This year’s Russian grain harvest could be the lowest since 2021

By: STA Date: 2024. 06. 19. 09:00

This year’s Russian grain harvest may be the lowest since 2021, according to a report presented on Wednesday by SovEcon, a Russian economic research company specializing in the study of agricultural markets.

(Photo: Pixabay)

According to SovEcon experts, this year’s grain harvest will be 127.4 million tons, falling short of last year’s 144.9 million tons and 2022’s 157.6 million tons. In 2021, 121.2 million tons of grain were harvested in Russia. According to the forecast of the Russian institute, compared to last year, 80.7 million tons of wheat would be harvested this year, 13 percent less than last year, and 18.6 million tons of barley, which is a 12 percent decrease compared to 2023, while the corn harvest is expected to be 12 percent less than last year and 14, It will be 6 million tons. SovEcon partly attributed the declining grain harvest this year to the fact that the area sown in grain decreased by 3 percent compared to last year, to 46.4 million hectares, with the largest decrease in the case of barley, to 7.3 million hectares from last year’s 7.9 million hectares. The report also mentioned among the negative factors that the amount of precipitation that fell in the last three months was 60-80 percent of what is usual at this time, while in May there was severe frost damage in several areas.


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