Innovation is the key to survival

By: Budai Klára Date: 2024. 10. 02. 12:06

For the 7th time, on 12 September the Value and Quality Awards were presented to the winners, in the building of the Hungarian Parliament. Trademark use and the award were granted to 38 entries from 32 applicants, in a competition covering more than 100 categories in 45 main groups.

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/10

Organised by DIAMOND Szervezőiroda Bt., ExVA Vizsgáló és Tanúsító Kft., FANNIZERO Kft., Hajnal Húskombinát Kft., INNOVA Észak-Alföld Regionális Fejlesztési és Innovációs Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft., LEGRAND Magyarország Villamos Rendszerek Zrt. and SZÁM-PONT Számítástechnikai és Oktató Központ Kft., the programme rewards those products, services and companies that are dedicated to delivering high quality, and also meet certain sustainability and environmental protection criteria.

Ildikó Kiss Károlyné, managing director of DIAMOND Szervezőiroda Bt. and founder of the Value and Quality Award Trademark gave an insight into this year’s results and experiences:

Kiss Károlyné, ÉMIN

Ildikó Kiss Károlyné
managing director
DIAMOND Szervezőiroda Bt.

“Despite the uncertainties of the economic situation, the 2024 Value and Quality Award system has been successful. Businesses were aware that continuous innovation and improvement was the key to their survival and growth. The quality and innovation content of the applications was outstanding. It is essential for companies to differentiate themselves in the market. Using a trademark is an excellent tool to do this, as it certifies the quality and reliability of products and services. The Value and Quality Award scheme is a bridge connecting different economic actors and it is also great help for consumers in making informed choices”. //


The 2024 award winners in the Parliament, after the awards ceremony. Congratulations!


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