Magazine: From the journalist’s notes taken in Barcelona

Indra K. Nooyi
‘In the developed world obesity has reached a level where today’s children might be the first generation to live shorter lives than their parents. The food sector has to form a unified opinion to make its voice heard in tackling the problem.’ (Indra K. Nooyi, president-CEO of PepsiCo) • ‘Healthy eating is a more complex issue than “people in rich countries eat well and those in poor countries eat badly.” For instance in the USA 40 million people live off food stamps.’ (Dick Boer, president-CEO of Dutch retail company Ahold) • ‘We said to ourselves: let’s try to be a better company, let’s change things and let the results speak for themselves.’ (Doug McMillon, president-CEO of US retailer Walmart International about how they earned a positive reputation in the USA after receiving so much criticism earlier) • ‘It is the responsibility of manufacturers and retailers to make the lives of consumers better with their better business practices. For instance Gillette recently developed a cheap razor for Indian men, based on knowledge from ethnographic research. Always products make it possible for adolescent girls not to be absent from school for a couple of days each month.’ (Bob McDonald, president-CEO of Procter&Gamble) • ‘We have entered the period of impossible things. Everything is increasingly complex. Market actors have a huge responsibility concerning food safety.’ (Joshua Cooper Ramo, managing director of Henry Kissinger’s (former US Secretary of State) consulting firm) • ‘Most politicians’ advisors are economists who do not ask whether there will be enough food, water and energy in the world if the economy just keeps growing. Food is the weakest link in political decision making.’ (Lester Russell Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute in Washington)