The table is set: for BrauBeviale 2016
All good things come in threes – and so it is for BrauBeviale 2016, opening once again after two extremely successful events, before it closes its doors for the scheduled break next year. The participants include: the European specialist beverage world with almost 1,100 exhibitors and over 37,000 visitors at the last event. From 8 to 10 November, the sector’s regular table at this year's most important equipment show for the beverage industry in Nuremberg will be richly set: covering all aspects of the beverage production process chain, the menu features high-quality raw materials, efficient technologies, effective logistics solutions and creative marketing ideas.
“This year we will again really hit the ground running”, promises Director Exhibitions Andrea Kalrait. “The proven highlights will of course also be presented at BrauBeviale just as much as new ideas. And these apply not only to beer, even if that is and remains of course the heart of the fair. With a spectrum extending from wine, spirits right up to liquid dairy products, there is a lot to experience here for the innovative, creative beverage sector!” You will be able to experience the dynamic and nevertheless relaxed atmosphere once again this year in eight fully booked exhibition halls.
The entire beverage industry process chain under one roof
On an international level too, the companies from the beverage industry have got a taste for it: almost every second exhibitor (47 percent) now comes from abroad – at the last event they came from a total of 49 countries, in particular, as previously, from Germany, followed by Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland. The fact that BrauBeviale is quite rightly regarded as the regular meeting place for the sector, is confirmed by the results of an independent institute: no less than 97 percent of the exhibitors surveyed stated that they had reached their most important target groups.
This specialist range of products and services covers everything the heart of a beverage specialist desires: be it beer, wine, sekt (sparkling wine), spirits, non-alcoholic drinks or liquid dairy products – it starts with the selection of suitable raw materials. For beverage manufacture itself you then require special, optimized plant and engineering, also for the filling and packaging of the ready product. Packaging materials and ancillaries along with automation and IT as the background support also play a role here as does perfectly coordinated logistics. In the concluding process, the respective beverage must still be marketed and sold in a creative and target group-orientated approach – and to this end too, the exhibitors at BrauBeviale are offering specific solutions.
Young, innovative and from Germany? Apply for sponsorship now!
But not only established companies, be it small/medium-sized or global players, they are all presenting their innovations and new products. At the last event, 17 German start-ups seized the opportunity to present themselves to the highly qualified gathering of trade visitors and make valuable contacts. Once again this year, young, innovative companies in Germany will receive – subject to fulfilling certain conditions – sponsorship from the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) for their trade fair participation. The participation will once again be supported with 70% of costs covered. Interested parties will receive detailed information on the sponsored pavilion from NürnbergMesse: Bettina Wild, send enquiry, Tel +49 9 11 86 06-81 78 or at
Exceptional enjoyment of beverage specialties
In the supporting program too, tried-and-tested is combined in the usual way with the new. “Exceptional enjoyment” is once again the motto this year. In addition to Creative Beer Culture, there will be quite a lot to experience at BrauBeviale covering all aspects of Premium Spirits, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and dairy products: presentations and much more. Among others, once again in the Craft Beer Corner, beverage experts will be presenting special tasting sessions for specialist retailers, caterers, producers and all other interested trade fair guests.
Of course also featured here is the European Beer Star, after all it has been at home at BrauBeviale since 2004. Now one of the largest international beer competitions, it was jointly initiated by the Association of Private Bavarian Breweries (Private Brauereien Bayern), honorary sponsor of the fair, the German and European umbrella organization. The tried-and tested, popular tradition at BrauBeviale is the selection of the Consumers’ Favourites in Gold, Silver and Bronze: on the first day of the fair all guests have the opportunity to select their favourite beer from the competition gold medal winners.
Also part of the support program is the European MicroBrew Symposium, which for the fifth time already, is taking a very close look at markets, trends and technologies. Managing directors, owners, technical managers and master brewers from European micro and craft breweries along with representatives of the supplying industry will as usual be paying their visit to the much-in-demand conference on the day before the fair. It is being organized jointly by NürnbergMesse in cooperation with the Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei (VLB, Research and Teaching Institute for Brewing), Berlin. The conference language is English. Parallel to this, for the first time, there will be a further training event for European distillers and representatives from the spirits industry: the 1st European MicroDistilling Symposium, here too the organizer is the VLB.
And that's not all: even away from the fair business and activity at BrauBeviale, you will be able to experience exceptional drinking enjoyment – at the BierErlebnis Nürnberg (Nuremberg Beer Experience). Numerous restaurants, pubs and cafés, spread across the whole city, are offering full-bodied beer and brewery specialties. And anyone who would also like to find out about the mobile, creative culinary art scene and enjoy an exceptional eating experience, will find exactly what they are looking for at the SFC Street Food Convention: it opens on the last day of BrauBeviale and is looking forward to also welcoming visitors from the beverage sector.
Absolute professional delight in the support program
Right at the heart of it instead of just being there: the communicative Forum BrauBeviale. Here, on all three days of the fair, co-organized by the honorary sponsor, the Association of Private Bavarian Breweries (Private Brauereien Bayern), and in cooperation with renowned sector partners, there will be interesting presentations and discussions held by experts for experts. The range of themes extends from design right up to the beverage container issue, from packaging up to Creative Beverage Culture, from offers for hotel and catering right up to further and continuation training in the beverage industry.
Regardless of which beverage, once it has been finally produced, it must be filled and packaged. Covering all aspects of the beverage packaging theme, BrauBeviale is presenting a diverse range: packaging materials and packing supplies – from glass, through to cans up to kegs or barrels – sealing systems – bottle caps, swing tops, twist-off caps, corks and much more – along with packing ancillaries such as for example labels, crates, pallets. In addition to this, PET@BrauBeviale is offering attractive solutions for the entire PET value-added chain. In the PETarena – connecting competence, companies will be presenting a diverse PET range of services for small and medium-sized companies and global players. The international, two-day congress PETnology Europe, which is being held directly in the run-up to the fair, will open PET PASSION WEEK.
International, top-ranking guests
BrauBeviale is looking forward to its guests. Last year they travelled to Nuremberg from 131 countries, including over 15,000 visitors from abroad – in particular from Italy, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium and Russia. And it has obviously paid off: almost everyone (99 percent) was satisfied with the range of products and services at the fair and is planning to visit the fair again in future (98 percent). The visitors were brewers, but also experts from the plant and engineering sector, the packaging industry, service sectors for the beverage industry, from the soft drinks, juices, mineral water, wine and dairy products sectors as well as malt houses, the retail trade and catering. For their part the exhibitors were delighted with the high quality of the visitors to the stands: no less than 90 percent of the trade visitors are involved in their companies’ investment decisions.
International expertise in the beverages industry
In addition to BrauBeviale in Nuremberg, NürnbergMesse is also demonstrating its expertise on an international level when it comes to the beverage industry. In this connection, from 28 February to 2 March 2017, following a successful premiere, the second edition of Beviale Moscow will be held, an equipment show mainly for the Russian and Eastern European market. In addition, we must welcome the youngest project in the portfolio: the China Craft Beer Conference & Exhibition (CBCE) on 26 and 27 May 2016 in Shanghai. Other projects are in the pipeline.
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