In agriculture, the strength for progress is still provided

By: STA Date: 2024. 05. 28. 09:30

By using the resources of the new tenders, the agrarian sector can be renewed with HUF 2,900 billion. The goal of the subsidies is to put the domestic agriculture and food industry at the forefront of Europe by 2030, said Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, at the Szatmári Group’s investment presentation in Jászladány on Tuesday.

(Photo: AM/István Fekete)

The deputy minister reminded that since 2010, we can talk about continuous development in agriculture. And there will still be enough strength for progress, as another huge sum of HUF 5,376 billion is available until 2027 as the entire resource framework of the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan. Of this, almost HUF 2,900 billion are used for the purposes of rural development. The Hungarian government supplements the HUF 600 billion EU rural development subsidy with HUF 2,300 billion. This amount, through its use for the purposes included in the plans, represents a tangible tool for the renewal of the Hungarian agriculture and food industry, he added. Sándor Farkas also mentioned that in the future they will focus on supporting developments that demonstrate their added value, are financially sound, the investing company maintains long-term sales or procurement relationships with its business partners, and takes significant steps towards the wider use of digitization solutions.

The deputy minister encouraged those present to make bold use of the tender opportunities and move Hungarian agriculture definitively into the 21st century

He explained that the total value of the developments implemented by the Szatmári Group of Companies exceeds HUF 10.5 billion. Several important investments were handed over in Jászság. For example, at Bobák-Farm Kft., which belongs to the company group, 3 new cattle barns were built with almost 1,000 new places. A milestone in the life of enterprises is the development of Jász-Föld Zrt.’s dairy cattle farm and the modernization of pig farming, as well as the construction of a new crop storage and dryer. The resources of the Rural Development Program also contributed to the investments – underlined Sándor Farkas.


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