Nosalty is among the top three most-viewed female contents
The NoSalty is not only Hungary’s most popular recipe site: during the summer, just like in last December, the site rose to the top3 of the female contents in the main cooking season. Based on the number of unique visitors-list (source: dhttp: //, in June NoSalty was the third, in July and in August became the second most-watched women's website.
The Nosalty started in 2008 as a garage blog. Since May 2012 it is the market leader recipe page. The company's revenue for 2013 increased to 160.7 million HUF, 117 million HUF more than in 2012. The site has one million monthly visitors nowadays. On the sie one can find more than 44,000 community-based, but constructed and tested recipe in a structured, categorized form. This is complemented by the edited magazine content.
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