Bakator wine and gastronomic festival in Bihardiószeg

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2018. 05. 25. 11:06

The Bakator wine and gastronomic festival was organized for the second time by the local council of Bihardiószeg on Saturday in the garden of the local Zichy castle. This year’s cultural program was supported by the City of Debrecen and the Hajdú-Bihar County Fair Federation – the organizers told MTI.

The visitors of the festival could taste 48 wines of 19 wineries, and in addition to local gastronomic specialties, Boros László, Venesz award-winning master chef from Debrecen and Rózsa Péter organic farmer from Balmazújváros prepared the foods, while local and neighborhood cultural groups were performing on the festival’s stage. (MTI)