The autumn harvesting work is completed
The autumn harvest work has been completed in our country. The difficult grain market situation caused by Ukraine’s grain exports to Europe left its mark on the harvest, so the Hungarian government maintains the import restrictions and continues to fight so that Hungarian and regional farmers finally win meaningful EU protection, announced Zsolt Feldman.

(Photo: Pixabay)
The Secretary of State responsible for agriculture and rural development of the Ministry of Agriculture indicated that the rainy weather of the past few weeks made the completion of the works significantly more difficult. Zsolt Feldman said based on the data of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy that the harvesting of sunflowers, soybeans and potatoes has been completely completed. In the case of sunflower, the amount of the crop is 2 million tons, the national yield per hectare is 3 tons, compared to last year’s 1.8 tons. The soybean harvest from 58,000 hectares resulted in 177,000 tons, i.e. the yield average is a little more than 3 tons per hectare. Potatoes closed with an average yield of 27 tons per hectare and a final result of 161,000 tons. The sugar beet harvest is halfway through, with an average of 58 tons per hectare, with a national result of 431,000 tons. The national average yield of corn has risen to 8 tons per hectare, and at a harvesting level of 89 percent, the total amount already harvested exceeds 5.3 million tons. The yield averages for sunflower are quite balanced nationally, in the case of corn they differ more from region to region, while in the Southern Great Plain the average yield barely reaches 6.2 tons/hectare, while in Western Transdanubia and Northern Hungary it was around 8.9 tons/hectare.
New tenders will open next year
Zsolt Feldman highlighted that the Ministry of Agriculture is using all possible means to help farmers maintain their financial liquidity by providing state-supported, low-interest loan schemes and this year by providing HUF 270 billion in advances and partial payments. He also emphasized that at the beginning of next year the new calls for agricultural and rural development tenders and grant titles will be launched, the tender schedule is available on the ministry’s thematic website at The state secretary drew the attention of those concerned to monitor all the information provided by the Ministry of Greyhounds in order to ensure that every producer can find the most suitable support for them.
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