Stable points in an unstable period…
…as the experts saw it back in May. On 26 May the Business Dinner – a meeting for FMCG executives – took place in Hungexpo’s new Congress Centre, with the participation of nearly 70 people. Szilvia Krizsó was the host of the roundtable discussion, where the following experts exchanged opinions: economist and former Minister of Foreign affairs Dr Péter Balázs; economist, energy expert, former state secretary and president of the Hungarian Energy Traders’ Association Dr Balázs Felsmann; and economist, university professor and former president of the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB) Dr György Surányi.

From left to right: Szilvia Krizsó host, dr. Balázs Felsmann, president of the Hungarian Energy Traders’ Association, dr. György Surányi ecoomist, former president of the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB), dr. Péter Balázs economist, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zsuzsanna Hermann, owner and managing director of Trade magazin
Topics included the reasons behind and the consequences of the inflation and the weakening of the forint, the energy supply and its possible disruptions, the war in Ukraine, the impact of the special taxes imposed and the steps MNB might take to improve the economic situation. The experts answered questions from the audience, and discussions continued during the meal. //
This article is available for reading on p 159 of Trade magazin 2022.08-09.
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