60 thousand stores areopen, 80 thousand closed

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2021. 03. 08. 11:35
Would you cheat? It won’t work, the rule is accurate. Why 140 thousand? Because retail trade statistics do not include all retail outlets, such as tobacconists, lotteries, markets, and some mixed-activity outlets, such as wholesale outlets. That’s all we count on now. (In the narrower shopkeeper statistics, the number of stores is 125 thousand.)

The main rule of the store lock, which will be launched from March 8, is that on the one hand, it is “allowed to stay and buy” in the stores and places of purchase specified in the list, while the other stores are “obliged to keep it closed”. This is also clearer, stricter, as opposed to the looser wording of the previous period, when the obligation to keep closed text was still missing. Excuse me, the pandemic is more severe.