Shopkeeper wagecomes: where the shop flourishes

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 09. 09. 11:35
The truth is also in wage, but the buyer dictates: in June, compared to April, the shoe store seller received 61 thousand, the bookstore seller 57 thousand, the clothing store seller 53 thousand, and the turquoise seller 51 thousand forints thicker envelopes at the end of the month, while on the other hand, telecommunication sellers took home 13,000 less HUF.

As a rule, the wages of shopkeepers, like all other costs, must be paid out of something. If the revenue of the store flourishes, more wages are paid, but when there are less customers, owners have to carve out everything, staff numbers and wages. This can also be seen from the shopkeeper’s payroll for the pandemic months, most recently from the payroll of June.