Winners of the Value & Quality Award
Value & Quality Award winners have also earned the right use the certification trademark for a year, free of charge.
AGM Beton Zrt. / SYCONS Kft.
Pressable reinforced concrete tunnel elements and the related pressing technology
AgroVIR 2 management information system
ALBADENT Fogászati Kft. /Denti System Kft.
FIXFOGSOR Denture fixing system with mini implants
Schwabland turkey sausages in delicatessen and hot versions
Andrea Kft.
Practicality and functionality in baby and children’s clothing
Cross-generational, cross-border sports movement for preserving traditions
Balázs-Diák Kft.
‚Become more skillful’ online playground
BioCo Magyarország Kft.
BioCo ‘100% organic’ dietary supplement product range
Cultured mushrooms: White and brown common mushroom (Champignon), oyster mushroom (Pleurotus)
Budapest Gyógyfürdői és Hévizei Zrt.
Palatinus Medicinal Spa, Swimming and Wave Pool
Clearservice Kft.
‘We establish homes in Hungary’ programme
CO-OP Hungary Zrt.
‘COOP high quality at a good price’ 4-egg elbow (chifferi) and spaghetti pastas
(500g size)
CO-OP Hungary Zrt.
‘COOP high quality at a good price’ smoked and aged, sliced salami mix (80g protective atmosphere packaging)
CO-OP Hungary Zrt.
‘COOP high quality at a good price’ household and sanitary paper products
Csehiné Sikos Mária Családi gazdálkodó Őstermelő
Traditional homemade Trappist cheese product range
CSOMIÉP Beton-és Meliorációs Termékgyártó Kft.
Framework elements for building square-shaped culverts
Deka Union Kft. /Lidl Magyarország Bt.
Címeres’ and ‘Húsfarm friss’ flavoured sausages to fry
Virtual planning and manufacturing in implantation dental prosthetics
.C. DEMIART S.R.L . (Ro)
Wooden devotional statues
SigNature anti-wrinkle face cream, made from organic and healthy ingredients
Dora Natura – 13 skin care creams
Butcher’s wiener/frankfurter
Földijó-Gasztro Kft.
SEKLER’ – BAKE’N’ROLL – charcoal chimney cake maker for home use
GéSz Gaál és Sziklás Kft.
Flavon product range
Grabowski Kiadó Kft.
Trade Magazin, FMCG B2B trade magazine
Győri Likőrgyár Zrt.
Pannonhalmi Grape and grape marc pálinka product range
Gyulai Mini Grill Sausage product range
MÁRK outdoor and indoor doors and windows
Ilcsi SZÉPÍTŐ FÜVEK Biokozmetikai Kft.
RadioSkin Professional natural beauty cream product range
Lidl Magyarország Bt.
‚HÚSFARM’ product range – rabbits
Lidl Magyarország Bt.
‘Chef Select’ chilled ready meals
Lidl Magyarország Bt.
Craft beer product range
Manhertz Erzsébet Szociális Alapítvány
Creating a profile in old age care
MicsFood Franchise
MUREXIN Építőanyaggyártó és Kereskedelmi Kft.
Murexin Szekszárd Factory – energy efficiency development project
Natural Immune Control System Zrt.
One Year Product mouth dissolving granules dietary supplement product range, One Year Product capsule dietary supplement product range, plus: Medium-term product range
NATURLAND Magyarország Kft.
NATURLAND Melliora cream
Óbudai Danubia Zenekar Nonprofit Kft.
WE DO NEED MUSIC…children’s and educational concerts by the Óbuda Danubia Orchestra in school gyms
OrtoProfil Prod Románia Kft. (Ro)
Wonder helmet – cranial reshaping orthosis
Panyolai Szilvórium Zrt.
Panyolai Simple Quintessence (SQ)
Petry S.R.L . (R0)
Királyleányka – white wine
Petry Retail SRL
Petry Bistro Grill & Wine
Primacom SRL (Ro)
Special dried meat products from Transylvania
Sárközi László EV.
Aluminium lamella structures
Sole-Mizo Zrt.
Mizo Coffee Selection
SPQR 2014 Kft.
Harmony of horse and rider at the Texas Ranch
Welovebeauty Kft.
Collagen Cocktail collagen&hyaluronic acid&elastin complex liquid dietary supplement
Welovebeauty Kft.
Collagen Cocktail anti-aging face care complex
Grapeseed oil bathing and body care product range
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