Company and Personal News

Vodka is not for hand disinfection

An American handmade vodka company has been forced to respond to misleading information on the Internet that its product is suitable for hand disinfection in the fight against the new...

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What is Nestlé doing to tackle plastic packaging waste?

Our vision is that none of our packaging, including plastics, ends up in landfill, in oceans, lakes and rivers. We are working hard to deliver on it and help achieve a...

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Tomato seeds that visited space

The Veresi Paradicsom Kft. cultivates cherry tomato specialties with a high natural value in a hydroculture greenhouse, with a clean natural method, biological plant protection, in a sustainable environmentally friendly...

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(HU) Szabadtartású tojás az áruházláncok polcain

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Hungary’s best known Bear ( Medve) is ninety years old

In 1925, the so-called box cheese was brought to Hungary by cheese master Stauffer Frigyes. After the initial success, the heraldic animal of Bern canton of in Switzerland, which was...

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The site of Magtár Kft. in Szekszárd was handed over

On Wednesday, the Szekszárd branch of the Agricultural Equipment Sales Company was handed over. Image: At the inauguration ceremony, Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Dreher 24 renews with Red Beer

Dreher expands the non-alcoholic beer market: the company’s experts are offering consumers a new alternative with Red Beer. The unique brew is darker in color and has a more pronounced...

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LEGO increased its turnover and profits last year

Along with its revenue growth, the Danish LEGO Group gaming concern posted higher profits last year – according to the company’s balance sheet sent to MTI on Wednesday. The LEGO...

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Do you see it when you hear it?

The Coca-Cola Lion Award winner’s Try Not to Hear This campaign is already being seen (or heard) at home. Ringing of ice cubes in the glass; soft knocking as the...

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Lidl also uses recycled plastic to wrap fish in packaging waste

Lidl integrates even time-collected plastic from the ocean into the packaging of some of its products, – origo wrote after Store Insider. Lidl, creates opackaging for its fresh fish products...

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FAO, UN Environment deepen their partnership

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) renewed their partnership on Thursday, pledging to cooperate in areas of common interest. The Memorandum of...

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New CEO at McDonald’s in Hungary

From March 1, 2020, Égi Zsolt is the new Managing Director of McDonald’s in Hungary. The specialist will replace Horváth Ágnes, the number one manager in the company. After 20...

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The meatfree meat-producing company is still loss-making

The California-based Beyond Meat released its fourth-quarter report, and while the company is still loss-making, it has lost much less than a year earlier due to strong demand growth, origo...

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The turnover of Wiesbauer-Dunahús increased last year

Despite difficult economic conditions, Karl Schmiedbauer, Commercial Counselor and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Wiesbauer Holding Rt. considered the turnover of 5.1 billion forints as positive. The company...

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Bruce Willis doubles with HELL

HELL ENERGY, one of the world’s best-known and market-leading energy drink brands in Hungary, continues to partner with Bruce Willis. The superstar will be the face of HELL’s global advertising...

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Kapitány István became the new president of the Association of Managers

The National Association of Managers held its Extraordinary General Assembly on January 20, 2020, and Kapitány István, Vice President of Global Retail at Shell, was elected as the new president...

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Beer consumption drops in China – outage due to virus – reports the world’s biggest beer brewer

Anheuser-Busch InBev warned on Thursday that its first-quarter earnings could be down 10 percent due to the coronavirus. The announcement was particularly badly received by investors, the stock price fell...

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Seaweed boxes can solve the problems of food suppliers

Online food delivery business Just Eat, together with sustainable packaging firm Notpla, has developed what it describes as a “fully recyclable” takeout box lined with seaweed – origo wrote after...

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The HFI Kft. expanded its production capacity from one billion HUF

The HFI Kft. in Pusztaszer and Mélykút, producing peppercorns, dried herbs, vegetables and fruits and live food supplements, expanded its production capacity from almost one billion forints with the help...

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Römerquelle arrives in stores in the spring in 100 percent recycled plastic bottles

Römerquelle mineral water will be available in 100 percent recycled plastic bottles soon in Hungary. The inscription on the label, “Bottle from Bottle”, means that the packaging of Römerquelle had...

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HELL ENERGY: PET bottles are the real problem

As a responsible manufacturer, HELL ENERGY Magyarország Kft. welcomes the government’s initiative to reduce the number of disposable plastics, which is the environmental impact of PET bottles. With its environmentally...

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Corteva’s agricultural sales dropped last year

The net sales of the Global agricultural company Corteva Agriscience, which is also present in Hungary, decreased by 3 percent to 13.8 billion USD last year from 14.28 billion USD...

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Special plasters from Tesco

The UK’s largest retailer Tesco is introducing a range of plasters to match different skin colours and better reflect racial and ethnic diversity – The Guardian wrote. In a supermarket...

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(HU) Laktózmentes feta sajtok az ALDI-tól

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(HU) Sirha 2020: A leginnovatívabb IT-technológiai termék

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Several Tesco shops open at Shell filling stations

Shell is pleased to announce that you can now easily shop at 4 newly opened Tesco stores in Budapest! They offer attractive prices and a wide selection of dairy products,...

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The ranking of the TOP 5 Békés County companies has not changed

Linamar Hungary Zrt., Gallicoop Zrt., Guardian Orosháza Kft., Hirschmann Car Communication Kft. and Mondi Békéscsaba Kft. remain the top five companies in the Békés County TOP 100 corporate ranking. The...

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Bravos re-launch

“Bravos: Coffee the way you like it” is the key message of the 30-second TV spot designed to re-position the popular Hungarian coffee. Outside this year, the Hungarian Bravos coffee...

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ITM Secretary of State: the Abu Alba Kft. represents the future of Hungarian companies

Adu Alba, a company specializing in packaging systems, symbolizes the future of the Hungarian economic strategy, is owned by a Hungarian family, produces high-tech technology and is green – the...

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Turbó Diéta strengthens with sales manager and brand manager

The Turbó Diéta (Turbo Diet) starts 2020 with new professionals and a new image. The 15-year-old company aims to further increase its market share in the domestic market, as well...

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