created a new production hall with a 200 million HUF investment. With the expansion of production capacity, the...

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Magazin: Autumn is here, so it is time to do some cleaning again

Dalma Kis, customer & shopper marketing manager with Unilever Magyarország Kft. revealed that the period before Christmas definitely qualifies as cleaning season, because it is a time when we like...

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SPAR supermarkets at OMV filling stations

A SPAR Express store has been opened at the OMV filling station on the Fehérvári Road in Budapest. It is the first supermarket that is located at a filling station....

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Tesco’s efforts were recognized: four awards in the field of social responsibility

In October 2013, Tesco 's corporate social responsibility activities were recognized with four different awards. The Hungarian Donators Forum not only found the company worthy to use the Responsible Supporter...

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The Donation Convoy is on the road again on the occasion of the World Nutrition Day

The METRO Kereskedelmi Kft. once again participates as a donator at the 8th Hungarian Donation Convoy Fundraising event, that was advertised by the Donator Forum on the occasion of the...

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Good hand washing can be the basis for hygiene

On the occasion of the International Day of Hand Washing, the Tork – that is a leading brand of the SCA Hygiene Products international hygiene and paper products manufacturing company...

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A clear yes to the onion-sour taste of Chio

According to a representative survey carried out also in Hungary, 96 percent of the Chio consumers would recommend the onion-sour taste Chio chips to their friends. Metrix Lab’s research showed...

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CBA prepares to open a shop in Moscow

The largest Hungarian-owned food distribution network, the CBA plans to open Hungaricum Delicatessen store in Moscow. The chain’s products had a huge success at last week’s Golden Autumn Moscow Food...

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The Starbucks’ petition is protesting against the budget debate

Starbucks is asking customers to help pressure lawmakers in Washington, DC to end the partial government shutdown and solve the ongoing budget crisis. Beginning on Friday, Starbucks is distributing a...

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IKEA’s revenues have increased

The IKEA Group’s revenues have increased in the fiscal year ended at the end of August 2013. The company’s sales were 27.9 billion euros. That is a 3.1 percent growth,...

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The Red Bull Air Race returns in 2014

Red Bull Air Race World Championship racing series will return in 2014 with seven races in three continents. The return of the world's fastest motor sport competition was announced at...

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The new LEGO® STORE opens on Saturday with a twenty percent discount

The second LEGO® Store in Hungary opens on 12 October on Saturday in the Allee Shopping Centre. On this occasion, special events and promotions are waiting for the fans of...

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Three hundred thousand HUF worth support to the Pető Institute

The Raben Trans European Hungary Kft. took the responsibility to help the Pető Institute and supported the operation of the institution with 50 different types of tested fire-extinguishers. The Raben...

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Huge acquisition on the Hungarian agricultural market

The Bige Holding will be the majority owner of the KITE Zrt. if the Competition Authority authorizes the acquisition – Bige László, the owner of the holding told “The...

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Martin Olivér became the chief financial officer at Szentkirályi

From October 2013 Martin Olivér fills in the chief financial officer position at the Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft. His main tasks will be to ensure the company's funding and the professional...

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